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Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

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Fair enough. Except that you would hardly agree to discuss supposed events that find no mention in any mainstream media, certainly not of the type of the cut & dry statements in a blog. Are such incidents happening? Possible, plenty of nutcases around. Are they widespread? Certainly not.

As for burying my head in the sand, I suggests you read up on my posts. I have no sympathy with religious bigots from any religion. However, the reference to Karnataka is quite simple a bit of a red herring. There were these incidents a year or two ago but have died down mostly. There have been no deaths attributable to any extremist violence & whatever your standards of what grievous violence means, you really have to set the bar extremely high to go overboard to classify these acts of physical violence & intimidation as serious violence.

I didn't read your previous post - fair enough il retract that. One has a tendency to agree. I am vigorously against extremism everywhere. They probably are a tiny minority beating up the drums and the smoke alarms people. Lets be bottom line. Across both borders 99% of us want peace and quiet. Happy to get on with other issues and this minority needs to be squashed.
Can anyone tell me if there are actual laws in India that permit conversions in religion? If there aren't any such laws, why are Christian preachers getting imprisoned for this?

You can convert (some states have stringent provisions) but the preachers end up in trouble because their methods of conversion involve denigrating other religions/God(s). Vague laws leave it to the policemen to interpret whether it constiutes an offence against communal harmony. Some go free, others go to jail. In any case easily bailable.

At least I'm talking on topic. Your fellow Indians here brought Muslims & Islam (& Pakistan) into this, & talked about apostasy in Islam for about half this total thread.

Throw muck & muck follows. One cannot be too choosy or insistent in the type of muck others will bring to the party. In any case I'm only responsible for my posts, I hold no brief for any other.
wow , i was just pasting what is in scripture where did i claimed am scholar..

What is wrong with copy paste, i cant wirte hindu scripture myself ofc i will copy what hindus say :wave:

I have given exact veda reference which hindu frds here demanded

Yajur Veda 2.2.10:
'Too much splendour is produced', they say, 'he is liable to become a leper'; he should insert the verses of Manu's; whatever Manu said is medicine."

Before criticizing me see that what i have said.....

If you are not scholar not act to be one. Its as simple as that. Why didn't you quoted the source earlier ? Now Bang galore has busted you, now giving excuses. :blah::blah:

Nobody expects you to read/write Hindu Scriptures . At the same time If you want to criticise about Vedas and manu smriti, get first hand experience from a authentic source and then comment on it, not borrowed from a forum discussion from an unknown poster (How do you know that unknown poster is Hindu ?)

@ topic
In India anybody can accuse the other. However every person is innocent unless proven guilty by the court of Law. Has anybody doubt that Christians will be at the receiving end when Soniya ji herself is the center of power ? :smokin:
First these christians father's should stop force conversions of hindus and playing with their sentiments.....

ANd if any christian is found to be converting,people will hit him hard....is that really tough to understand??

First these christians should learn to live in their limits and leave people with other faith to live peacefully not trying to convert them ....

Live and let live,ull face no problems,if christians try to converts people like rats,then these rats has to be treated with rat busters..
First these christians father's should stop force conversions of hindus and playing with their sentiments.....

ANd if any christian is found to be converting,people will hit him hard....is that really tough to understand??

First these christians should learn to live in their limits and leave people with other faith to live peacefully not trying to convert them ....

Live and let live,ull face no problems,if christians try to converts people like rats,then these rats has to be treated with rat busters..

conversion is not illegal and should not be stopped..only the wrong methods adopted is to be stopped.
Incidents against Christians in Karnataka:

Recent Incidents of Persecution
you are taking a fanatic website as source ;)

just look at this:
Compass Direct News
advertisment for the messianic Judaism
seems the Americans organizations become more and more a problem for the tolerance and the social peace in countries.

as said just above, there should be a respect of local culture and the social peace.

even in France the evangelist say the catholics are not real christians.
such hatred...
I say what I say - you do not know more about the situation than a Pakistani from Pakistan ;)

No flame baiting from me, I'm just asking you, who was held accountable from the Indian government when 50,000 Sikhs were killed in India?
50,000 sikhs?:lol:
Yeah it was Congress and its dirty games..tytler and Sajjan...but everything's normal now...An average Hindu and a sikh share a great amount of brotherhood..
Btw,how can you tell better than an Indian living in India? ;)
For the Indians that have successfully managed to derail the thread, let me remind them this thread is about Hindus killing Christians in Karnataka, nothing to do with Muslims or Islam.
Why have you been participating actively in the debate then??When you lost the debate...ulte pair chal diye?:lol:
Yes, the Shias do not accept the Sahih Bukhari as authentic. There are various other sub-sects that don't accept it either. Accepting Sahih Bukhari is not part of faith. That's not the topic of the thread.

I can see why you are so comfortable lying.

Or would that be the "taqiyya"? ;)
If you are not scholar not act to be one. Its as simple as that. Why didn't you quoted the source earlier ? Now Bang galore has busted you, now giving excuses. :blah::blah:

Nobody expects you to read/write Hindu Scriptures . At the same time If you want to criticise about Vedas and manu smriti, get first hand experience from a authentic source and then comment on it, not borrowed from a forum discussion from an unknown poster (How do you know that unknown poster is Hindu ?)

@ topic
In India anybody can accuse the other. However every person is innocent unless proven guilty by the court of Law. Has anybody doubt that Christians will be at the receiving end when Soniya ji herself is the center of power ? :smokin:

Here is first hand knowledge for my friend.

The Yajur Veda Taittiriya Sanhita - Anonymous - Google Books

i do have interest in studying international religions ......
Here is first hand knowledge for my friend.

The Yajur Veda Taittiriya Sanhita - Anonymous - Google Books

i do have interest in studying international religions ......


have you even checked what matched your search! :hitwall:

If you search with String "Too much splendour is produced', they say, 'he is liable to become a leper'; he should insert the verses of Manu's; whatever Manu said is medicine.", then if any of the words in search String exits in book it will give you a result. In this case there are a lot of "he", "should", "verses" etc in Yadur Veda!

Seriously there should be an infraction process for idiocy!

have you even checked what matched your search! :hitwall:

If you search with String "Too much splendour is produced', they say, 'he is liable to become a leper'; he should insert the verses of Manu's; whatever Manu said is medicine.", then if any of the words exits in book it will give you a result. In this case there are a lot of "he", "should", "verses" in Yadur Veda!

Seriously there should be an infraction process for idiocy!

OMG you guys are just trying to fight instead of a debate thing , good luck with it .

MANU is not just a story writer he is a credible source of information thats why veda's and purana quotes him..
Manu and his teachings are glorified throughout the scriptures, both in the Vedas, the Puranas and in the writings of the Acharyas.

same MANU also says this

correct me if am wrong...
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