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you need to read all the posts before mines before you start commenting like a smartass.

Read the title of this thread. Infact read the first few pages instead of coming here and changing the actual topic.
Well, it is something called 'political correctness'.
The Brits or the Europeans for that matter are infamous for being politically correct. Though the situation is changing.
Since the police is not doing its duty, other orgs are coming up. The EDL is a good example.

these organizations aren't going anywhere, wake up dude.there is a reason america and uk are run by sane minded people, becuase the majority arent stupid enough to believe that all muslims are haters.

Read the title of this thread. Infact read the first few pages instead of coming here and changing the actual topic.

once again you need to read the posts before mines to understand how the conversation got here. i know your trying to be politically correct but you need to see who is starting everything here before you quote me.
dont ahmedis call others ..kafir.. what is their view on shia religion...

why emo fool? please explain? its their religion, their belief.

The first fatwa was given that Ahmadis are kafirs. That they should be boycotted, and that rest of muslims should not marry into ahmadiyyat. We are not the ones taking their rights, we believe rest of muslims are misguided by not accepting our founder but we don't say that kill them all or take destroy their mosques.
why emo fool? please explain? its their religion, their belief.

dada they can keep trying but mainstream muslims never gonna accept them

thats a fact. why jus Ahmadis shia sunnis killing each other like pigs.
The first fatwa was given that Ahmadis are kafirs. That they should be boycotted, and that rest of muslims should not marry into ahmadiyyat. We are not the ones taking their rights, we believe rest of muslims are misguided by not accepting our founder but we don't say that kill them all or take destroy their mosques.

I agree with that.. but what is ahmedi's theological view on shias.. dont they call shias (and some other sects) as kafir?
The first fatwa was given that Ahmadis are kafirs. That they should be boycotted, and that rest of muslims should not marry into ahmadiyyat. We are not the ones taking their rights, we believe rest of muslims are misguided by not accepting our founder but we don't say that kill them all or take destroy their mosques.

Mirza said that anybody who doesn't accept him is a Kafir, muslims say anybody who accepts Mirza is a Kafir. it goes both ways, anyhow your religion is your personal matter, your still a pakistani and ill treat you like a pakistani brother.
dada they can keep trying but mainstream muslims gonna never accept them

thats a fact. why jus Ahmadis shia sunnis killing each other like pigs.

shia sunni kill each other but not ahmedi.. they are only being killed now.. they have not retaliated..
look at each prophet (before and after) .. lot of people accepted them.. one just has to keep trying
I agree with that.. but what is ahmedi's theological view on shias.. dont they call shias (and some other sects) as kafir?

The word kufr is arabic it means to disbelieve. So yes they disbelieve in Ahmadiyyat. But again you can't take anyone rights to call themselves Muslims. Shia, sunni etc are all Muslims according to Ahmadis but they are misguided.
i have no problem with them but if they call themselves muslims then i will have a problem, they can do what ever they want but i think they need to accept that they are out of the fold of islam according to us, but other then that its not a problem at all , they are good people indeed and good pakistanis as well.

Thank you for your honest opinion. This Thread is not to debate who is Muslim and who is NOT.

This Thread is Purely to affirm the Human and Civil Rights of Ahmediyya Community and by default all Pakistanis of every Creed, Caste and Ethnicity.

Let ALLAH SWT be the JUDGE of all of us.
I agree with that.. but what is ahmedi's theological view on shias.. dont they call shias (and some other sects) as kafir?

they believe anybody who doesnt accept mirza is a nonmuslim, and we say anybody who does is a nonmuslim.
so its a 2 way street.
The word kufr is arabic it means to disbelieve. So yes they disbelieve in Ahmadiyyat. But again you can't take anyone rights to call themselves Muslims. Shia, sunni etc are all Muslims according to Ahmadis but they are misguided.

which is why I disagree with @oiltrader .. if ahmedis were majority.. they will be buchering shias in dozens.. and even sunnis.. there is nothing inherently special about ahmedi other than.. currently they are persecuted.
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The word kufr is arabic it means to disbelieve. So yes they disbelieve in Ahmadiyyat. But again you can't take anyone rights to call themselves Muslims. Shia, sunni etc are all Muslims according to Ahmadis but they are misguided.

i thought kufr meant "those who cover the truth" , anyways im no arabic expert.
shia sunni kill each other but not ahmedi.. they are only being killed now.. they have not retaliated..
look at each prophet (before and after) .. lot of people accepted them.. one just has to keep trying

coz they r not much in numbers dada. its all same in the end of the day.

sectarianism has destroyed islam. now our Ahmadi brothers came with a new prophet.:laughcry:
Sorry, I beg to differ. If you are talking about Shariah4UK, you are correct. But EDL will rise. Self preservation is a powerful force. See France. Even France has stood up and said enough is enough and cut immigrations, started deportations of extremists and the like...
these organizations aren't going anywhere, wake up dude.there is a reason america and uk are run by sane minded people, becuase the majority arent stupid enough to believe that all muslims are haters.

once again you need to read the posts before mines to understand how the conversation got here. i know your trying to be politically correct but you need to see who is starting everything here before you quote me.
which is why I disagree with @oiltrader .. if ahmedis were majority.. they will be buchering shias in dozens.. and even sunnis.. there is nothing inherently special about ahmedi other that.. currently they are persecuted.

Ahmadis are like buddhist type of islam.I have seen their ideology.Love all , hate none.Just like the sufi sects such as nanakshahi etc. Even hindus think of sikhs as misguided ,when sikhs say they are not hindus and sanatan sikhs say they are hindu.

Ahmadis think of Krishna,Lao Tzu,Christ,Buddha,Mohammed,Moses as prophets. Read through their ideology. I will vouch that they are very tolerant and peaceful bunch.
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