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Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

Sri Lanka is India’s neighbour.

It plays an important role in the strategic perception of all countries that use the Indian Oceans since the sea route from the Bab el Mandeb to the Straits of Malacca has to circumvent the ‘outpost’ of Sri Lanka, Therefore, all countries that use this sea route has interest in Sri Lanka. In addition, it has the deep and large Trincomalee Bay that has immense strategic naval importance and just before the Indian entry into Sri Lanka, the US was negotiating to have rights over this Bay.

The ethnic problem of Sri Lanka was festering for long, well before the IPKF entry into Sri Lanka.

There is a common interest in the LTTE problem for both India and Sri Lanka. Whereas the Tamils of Sri Lanka are creating a problem for Sri Lanka with their separatist movement, it is to India’ disadvantage if this movement succeed since it can affect the Tamils of India and a same situation in India can arise. Hence, the Indian interest.

It is to Sri Lanka and India’s advantage if this the Tamil issue is solved.

There is no doubt that any country can buy what it wants or take assistance from any other country.

Israeli weapons have been bought by Sri Lanka and the MOSSAD has been active with official invitation. Therefore, the coming in of any other country in the same manner would not be unusual.

There are reports that the LTTE attempts to find shelter along the coast of Tamilnadu where there are sympathisers because of the Tamil Eelam euphoria, even if they are no kins, the Tamils of Sri Lanka being different owing to their long exposure in Sri Lankan.

But to assume that it should not affect India is incorrect since it does not indicate understanding of the security and strategic environment. It is like stating that what is happening in Afghanistan is of no concern to Pakistan or the influx of Pashtuns into FATA should be of no concern to Pakistan. India cannot have a situation in Tamilnadu like what is happening in FATA and such areas.

Like the Pakistan is sensitive to foreign forces and influences in Afghanistan since it is causing the influx of terrorists into Pakistan and destabilising the area, India, too is equally concerned about foreign influences in Sri Lanka for the same reason.
I don't think Sri Lanka is in perceivable danger of disintegrating(just like Pak I hope).

But SL/Sinhalese should make an honest attempt at engaging Tamils (LTTE has gone bonkers and they are beyond rehabilitation like all terror groups)

So is India in some danger of disintegrating if Sri Lanka takes arms from Pakistan?
Tamils be the minority but the way they choose to protest is nothing more then terrorism which by the way india due to its own political standings is not condemning rather its the other way round. Its obivious that srilankans would go to an alternative source for their requirements. And as long as its precisely ment for rooting out terrorism from Srilanka, i donot see any reason why we should not provide them with necessary military equipment and trainning or why would the world have problem with that specially when the world itself is fighting for WOT.If india has a problem with this, its a matter between them and srilanka, we will provide them with necessary equipment until complete law&order is maintained or until the tamils give up their weapons and join the table.

Obviously, India condemns the use of terror by the LTTE. I thought that was obvious enought not to mention in my posts. Apparently it isn't.

Have you forgotten that Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by the LTTE?
Due to large tamil population in India LTTE will surely try to hide among them in case they are forced to leave Sri Lanka. This shall cause problems for India.
Due to large tamil population in India LTTE will surely try to hide among them in case they are forced to leave Sri Lanka. This shall cause problems for India.

The question is will they leave Lanka? and will Indian Tamils harbour Sri Lankan Tamils in case of mass emigration? There are sympathisers in India no doubt but an average Tamil I don't think will harbour terrorists. Again the question arises will they be able to cross over to India en masse with the increased patrolling... and will GoI grant asylum to Terrorists?

I am inclined to believe most LTTE's/Tamils leave for UK (where they have formed the most violent of all gangs) and SEA and commonwealth nations..

Nor Indian Tamils and Sri Lankan Tamils are one homogenous ethnic group either..

So is India in some danger of disintegrating if Sri Lanka takes arms from Pakistan?

why such an absurd question?
Can you provide a link?
LTTE is a terrorist organization and hated by most Indians and hounded by Indian armed forces..

Link for what? Isnt it obivious india having tamils as well does not want to upset by continuing support of the srilankans.

its quite obivious you missed the part of India being the biggest defence partner of SL..
and heard of IPKF fighting LTTE alongwith SL?

Definitely! that is why srilanka is russing towards pakistan to buy arms.

Please read my previous post.

Dont have the time! maybe latter.

LTTE is a terrorist organization and doing too well/brainwashed/powerful to ask for peace... just like AQ etc.

Then it would be better to root them out forcefully just like AQ rather having a meaning less dialouge.
Malang here is an article for you, orginally the link was posted my Stealth Assassin and is contradictory to what you say. I have highlighted it for your review.

From correspondents in Delhi, India, 08:32 PM IST

India said Wednesday that it wanted Sri Lanka to treat Tamils with dignity and also voiced concern that Colombo's arms purchases may upset New Delhi's 'pre-eminent position' in South Asia.

'We are facing a situation where the ceasefire (in Sri Lanka) could collapse. This could lead to a flashpoint,' National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan said while delivering the 25th Air Chief Marshal P.C. Lal memorial lecture here.

'We want the Sri Lankan government to treat its large Tamil minority with dignity,' he said.

'(But) the (Sri Lankan) government would seem to have the single objective of a military victory (against the Tamil Tigers) without any devolution of power.'

Narayanan also added: 'We have to ensure that India's pre-eminent position in the region is not compromised by Sri Lanka seeking arms from elsewhere.

'We need a national consensus on how much (military) assistance we should provide and how much pressure we should put on the (Sri Lankan) government.'

Thousands of people have died in Sri Lanka in the past two years in escalating fighting between the military and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

India opposes any military solution of the ethnic conflict and wants Colombo to devolve autonomy to the minorities.

And while India continues to train Sri Lankan military personnel, it has refused to provide what it dubs are offensive military hardware.
Have you forgotten that Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by the LTTE?

So that is the actual reason to take a neutral approach and provide weapons to both sides? A good business!
Link for what? Isnt it obivious india having tamils as well does not want to upset by continuing support of the srilankans.

doesn't make sense.. so by that logic Pakistan is supporting Taliban and other terrorist groups since their Pashtun/Tribals and Pakistan has many Pashtuns/Tribals

Definitely! that is why srilanka is russing towards pakistan to buy arms.

have you seen the type of arms?? as I said Sri Lanka must 've recd go ahead from GoI to go ahead as regards to arms purchase..

Then it would be better to root them out forcefully just like AQ rather having a meaning less dialouge.

India tried to rout LTTE earlier which resulted in assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, even know GoI is doing all it can to help SL rout LTTE..
who is having a dialogue with LTTE? LTTE is a terror outfit, not Tamils...
GoI also realises Tamils have a just cause but violence is not the means and most SL tamils still treat SL as home and not India and just want parity with the Sinhalese..

Malang here is an article for you, orginally the link was posted my Stealth Assain and is contradictory to what you say. I have highlighted it for your review.

India said Wednesday that it wanted Sri Lanka to treat Tamils with dignity

I said the same in one of my earlier posts..

and also voiced concern that Colombo's arms purchases may upset New Delhi's 'pre-eminent position' in South Asia

understandably so.. but as I also said that this arms purchase may have a tacit approval of GoI since GoI cannot budge from its official stance.

'We want the Sri Lankan government to treat its large Tamil minority with dignity,' he said.

I said the same in one of my earlier posts..

And while India continues to train Sri Lankan military personnel, it has refused to provide what it dubs are offensive military hardware.

Nothing wrong with this IMO, India is acting as a responsible power

"'(But) the (Sri Lankan) government would seem to have the single objective of a military victory (against the Tamil Tigers) without any devolution of power.'"
"India opposes any military solution of the ethnic conflict and wants Colombo to devolve autonomy to the minorities."
I would be shellshocked if GoI provided arms to LTTE!!

I would be shell-shocked if RAW was not providing them assistance. How do you think its possible for the Tamils to sustain this war? Only by getting funding from Tamil expats in US and Europe?
I would be shell-shocked if RAW was not providing them assistance. How do you think its possible for the Tamils to sustain this war? Only by getting funding from Tamil expats in US and Europe?


Do you have information on where the Tamils got the aircrafts from? I believe they have one or two Kfirs (Mirage family)?
I would be shell-shocked if RAW was not providing them assistance.

I don't think so ... not at all ..

How do you think its possible for the Tamils to sustain this war? Only by getting funding from Tamil expats in US and Europe?

Tamils make a sizeable population in SEA nations too..
They have their drug trade, human trafficking biz,arms smuggling biz & sea piracy.. and they often raid the Sri Lankan Armoury and hijack Sri Lankan Armed forces foreign arms supplies..

Do you have information on where the Tamils got the aircrafts from? I believe they have one or two Kfirs (Mirage family)?

NO , They were using modified Czech-built Zlin Z-143. Apparently the guy who modified the plane was a Lankan Tamil who studied Aerospace Technology in Tamilnadu. He died long before it could become operational

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