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Sri Lanka - China's Israel in Indian Ocean

i agree, the government of the people's republic of china is responsible solely for the citizens of the PRC and its SARs. it must protect its citizens when at all possible. those citizens of other countries that are of chinese origins are not the subjects of the PRC hence the government of the peoples republic does not bare responsibility for them, the government they have SWORN ALLEGIANCE to bares that responsibility. however that said if a government/peoples are targeting people of Chinese origins, the government of the PRC should log protest against such actions and strongly condemn it

If any government shows racism towards any ethnic group, we must condemn it. We do not support racism of any sort.
In principle yes but to do it in practice is to interfere in the internal matters of another country.

Condemn on humanitarian grounds of course. We've always condemned all racism and ethnic violence in other nations. But unlike a certain large country in the western hemisphere we believe that these are internal matters to be settled by the other nation.
Condemn on humanitarian grounds of course. We've always condemned all racism and ethnic violence in other nations. But unlike a certain large country in the western hemisphere we believe that these are internal matters to be settled by the other nation.

You know it's funny. America has always claimed to stand for principles when it denounced idealogical enemies and tried to ignore them when it wasn't convenient. Now with the Egypt thing, they're caught between the two sides. Everyone is watching and their silence is very loud.
This is my last post on this thread in an effort not to derail this thread any further.

The overseas Chinese in SEA share a lot more culturally then the China/HK based Chinese, that’s why you will notice overseas university students from these regions hang out together a lot more then say China & Singapore students or China and Malaysian Chinese students although this is now slowly changing.

Expecting an overseas Chinese in the region who has gone thru 3 or maybe 4 generations and influenced by a mix of Malay and British culture to suddenly embraced China’s rise is expecting a little too much even though we have the same roots. The new generation of China Chinese is already starting to embrace western cultures and this is something the Singapore Chinese have been exposed to for decades.

Mr Lee and his clan created a safe heaven for the Chinese in the region in a time when all seemed impossible, though he might say a thing or something which we ourselves think is odd at times we will still credit him for his past achievements.

Ultimately Singapore is a symbol of what hardworking Chinese in the region have accomplished, we support the other Chinese in the region (Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand) by providing banking facilities and safe heaven should the governments in their own countries decidedly turn against them. It is because of this the Chinese presence in the region remains strong and other Chinese businessman i.e China / Taiwan can easily come and tap into the already established Chinese business network in the region without too much difficulty.

As for the term Gold digging for an example my family has contributed 1 school shared by 2 villages in the Fujian region since the 80’s and recently just had it rebuilt for more students (about 20 classrooms). Most of you probably have no idea how much contribution the other Overseas Chinese have made back to China which benefitted generations of younger Chinese today so please think about that before we start talking about contributions.

Strategically Singapore is useless to China (agreed with Cardsharp). If we were to fall or need the support of a bigger country we will just be reunited with Malaysia as before.

If you like to debate this any further please open a new thread on Singapore & China relations.
Gung-ho heroes?

Do you know that the main fighting force of Isreal are the reservists?

Ok, not convinced.

Do you know that the main fighting foice of legendary Sparta are rthe eservists?
you got it reverse buddy, Singapore is modelled after Colombo~

Transforming Colombo into modern metropolis
Amarnath Jayatilaka Filmologist

Apropos of the brilliantly analytical and most worthy article written by Lionel Gulawita of Diriya Foundation titled ‘Prosperity through Colombo’s modernization’ published as the lead article in Daily News of February 2, 2001, this writer is inspired to add a few more ideas and suggestions that will enhance this wonderful proposal.

Over the last two decades it has been my unfulfilled dream to see that the city of Colombo is turned into a most modern megapolis worthy of our country and our people.

Fifty years ago, the city of Colombo, then known as ‘Garden City of Asia,’ was said to have inspired Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew to develop his city-state on the lines of Colombo.

Beautifying Colombo city. File photo

Today Singapore is not only the most beautiful ‘Garden City of Asia’ but also one of the super cities of the modern world whereas the city of Colombo has deteriorated to be the ugliest, filthiest and dirtiest city in Asia, infested with the menace of mosquitoes, traffic jams and congestion.

The city of Colombo is a symbol and a reflection of the kind of leaders we have had since Independence. When a foreigner visits Colombo and asks about the garbage dumps, invasion of the pavements by hawkers, unplanned ugly looking constructions in Pettah and the grotesque over bridge with shops in Maradana and other makeshift boutique shops, we are put to shame. Who made this a reality! It is those who administered the city of Colombo continuously for the last 53 years after independence and tolerated by the successive governments of our country!
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