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Sri Lanka Buddhist monks demand halal boycott.

Bhai.. Thats why they are fringe groups.. We all have such dimwits...

I was merely objected to the word "saga"... I am sure you will understand.

Yes i understand mate and I agree with you.
Well I dunno state religion means it's the religion of that nation.

Also the head of the country is automatically becomes the protector of the Buddha Sasana. I dunno any non-buddist would ever protect it. That's why it is said that head of SL must be a Buddhist.

Nope there is no state religion in SL..Buddhism is merely given protection under the constitution..Well under the Soulberry Constitution(Pre republic) Queen Elizabeth was the protector of Buddhism in the country..It does not matter what religious back ground you're from under the constitution you can be president of the country given that you garner majority of the votes under democracy..In 1983 presidential election Kumar Ponnambalam ran for presidency against Jayawardena - Something that Eelamists always manage to omit in thier propaganda
That case you highlighted in Dambulla was nothing but a politically motivated land issue..Nothing else..The cheif monk of the area had differences with the local politician..These people know the easiest way to gain attention is to some how drag religion or race in to it..But this kind of direct assaults on places of worship is few are far between..Again by people and groups with vested interests

Well that's pretty much the case with the vast majority of these disputes and that goes for other countries as well. Thank you for the additional information. I hope these people do not stir up trouble. Sri Lanka has been through a great deal and doesn't need any such strife. It would also be wise to keep out any outside influences that seek to change the face/profile of Sri Lanka's peaceful SUFI Muslims.
decades long saga between Hindus and Buddhists in Sri-Lanka..? You are talking about Sri-Lanka , right..?

There never was any " saga".. neither "is" and never "will be"..

It's a long and balanced read, but I will post an excerpt.


Writes the Sri Lankan scholar K. M. de Silva:

Sri Lanka’s location off the coast of South India, and especially its close proximity to [the Indian state of] Tamilnadu, separated by a shallow and narrow stretch of sea serves to accentuate this sense of a minority status among the Sinhalese. Their own sense of ethnic distinctiveness is identified through religion—Theravada Buddhism—and language—Sinhala. They take pride in the fact that Buddhism thrives in Sri Lanka while it has practically disappeared in its original home, India. Their language, Sinhala, has its roots in classical Indian languages, but it is now a distinctly Sri Lankan language, and one that is not spoken anywhere else.

The Sinhalese, argues de Silva, see their historical destiny in preserving Theravada Buddhism from a Hindu revivalist assault, with southern India the source of these invasions. As they see it, they are a lonely people, with few ethnic compatriots anywhere, who have been pushed to their final sanctuary, the southern two-thirds of Sri Lanka, by the demographic immensity of majority-Hindu India.
Main reason is this,
91% of population of Sri Lanka aren't Muslims. So that halal certification issuing private religious group get huge sum of money and they use those money to spread/fund some extremists groups.

Best thing is that let GOV issue the certificate rather than any religious groups...so that this entire episode will not be politicised....And any way it is also fact that Muslim people eat Halal meat too....So it is a good business proposition for GOV..
It's a long and balanced read, but I will post an excerpt.


Writes the Sri Lankan scholar K. M. de Silva:

Sri Lanka’s location off the coast of South India, and especially its close proximity to [the Indian state of] Tamilnadu, separated by a shallow and narrow stretch of sea serves to accentuate this sense of a minority status among the Sinhalese. Their own sense of ethnic distinctiveness is identified through religion—Theravada Buddhism—and language—Sinhala. They take pride in the fact that Buddhism thrives in Sri Lanka while it has practically disappeared in its original home, India. Their language, Sinhala, has its roots in classical Indian languages, but it is now a distinctly Sri Lankan language, and one that is not spoken anywhere else.

The Sinhalese, argues de Silva, see their historical destiny in preserving Theravada Buddhism from a Hindu revivalist assault, with southern India the source of these invasions. As they see it, they are a lonely people, with few ethnic compatriots anywhere, who have been pushed to their final sanctuary, the southern two-thirds of Sri Lanka, by the demographic immensity of majority-Hindu India.

That is quite an accurate account of the mindset of most Sinhalese..And with valid reason..There are only approx 16 million Sinhalese people in the world with the island that can be called their only home..Distinct culture,Distinct Language that does not exsist anywhere else in the world..Surviving against a hostile Southern India of nearly 80 million Hindu Dravidians in TN alone through the millenia

Something that most International observers failed to acknowledge
Who told you Buddha was a pure vegetarian?
Buddhists don't have ban on eating meat, it's their personal choice.

What I know............Lord Buddha died by eating contaminated pork given to him and his disciples(probably intentionally)......but he knew it, so he ordered his disciples NOT to eat the pork while he ate it himself to keep the request of the host.....

Is it correct?.....what you know?
What I know............Lord Buddha died by eating contaminated pork given to him and his disciples(probably intentionally)......but he knew it, so he ordered his disciples NOT to eat the pork while he ate it himself to keep the request of the host.....

Is it correct?.....what you know?

There is no restriction in eating pork.

Best thing is that let GOV issue the certificate rather than any religious groups...so that this entire episode will not be politicised....And any way it is also fact that Muslim people eat Halal meat too....So it is a good business proposition for GOV..

Cannot agree with that because it's a religious based standardization.

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