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Sri Lanka Buddhist monks demand halal boycott.

@Gibbs These extremists don't accept any law. You have seen in West where few people are asking for Sharia. Legal or illegal, I hope your govt. will check this. All the best to you all.

Strange isnt it in this artical it clearly says that the buddist monks r the ones who r increasing violence against muslims n now r saying their gov to boycott the Islam's Halat Food in their country just because they r (muslims) less then 10% of total population. And on the other hand u indians out of yr Conservative minds n radical hatered towards Islam is still blaiming Muslims over this...........How Shame on u Hindus.
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So, in the decades long saga between Hindus and Buddhists in Sri Lanka, which side was the instigator and which side was merely "reacting"?

Thats a popular misconception..There was never a conflict between Hindus and Buddhists..It was more due to perceived Language discrimination and economic oppotunities based on ethnicity.. Infact most front line cadres of the LTTE were lower caste Catholics not Hindus..While the SL armed forces constituted all ethnic groups..Infact military intelligence was dominated by Muslims due to thier multi lingual capabilities

It is not rare to see Hindu deities being worshipped in many Buddhist temples and vise versa
Sri Lanka is not a Buddhist country,It's a multi religious multi ethnic socierty,There is a clear seperation of religion and state in our constitution..Though the majority of the population are considerd followers of the faith,In Buddhism there is no restriction on consumption of meat..And vast majority of Buddhist's are not vegetarians

Few radical actions by some fringe groups does not constitude reality on the ground

I think our Constitution would beg to differ

Constitution of Sri Lanka
The Government of Sri Lanka
Chapter II

9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).

It is the duty of the state to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana. It is our Constitutional right.
I think our Constitution would beg to differ

Constitution of Sri Lanka
The Government of Sri Lanka
Chapter II

It is the duty of the state to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana. It is our Constitutional right.

That does not construe to state that Buddhism is the religion of the nation,

Merely states that it's obliged to protect Buddha sasana,Being the religion of the majority..This kind of vain efforts to distort the constitution has been happening for years both by seperatists and pseudo carboard patriots

Another famous slogan is that a non Sinhalese Buddhist cannot be president under the law..Total hogwash
That does not construe to state that Buddhism is the religion of the nation,

Merely states that it's obliged to protect Buddha sasana,Being the religion of the majority..This kind of vain efforts to distort the constitution has been happening for years both by seperatists and pseudo carboard patriots

Another famous slogan is that a non Sinhalese Buddhist cannot be president under the law..Total hogwash

Your smarter than I thought lol.
That does not construe to state that Buddhism is the religion of the nation,

Merely states that it's obliged to protect Buddha sasana,Being the religion of the majority..This kind of vain efforts to distort the constitution has been happening for years both by seperatists and pseudo carboard patriots

There isn't any mention as you said, but SL Emblem has Buddhist symbol of the top.
So, in the decades long saga between Hindus and Buddhists in Sri Lanka, which side was the instigator and which side was merely "reacting"?

decades long saga between Hindus and Buddhists in Sri-Lanka..? You are talking about Sri-Lanka , right..?

There never was any " saga".. neither "is" and never "will be".. You probably are talking about LTTE problem.. The majority of LTTE cadres were christians not Hindus...
There isn't many mention as you said, but SL Emblem has Buddhist symbol of the top.

So does the national flag with the four bo leaves in the corners..I'm not sure maybe it's to signify the Buddhist heritage ..Lets face it..It's the corner stone for the Sri Lankan civilization..But then again The contitution clearly defines the seperation of religion and state..
decades long saga between Hindus and Buddhists in Sri-Lanka..? You are talking about Sri-Lanka , right..?

There never was any " saga".. neither "is" and never "will be".. You probably are talking about LTTE problem.. The majority of LTTE cadres were christians not Hindus...

Although there wasn't a problem as such. But these fringe Buddhist groups have turned their hostility towards the Hindu community. They forced a decision to demolish a Hindu temple, that they say lay on sacred Buddhist ground.

Sri Lankan officials have decided to demolish a mosque and a Hindu temple after a group of Buddhist monks and their supporters demanded their removal from a Buddhist sacred area.

Sri Lanka to demolish mosque & Hindu temple due to the demands of Buddhist Monks - NewBuddhist

Monks protest mosque, Hindu temple inside Dambulla Buddhist sacred zone - YouTube
Although there wasn't a problem as such. But these fringe Buddhist groups have turned their hostility towards the Hindu community. They forced a decision to demolish a Hindu temple, that they say lay on sacred Buddhist ground.

Sri Lankan officials have decided to demolish a mosque and a Hindu temple after a group of Buddhist monks and their supporters demanded their removal from a Buddhist sacred area.

Sri Lanka to demolish mosque & Hindu temple due to the demands of Buddhist Monks - NewBuddhist

If the temple is on a sacred Buddhist site, it can be removed ... It still does not create a saga.

BTW a Buddhist temple is just as dear and sacred to most of the Hindus as our own Temple. One of my own dreams was to visit Bamyan Buddha and pray there but thats not gonna happen now..
If the temple is on a sacred Buddhist site, it can be removed ... It still does not create a saga.

BTW a Buddhist temple is just as dear and sacred to most of the Hindus as our own Temple. One of my own dreams was to visit Bamyan Buddha and pray there but thats not gonna happen now..

Did you read the part of them wanting to demolish it? I'm sure you see the Buddhist temple as "dear" to you, but the feeling is not reciprocated and is the polar opposite from such fringe groups. Had they had similar feelings to you they wouldn't have wanted to destroy it.
Although there wasn't a problem as such. But these fringe Buddhist groups have turned their hostility towards the Hindu community. They forced a decision to demolish a Hindu temple, that they say lay on sacred Buddhist ground.

Sri Lankan officials have decided to demolish a mosque and a Hindu temple after a group of Buddhist monks and their supporters demanded their removal from a Buddhist sacred area.

Sri Lanka to demolish mosque & Hindu temple due to the demands of Buddhist Monks - NewBuddhist

Monks protest mosque, Hindu temple inside Dambulla Buddhist sacred zone - YouTube

"mosque & Hindu temple" actually these are temporary built huts. There was a thread on PDF about this incident with pictures.
Did you read the part of them wanting to demolish it? I'm sure you see the Buddhist temple as "dear" to you, but the feeling is not reciprocated and is the polar opposite from such fringe groups. Had they had similar feelings to you they wouldn't have wanted to destroy it.

Bhai.. Thats why they are fringe groups.. We all have such dimwits...

I was merely objecting to the word "saga"... I am sure you will understand.
Did you read the part of them wanting to demolish it? I'm sure you see the Buddhist temple as "dear" to you, but the feeling is not reciprocated and is the polar opposite from such fringe groups. Had they had similar feelings to you they wouldn't have wanted to destroy it.

That case you highlighted in Dambulla was nothing but a politically motivated land issue..Nothing else..The cheif monk of the area had differences with the local politician..These people know the easiest way to gain attention is to some how drag religion or race in to it..But this kind of direct assaults on places of worship is few are far between..Again by people and groups with vested interests
That does not construe to state that Buddhism is the religion of the nation,

Merely states that it's obliged to protect Buddha sasana,Being the religion of the majority..This kind of vain efforts to distort the constitution has been happening for years both by seperatists and pseudo carboard patriots

Another famous slogan is that a non Sinhalese Buddhist cannot be president under the law..Total hogwash

Well I dunno state religion means it's the religion of that nation.

Also the head of the country is automatically becomes the protector of the Buddha Sasana. I dunno any non-buddist would ever protect it. That's why it is said that head of SL must be a Buddhist.

If the temple is on a sacred Buddhist site, it can be removed ... It still does not create a saga.

BTW a Buddhist temple is just as dear and sacred to most of the Hindus as our own Temple. One of my own dreams was to visit Bamyan Buddha and pray there but thats not gonna happen now..

I don't know about the hindu temple issue. But their is a Hindu temple in the very mouth of the Rangiri Dambulla cave complex and most of the Buddhist pilgrims goes to it too.

Hindu temples are an integral part of a Buddhist temples nowadays.

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