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Sri Lanka Air force Retires Kfir jets

Why not SAB gripen??? It will come little costlier but superior than JF17 .... Why not old F16??? F16 is tried and tested one...

Gripens are expensive dear.

They can go for F-16s only if US allows it. Also comes with strings attached. Bangladesh requested for F-16s repeatedly, the Americans refused.

Sri Lanka may go for JF-17s or MiG-29s. Although, the latter's classic variant's production lines are limited, and won't be anymore in the near future.

I don't know, the name "Kfir" really gives me a laugh though :lol:
Hi all , Im new here, so just giving my idea...
Lankan Ranger remember there was a time when SLAF were interested in Mig-29's, Is it called off or they speculating a purchase of JF-17's

We need to wait till next year…..
From the views of the fellow members, I think SLAF shouldnt go for F-16 unless its a block -60 which they wont sell at all ... Gripens as Zabanya said are expensive, JF-17 are rugged but for a sub continental warfare Mig might be a good solution...Anything from the EU would be highly unlikely. Im still wondering why we SU are out of the topic, thought they were hardy too...
Wrong, They can buy 2 JF17 not 4 (in clean configuration)... China is giving you at lower price coz you are co-developer of JF17. China mey not offer the same price for Sri-Lanka...

Alone JF17 will not be enough if India go hostile, And lanka don't have Nuke and F16 to complement its JF17... Keeping all this in mind I think Lanka must go for 40-50 Gripen, if their economy support they can go for 1 Squad of Rafael as well..

JF17 , J10 or LCA is not good buy for them...

These new planes have potential in African and Latin American country.. Not in Lanka and Bangladesh...

gripen is twice as cost as jf-17 ..and even 200 gripen wount be able to deter inidan strong airforce (nor 30-40 jf-17) so it is more econmically to but a squardron of jf-17 for multipurpose use..srilanka should nt go to war with india as it simply cant afford it. nor their are any disputs among them to cause a war
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