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Spratly Islands News

The western democrazy brings you with those selfish crony politicians who will only serve for the special interest groups instead of 99% in the society.

Even the CCP leaders are corrupt, but at least none of them dare to put the national interests on the stake for gambling for personal interests.

The western media always loves to label Mao as a dictator and a tyrant, while they never mentioned that Mao was the one who put his own son in the front line of the Korean War. Tell me which western leader can make a such sacrifice?

Let stick to the topic so to let more people who is interested to know the real reason behind this so call dispute/ drama.
Well in the US things operate honestly and fairly. The President (Bush) smirkiskly spent a few trillion dollars, so that his partner's (Cheney) company can make a few billion of dollars. " See, we're not benefited", he smirks again.

To let the special interest groups to control over the government will eventually lead the disastrous consequence to the entire nation.

China has also suffered the same fate before. During the late era of the Ming Dynasty, the business merchants were a powerful group in that society. These people sold everything to the Manchurian invaders for their personal interests, while completely ignored the national interests.

That's why we could never let the business people to control over our society, because they are the most selfish people who don't give a damn about the national interests.
To let the special interest groups to control over the government will eventually lead the disastrous consequence to the entire nation.

China has also suffered the same fate before. During the late era of the Ming Dynasty, the business merchants were a powerful groups in that society. These people sold everything to the Manchurian invaders for their personal interests, while completely ignored the national interests.

That's why we could never let the business people to control over our society, because they are the most selfish people who don't give about the national interests.

It already did. Clinton handed Bush a budget surplus when he left office. And because of Bush and his Republican backers now the US owes more than $16 trillion dollars. A few months ago Obama had to use Federal Pension Funds to pay federal salaries.

Back to the top. Will the US join Philippines in a war with China over the Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands.

The Spratly Islands dispute is a territorial dispute over the ownership of the Spratly Islands, a group of islands located in the South China Sea. States staking claims to various islands are: Brunei, China (People's Republic of China), Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan (Republic of China), and Vietnam. All except Brunei occupy some of the islands.

The Spratly Islands are important for a number of reasons: the Spratly area holds significant reserves of oil and natural gas, it is a productive area for world fishing and commercial shipping, and coastal countries would get an extended continental shelf. (Note: large field of shale gas/oil is found only recently)

China (PRC), Taiwan (ROC), and Vietnam are making claims based on historical sovereignty over the islands. Whereas, the rest of contested parties claimed under the law of sea, EEZ, which came into effective only somewhere in the late 20th century. By right, the EZZ does not superceded any territories that had already been claimed/ decided beforehand.

That what I am worrying, history are always ruined by some selfish buggers (politicians). They care for no one including their own countries and others. What they really want is their own personal interests.

Yes, Vietnam official claimed and controlled Islands from long time in the past from early Ngyen Dynasty Vietnam continuously through to Colony with France protectorate.
China occupied by force, China (PRC) 1974 to Hoang Sa, Taiwan (ROC) 1956 to Ba Binh just recently when Vietnam was in trouble with France and USA intervention 1945-1975. This actions are violated to other international law and regulation world wide accepted.
It already did. Clinton handed Bush a budget surplus when he left office. And because of Bush and his Republican backers now the US owes more than $16 trillion dollars. A few months ago Obama had to use Federal Pension Funds to pay federal salaries.

Back to the top. Will the US join Philippines in a war with China over the Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands.

US won't fight with China for Philippines, but of course the anti-China trolls here will disagree.
The western democrazy brings you with those selfish crony politicians who will only serve for the special interest groups instead of the 99% in the society.

Even the CCP leaders are corrupt, but at least none of them dare to put the national interests on the stake for gambling for personal interests.

The western media always loves to label Mao as a dictator and a tyrant, while they never mentioned that Mao was the one who put his own son in the front line of the Korean War. Tell me which western leader can contribute with a such sacrifice?

Hua Guo Feng is son of Mao, Deng Xia Ping's Children are USA citizens until Bo Xilai's son an Xi Canping's daughter are studying now in USA is funding by some one else ? and who got benefit from huge project like super oil rig and carrier ?
US won't fight with China for Philippines, but of course the anti-China trolls here will disagree.

I agree with you. The US already reiterated many times she will not involve in these disputes. Why should she anyway.

Now you make me curious. What would her role be, if I may ask?

You think Americans will sit still to look their close ally, the Philippines, being bullied by the Badboy? If so, she still had trusted by her allies?
You think Americans will sit still to look their close ally, the Philippines, being bullied by the Badboy? If so, she still had trusted by her allies?

Sure she will look after her boys, the Filipinos and would like to station her troops there as well. But The US already reiterated many times she will not involve in these disputes
Sure she will look after her boys, the Filipinos and would like to station her troops there as well. But The US already reiterated many times she will not involve in these disputes

Yes, the U.S has said she does not stand on any side in the dispute. But she also repeated several times that she assists in settling disputes peacefully and opposes any action to use force, and she will be the intermediary in settling disputes peacefully. If China uses force against her allies, it was not against her?
Yes, the U.S has said she does not stand on any side in the dispute. But she also repeated several times that she assists in settling disputes peacefully and opposes any action to use force, and she will be the intermediary in settling disputes peacefully. If China uses force against her allies, it was not against her?

You overate the length of Uncle Sam's arms, and China always opposes her in the world arena.

The United States has also been quiet on whether it would honor the Mutual Defense Treaty it signed with its Philippine ally should a shooting war break out with China. The US Congressional Research Service said the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty is open to interpretation, with the US obliged to respond only if a foreign military attacks Philippine territory or military forces. By this definition, the obligation for the US to protect Philippine claims to the Spratlys or Scarborough Shoal is uncertain.
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