Cost of one car tank full is, 5K rupees at present? Appx $40, yes?
Cost of 1kg Aluminium is $2.50 in the market at present. Let's suppose cost is is $40 for a gallium etched sheet of aluminium that would last 3 months of mileage.
Which one is cheaper?
Let's assume this aluminium sheet is mass produced and readily available everywhere, just as fuel is at fuel stations. Economies of scale, let's assume that.
Aluminium sheets are readily available in West, because the supply chain is well established. Aluminium is one of the most extracted metals in the world, hence it is $2.50 per kg in the market!
Gallium removes the oxidisation of aluminium, hence allowing it to react with water! You do not need PURE aluminium!!!!
Yeah, let me get some gallium after the holidays. I've already got blocks of aluminium.
In the meantime, watch this: