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Actually, your clarification is worse than your statement.

Lets leave it here.

I knew what you were trying to fish. That's why I gave the explanation so not to give you any chance inferring wrong impression. My clarification is apt but since you didn't get your satisfaction it seems plausible you get frustrated
I asked you to leave it there.

That's why I gave the explanation so not to give you any chance inferring wrong impression. My clarification is apt

Thats what you feel , your explanation ( not that it was needed) makes it worse. I went by what I read & what you wrote were your views.

I knew what you were trying to fish

I am not trying to ' fish' , I am merely going by what you wrote.

Once again, lets leave it here
One of the most stupid argument regarding this alliance that it is Sunni Alliance? I mean, Are u serious? Definitely, Sunnis are in majority of Muslim world so whenever any alliance will be made by Muslims, Sunnis will be majority in it...

Iran also formed her alliance with Bashar assad, hizbullah....but nobody said that it is shia alliance....

We are being fooled massively...This sicks me to the core...

@tps77 @Valar Dohaeris @Doordie
Good point plus I too dont get this sunni alliance bias . Azerbaijan is also coming so its not sunni allaince.
Good point plus I too dont get this sunni alliance bias . Azerbaijan is also coming so its not sunni allaince.

Exactly, bro...
What do you know about Wahibism and Takfeerism ? why dont you quote some references out of the book.

There are Sunni brelvi clerics who are mostly involved in this Wajib Ul Qatal thing. Neither heard this from any salafist or how they call Ahl Hadith cleric. And in case you may allege, I am not Wahabi or whatever you call it.

All of your comment are centered on how House of Saud is an evil despite any good thing and how Iran is an angel despite lot of back stabbing and evil designs.

The Saudi ideology is followed by people like Hafiz Saeed, where did they commit any form terrorism against Pakistan ?
The Saudis funded the Taliban during the soviet war, where did they commit terrorism against Pakistan ?

And, how much fuel does Iranian sectarian propaganda provide for recruiting mercenaries, if you want to know, visit Syria and Iraq.

IS is grater threat to KSA than it is to any other country in the world. Even Iran has no considerable threat from IS.

You mix politics, religioun and sectarianism in a single sentence to support your pro-Iranian stance, and dont tell me that I have said Iran is no angel. You believe that Iran is a "better choice".

Now, in your next post, try to clear us how the Wahabism is cause of all troubles while all the other sects are peaceful in Islam. Also, enlighten us that how the fall of House of Saud will effect positively the Islamic world and how the vacuum will be filled. Also, tell us any constraint to Iranian design is not necessary for all of the Arab countries. Dont play word game anymore.


Always good to have an intellectual debate and you have definitely raised some very important points.

1.) I know that the concept of takfeer is central in Wahabbism. This is an undisputed fact and if you just Google the two terms, you will come across more evidence than this thread warrants.
However, for a relatively quicker read on how the puritanical and exclusionist Wahabbi doctrine forms the fundamental basis of most "Islamic" terrorist groups, have a read: http://www.newstatesman.com/world-a...-arabia-exported-main-source-global-terrorism
Karen Armstrong has done more for shining a positive light on Muslims and our Prophet (PBUH) than most Mullahs in Pakistan, so I hope you will take her analysis seriously. Of course, there are other views on this subject matter, but the above article is a good starting point in my opinion. You can also read Alastair Cook's articles on Saudi duality --- that on the one hand the Kingdom is responsible for spreading an intolerant strain of Islam that terrorists use as their recruiting base and on the other they are directly threatened by such terrorists now.

2.) While I agree that many groups that follow a Saudi-funded Wahabbi (or Deobandi, which in South Asia started to mirror Wahabbi practices) form of Islam have no harm to Pakistan --- I hope you will also agree that every single group that has caused mass casualty terrorist attacks, as well as assassinations of Army Officers, has been a follow of the Saudi-backed form (TTP and LEJ specifically).

3.) My point is simply that the Iranian regime's form of Islam has not been the fundamental basis of terrorist groups that have wreacked havoc in Pakistan. How many Shia terrorists following the Iranian regime's interpretation of Islam have blown themselves up in markets or mosques in Pakistan, killing hundreds of innocents? Now, how many Wahabbi types? Yes, they do take part in assassinations and revenge-assassinations against Sunni sectarian groups --- all such assassins from both sides should be arrested. Anyone breaking the law in Pakistan should be dealt with very harshly.

4.) In my opinion, Iran is a better choice. This is because of the above, but also because, as a society, the comparison is quite bare between the House of Saud and the Iranian regime: please compare scientific innovations, education statistics, arts & culture promotion, attempts at military self-reliance, etc.

5.) Which other Muslim country is currently standing up to Israel? Saudi Arabia, with its vast resources, could have really elevated the Palestinian cause. Instead, it is hand and glove with the Israelis --- one of the biggest foreign policy achievements of Mossad in a while.

6.) You are totally right in saying that other sects like Barelvis etc have also adopted the concept of takfeer and are celebrating the b@stard murderer Mumtaz Qadri. They celebrated the death anniversary of Salman Taseer but have not celebrated the death anniversaries of Umar Naray (APS attack mastermind) and many other terrorists killed. This is the problem with most mullahs. I have to agree with you here, mate --- it is not just the Wahabbi/Deobandis that are causing havoc!

7.) I totally agree with you that the terrorist phenomenon is not just sectarian; it has political underpinnings and is usually fueled by money/drugs and a greed for power. A warped interpretation of Islam is just used as a recruiting and brainwashing tool.

While we may disagree on whether Iran or Saudi Arabia is a better future partner for Pakistan --- we can both agree that we are patriots who have the best interests of our own country in mind. Perhaps the best would be the most inclusive --- solid relations with both and, if it's not too much to hope for, a strong role in mending ties between the two so we can focus on our external enemies rather than fighting among ourselves (which is exactly what the US and Israel would like to see).

Peace, brother!
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