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Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

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When Russia cut off China's oil route, then China cant develop anymore. Just like u cant live and do anything when u have No food to eat:pop:

Why would Russia be enemies to China? Because you said so?
Lenin died in 1924 when no Communist China were yet.
The race with the U.S. made possible to other socialist countries to develop peacefully. You think just because of pride the Soviet leaders were spending huge amounts of money on defense? No. This was done in order to protect socialism. Otherwise, Americans would just bombed one country after another - as they do now, when there is no one to give them a hard nut to crack.

CPC was founded in 1921, Lenin was still alive at that time.

Communist Party of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We know that the capitalist USA was primiarily the aggressor, since they had the plan to launch the pre-emptive nuclear attack against USSR and its other socialist nations, but you guys have felt into their trap.

Uncle Sam had intentionally lured USSR into a miliary race, since USA can loot other nation's resources with their green paper, while USSR can only use its own resources. So this military race was not fair from the beginning.

Those Anglo-Saxon dirty players had made you guys to spend into the military race at the expense of your economy.

Because USSR had overspent too much in the military race, the economy started to look worse, the Anglo-Saxons have finally grasped the golden opportunity to bribe the traitors from your country in order to bring down your communist government.

Anglo-Saxon was the infamous dirty player, only a true communist ideologist leader like Lenin and Mao won't fall into their trap.
CPC was founded in 1921, Lenin was still alive at that time.

Communist Party of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We know that the capitalist USA was primiarily the aggressor, since they had the plan to launch the pre-emptive nuclear attack against USSR and its other socialist nations, but you guys have felt into their trap.

Uncle Sam had intentionally lured USSR into a miliary race, since USA can loot other nation's resources with their green paper, while USSR can only use its own resources. So this military race was not fair from the beginning.

Those Anglo-Saxon dirty players had made you guys to spend into the military race at the expense of your economy.

Because USSR had overspent too much in the military race, the economy started to look worse, the Anglo-Saxons have finally grasped the golden opportunity to bribe the traitors from your country in order to bring down your communist government.

Anglo-Saxon was the infamous dirty player, only a true communist ideologist leader like Lenin and Mao won't fall into their trap.
Stalin was a real leader. He who created the Eastern Bloc and helped the Communists come to power in half the world.
The Soviet Union had no choice but to build weapons. Otherwise, the Soviet Union would be victim of aggression. The U.S. and Britain had plans for nuclear attack. Only the total concentration of the efforts of the scientists and the military has made impossible a new global war.
It is a lie that the Soviet Union had not the strength to compete with the West. Lie. Just after Stalin death was destroyed State Planning Commission - Ministry of statistics and economic planning. And as the basis of a socialist economy - namely planning, the lack of this Institute result the USSR began to lose the West.
Under Stalin, the Soviet economy was growing up to 30% a year - relying on its own strength. But without careful planning it can not be done. Khrushchev was proud and arrogant fool. He believed that he knows better need of the country than thousands of scientists.
Stalin was a real leader. He who created the Eastern Bloc and helped the Communists come to power in half the world.
The Soviet Union had no choice but to build weapons. Otherwise, the Soviet Union would be victim of aggression. The U.S. and Britain had plans for nuclear attack. Only the total concentration of the efforts of the scientists and the military has made impossible a new global war.
It is a lie that the Soviet Union had not the strength to compete with the West. Lie. Just after Stalin death was destroyed State Planning Commission - Ministry of statistics and economic planning. And as the basis of a socialist economy - namely planning, the lack of this Institute result the USSR began to lose the West.
Under Stalin, the Soviet economy was growing up to 30% a year - relying on its own strength. But without careful planning it can not be done. Khrushchev was proud and arrogant fool. He believed that he knows better need of the country than thousands of scientists.

Stalin was Great but i Like Khrushchev he was way better he wanted to Give Socialism a Human Face Make it at par with Capitalism

Both Stalin & Khrushchev helped India Build it's Industrial Foundation
Hindi-Russi[Russian] Bhai Bhai
Mao was a very controversial figure in Chinese history,I m not here to pass judgement,but one thing is for sure,without USSR,he and his party couldn't be able to ascend to power thus the whole modern Chinese history would be changed.it would give China at least 30 more years for developing the country's economy,so you can guess what the result would be.

Your country man @fattyacid vehemently refused to accepted historic facts ....

He had imprudence of asking me whether Russians had helped in Chinese nuclear programme , missiles etc ....

He called me dodgy,slimy,shameless , liar.....and he attributed these to Indians .....

The truth is out ....Chinese are not saints ....
They also milked Soviets as much as possible....

There is nothing indigenous about Chinese nuclear programme ,Missile , Space programme

You guys are living in state of denial .....

I always maintained utmost decency in my discussion and see how your countryman resorted to name-calling !

all I am saying that you guys have been ungrateful to Russia ....

Russia helped PRC and Russia helped ROC....and continues to help even today....

Shows hypocrisy of your people to turn against their benefactors ....

when millions were dying of poverty....and china had no one.....only soviets helped your country

It's true Soviets had their own intentions but that does not belittle crucial help it gave,,,,

You guys got everything readymade on platter ....while being mollycoddled under garb of Soviet bloc...
Nukes, missiles, armament not only that but money , men ,machines required.....

You guys have been in denial of historic world known facts .....

You owe a lot to Russia ......

You may or may not accept it .....
But whole world knows it

Accept Mao was the greatest leader of your country .....
he launched a third word country like PRC to nuclear powered state totally with Soviet help .....

If you guys are going to deny PRC Foreign ministry archives ..... so be it

I have nothing more to say ...Let world judge you ...by the facts ......

You guys can't change the fact that Russia helped you then ....Russia helped you in 1990s again

and has been helping you all along in all crucial fields

You have been most ungrateful ....to Russia !!!
Stalin was a real leader. He who created the Eastern Bloc and helped the Communists come to power in half the world.
The Soviet Union had no choice but to build weapons. Otherwise, the Soviet Union would be victim of aggression. The U.S. and Britain had plans for nuclear attack. Only the total concentration of the efforts of the scientists and the military has made impossible a new global war.
It is a lie that the Soviet Union had not the strength to compete with the West. Lie. Just after Stalin death was destroyed State Planning Commission - Ministry of statistics and economic planning. And as the basis of a socialist economy - namely planning, the lack of this Institute result the USSR began to lose the West.
Under Stalin, the Soviet economy was growing up to 30% a year - relying on its own strength. But without careful planning it can not be done. Khrushchev was proud and arrogant fool. He believed that he knows better need of the country than thousands of scientists.

Stalin was still a great leader for Russia, although not a great ideologist like Lenin for the whole communist world.

But remember, USA and its western minions were the naval power, only the naval power can control the world. They used their money printing machine to loot the world during the competition with USSR.

As i said, it was not fair for USSR, Khruschev/Brezhnev all those guys had exhausted USSR in the military race with USA without having applied the proper strategy.

Their failure directly led to the rise of the traitors such as Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

The mistake began with Khruschev and Brezhnev, because of their mistake, the traitors have used this excuse to attack the ideology of USSR.
^^^^ there is no doubt that Russia did helped China in the past. And Russia continue to work with China, especially China was suffering embargo from else where.

Thank you so much brother ......

Thanks for siding with truth and stating the obvious .....

You are one of the sane and honest person here on PDF ....

I had no business to dig up all these decades old records .... @ Fattyacids insulted me .....

He resorted to name-calling , while I always maintained dignified polite conversation ....

while I referred him as ....." Dear" .....he called me " Slimy " , " liar" , " shameless" , " dodgy " , " without integrity"

and so on ......

I have been true to myself .....and have proved every statement I made based on well accepted sources .....

I am glad and thank you wholeheartedly for being open and honest about accepting truth ......
Indians think PRC is China,that's wrong,PRC is a governemnt.its role in the Chinese history is still waiting to be assessed in the future.USSR helped PRC(the communist government),but caused great disasters to the Chinese nation.Chinese posters here are not representing this communist government,we are here representing the Chinese nation.

I will speak for myself ...and not all Indians and whole India ......India is a democratic country ......Everybody speaks for themselves .....

I have been correct .....

Read all the posts carefully .....

Do you continue to deny that Russia helped you even after 1990 and continues to help ?????

Permanent seat on security council , Nuclear weapons , Missiles , Industrialization , Armaments everything happened during PRC era !!!

I was impossible to achieve all this for the then third world PRC without Soviet help .....

Accept the Soviet contribution ......to Nuclear , Missile , Space , Defense capability of your country .....

After changing from PRC to ROC did you guys give up everything that you inherited there .....

You want to gobble up PRCs achievements but don't want to embrace their shortcomings......

Shows your hypocrisy......

You may live in state of denial ...... But not whole world ......

Blame it on CCP , if they taught you wrong history .....

all this PRC and ROC differentiation is absolute nonsense.....

Learn to accept history of your country ....

whole world knows this .....only CCP brainwashed Chinese like you are in state of Denial

But I am glad everybody is not like you

You are so hypocrite to say that Russia helped PRC but nor ROC .....

That means you deny all help Russia gave to you since 1990s
China owes Russia nothing,Russia used PRC as its paws and sacrifice hundreds of thousands Chinese lives defending their so called Communism bloc,they took away millions of square kilometers Chinese territory to create a "buffer state"and that's the irreparable loss to the Chinese nation.Russia help PRC but hurt the Chinese nation immensely.dont get so upset,we know who we owe and who owes us,you Indians are in no position speaking for the Chinese nation.change your font to normal size and have an objective discussion,would you?
Stalin was Great but i Like Khrushchev he was way better he wanted to Give Socialism a Human Face Make it at par with Capitalism

Both Stalin & Khrushchev helped India Build it's Industrial Foundation
Hindi-Russi[Russian] Bhai Bhai

Under Stalin, Khrushchev was the most bloodthirsty maniac. He had sent to Moscow so much death list in the 30's years that Stalin wrote to him: "Calm down, you fool."
Another fact. During the feasts of the Politburo, Stalin made a drunken Khrushchev dance and sing. He thought he was narrow-minded. And so it was. Khrushchev destroyed the ocean-going fleet, which Stalin began to build after WW2, destroyed the guns, because he thought only the missiles are going to fight. Khrushchev destroyed the small and medium business - under Stalin more than half of shoes, clothes and food were produced by artels. Khrushchev forbade peasants to have more than 2 cows and sell their products in the markets. Khrushchev ordered to add soy to sausage, and before him, in the Soviet sausage was 100% meat and lard. Khrushchev banned the free sale of cars. Under Khrushchev, prices rose by 2-3 times, and salaries have not grown. Khrushchev had financial reform, which result ruble lost 40% of purchasing power. Under Khrushchev, the shelves in shops began to empty.
Khrushchev destroyed the State Planning Commission - as a result of the pace of economic development has slowed more than tripled. As a result, the Soviet Union lost its leadership in science and technology, and had to catching up.
Hindi-Russi[Russian] Bhai Bhai
I remember this from my favorite child book "Old Hottabych" ("Старик Хоттабыч") :cheers:
Today, many have criticized the Soviet Union and Stalin himself. And not only in the West, but alsoб that is the strangest thing - in countries that were liberated from foreign occupation or domination thanks to Comrade Stalin.
Many people think that the independence of their country - the product only of the internal fight. But without outside support, without the help of the Soviet Union it would not have happened.
It's a shame that many of revising history and deleting or downplaying from it the factor of external assistance.
let's agree to disagree on some issues,but we both agree on the fact that Russians only helped themselves.and China,as a great nation,could be better off if not having those foreign "helps"and interference.

The fact is that CPC is Mother China's most loyal and devoting child, while USSR was only its mentor.

CPC always caring Mother China above anything else.

Mother China was totally ruined by those KMT scums after over 20 years of failure, but CPC had rebuilt her motherland from null.

Mother China now can only live her child CPC, do you think any other children can take care of her mother like CPC did?

Those KMT scums always worked with our enemy against the interests of our motherland, they are our enemy, we should be forever remembered it.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife had begged her US master to use the nuclear weapons on China, those KMT scums should all be hanged by the people.
USSR helped to set up and financially aided PRC,N.Korea,N.Vietnma...Eastern Germany and some other Warsaw pact European countries,Poland,Hungry,Bulgaria...,USSR did that to serve their own interests and used them as their paws.do you sincerely believe that those countries and their people would be worse off without Russia's "help"and "aid".
China owes Russia nothing,Russia used PRC as its paws and sacrifice hundreds of thousands Chinese lives defending their so called Communism bloc,they took away millions of square kilometers Chinese territory to create a "buffer state"and that's the irreparable loss to the Chinese nation.Russia help PRC but hurt the Chinese nation immensely.dont get so upset,we know who we owe and who owes us,you Indians are in no position speaking for the Chinese nation.change your font to normal size and have an objective discussion,would you?

I have created this thread to prove that I am not liar , dodgy , dishonest ....because your countryman insulted me and went personal ....

I have always maintained objectivity and dignity in my discussion ....

All my posts in PDF are testimonial to this fact .....

I have even rebuked my Indian friends here when they engaged Chinese mudslinging .....

Did you even at once ask your friend what you ask me now .....

I will not change font or colour .....

Because it is meant to highlight few salient points among several ....and It is for the benefit of reader.....
For quick recap .....

You can't bring objectivity to discussion by changing fonts .....

I have provided written proof from authentic sources to supports facts I stated .....I have maintained objectivity

Unlike your countryman @ Fattyacids I have not resorted to insult, name-calling , mudslinging
The fact is that CPC is Mother China's most loyal and devoting child, while USSR was only its mentor.

CPC always caring Mother China above anything else.

Mother China was totally ruined by those KMT scums after over 20 years of failure, but CPC had rebuilt her motherland from null.

Mother China now can only live her child CPC, do you think any other children can take care of her mother like CPC did?

Those KMT scums always worked with our enemy against the interests of our motherland, they are our enemy, we should be forever remembered it.

Chiang Kai-shek's wife had begged her US master to use the nuclear weapons on China, those KMT scums should all be hanged by the people.

I dont care about PRC or ROC,if they did fight that proxy war and not being used as the paws of world powers back then China can be whole different by now,we always trust the intelligence and hardworking ethics of the Chinese nation,we can prosper under any adverse circumstances.
USSR helped to set up and financially aided PRC,N.Korea,N.Vietnma...Eastern Germany and some other Warsaw pact European countries,Poland,Hungry,Bulgaria...,USSR did that to serve their own interests and used them as their paws.do you sincerely believe that those countries and their people would be worse off without Russia's "help"and "aid".

USSR has helped us, but we had to prove ourselves as well.

The Korean War was the ultimate test to prove our worthiness, otherwise USSR wouldn't care much about China, they would rather have KMT and CPC to become two separated regimes like today's South/North Korea.

Remember, there is no free meal in this world, the sacrifice of our soldiers in the Korean War had returned the favor from USSR.
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