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South Korea scrambles fighter jets after detecting 180 North Korean warplanes, military says

So you still wants to ‘’balance" them to your favor, this is always what US tries to do which caused so much killings and sufferings around the world. China's rise is good for the world because now US has less ability to "balance" other countries. Let nations decide the own fate instead of foreign powers, the reason why you are contradicting yourself is because you arguments are not consistent.
Do you want to have Kim control the rest of Korea and make them suffer as well? South Koreans don't want it. Even North Koreans try to flee the country. Yet,you would want the North to conquer the South and say "let them decide".

If Koreans could decide freely,the North would have been largely emptied and most would have fled to the South.
Do you want to have Kim control the rest of Korea and make them suffer as well? South Koreans don't want it. Even North Koreans try to flee the country. Yet,you would want the North to conquer the South and say "let them decide".

If Koreans could decide freely,the North would have been largely emptied and most would have fled to the South.
It's their business, not mine or yours, do I have any say on how Greeks should live and who should govern your country? Is it ok for China to send troops to Greece if we are not happy about your government?
North Korea has plenty of precise munitions in its inventory as it nears its completion of transition of short range ballistic missiles from liquid fuel to solid fuel.

KN-23 as known outside DPRK is equivalent to Iskander as it is aero / quasi ballistic has 700-800 kilometer range, also larger model with 2.5 ton warhead and same range.


DPRK has 12 tube 300mm and 4 tube 600mm caliber multiple launch rocket systems that solely use guided munitions with 200 and 400 kilometer range respectively.


Another is OTR-21 Tochka sized close range ballistic missile with comparable range with transporter erector launcher has 4 canisters. Today they did full salvo.


They have developed long range ground launched land attack cruise missile that could cover all of Japan and Republic of China with its 2000 kilometer range.

They also improved conventional artillery, Juche 107 (Year 2018) Self Propelled Howitzer with reported maximum range of 40 kilometers, akin to ROK's K9 Thunder.

It's their business, not mine or yours, do I have any say on how Greeks should live and who should govern your country? Is it ok for China to send troops to Greece if we are not happy about your government?
If I'm a sovereign nation and someone threatens my existence,I'll call my allies. Simple as that.
N Korea have very old jets but they are in huge numbers. Still with good piloting skills they can wreak havoc.
N Korea have very old jets but they are in huge numbers. Still with good piloting skills they can wreak havoc.
They can't. They only thing they can do is WWII style kamikaze attacks. Even then,the South Korean Air Defence will take them down.

They can't. They only thing they can do is WWII style kamikaze attacks. Even then,the South Korean Air Defence will take them down.

Good piloting skill matters a lot when it comes to dealing with those air defence systems.
Good piloting skill matters a lot when it comes to dealing with those air defence systems.
Yes,bhai it matters a lot and I agree on that,but what can you do with Mig-19s,Mig-21s and Su-7s against F-15s,F-16s and FA-50s,I won't mention the F-35s. They would be easily shot down by South Korean VADS and manpads.
Do you want to have Kim control the rest of Korea and make them suffer as well? South Koreans don't want it. Even North Koreans try to flee the country. Yet,you would want the North to conquer the South and say "let them decide".

If Koreans could decide freely,the North would have been largely emptied and most would have fled to the South.
Yes,bhai it matters a lot and I agree on that,but what can you do with Mig-19s,Mig-21s and Su-7s against F-15s,F-16s and FA-50s,I won't mention the F-35s. They would be easily shot down by South Korean VADS and manpads.
I was talking about ground bombing missions not the dog fights. Imagine some 200 old mig19s gets into south Korean territory at once drop bombs on Seoul. That's havoc.
Wonder what's going on behind the scene that ticks Kim off this much.
I hope there's no war.

US nd S.Korea dare to do shit about North Korea, the only thing they are doing now is begging China and Russia to rein in North Korea, their weapons and armies are just for show and parades.

Who is doing the shows and parades?

The reason why South Korea always seems to be on the defensive is because they know North Korea can paralyse the South with absolute fire power in the first hour of the war, the north will never give the south time to react. both countries are very small in size and won't withstand the first round of full scale attack, it all depends on who will attack first, but because the north has nukes, the south will never risk their very onw existence to attack first, so the fancy weapons of the south are just showroom exhibits which have no real effects in a real war time scenario, and the south will never dare to provoke the north.
And neither is North Korea going to do crap even with all the nukes they have, they complaining about the military exercises by U.S. and South Korea for many years. At most they kill more fishes with their ballistic missiles.
I was talking about ground bombing missions not the dog fights. Imagine some 200 old mig19s gets into south Korean territory at once drop bombs on Seoul. That's havoc.
Those Mig-19 / J-6 were improved with additional hard points / pylons on belly of the aircraft to carry more ordnance.
Hence four 250 kilogram FAB-250 gravity free fall bombs could be carried on belly and on wings one rocket pod on each wing.

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