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South China Sea region property of the world: India

Your Africom is there to counter China...there is no such organization before...so stop all BS about help Africans achieve their own security, and to support African leadership efforts. American care only themself... so don't bullsh1t about helping other...LMAO

1. USAFRICOM was set in place to allow the United States to react to any quagmire in Africa with efficiency in strategic, tactical as well as operational means.

2. It is part of American strategic interests to have a functioning African continent, devoid of unnecessary ethnic wars. The presence of the USAFRICOM in the theater of operation guarantees the security of strategic interests in the aforementioned region.

IMO, I would prefer the present Status quo with the PRC. The PRC & US should work out their differences peacefully. In any conflicts, it is the common people that will be used by their political masters as cannon fodders. I think any sane person would agree with me that he would not want to be used as cannon fodder.

I will not disagree with you that the end result of such a scenario would be anything less than catastrophic. Let us hope that diplomatic verbatim wins the day.

The government didn't go all out in both cases and neither were the rebels alone. I also said "except very backwards countries". That would mean every country not in the G-20 and probably a few that are.

When I say modern, I mean, post 1992.

You never clarified this in your original post, why is it that when I'm giving you examples of the counter-argument, then you begin introducing exclusives and limitations that were never mentioned in the beginning?

Come on, buddy, quid pro quo. Pax nobis et digum vivum nostrum.

lol, there is no counter-containment. Your navy does not even have a blue-water capability, let alone, considering and talking about counter-countainment conspiracies. My friend, the reality is China is being contained.

Love the picture by the way. In the end, its a movie, let's get back to reality. ;)

But there is always a question to be answered, that is "How long can US contain China?". And don't forget the phrase - "Pride before the fall." You might want to find out why there are some many instances that people including US citizens are protecting against US first.
Then why American need to create AFricommand...LMAO...China is gradually dismantle American exceptionalism in Africa, south American, Middle east...the only thing we miss is bring our Warships in vincinity of U.S pacify and Atlantic coasts

..and yes Bruce Lee, iconic chinese hero: we're not to be left without Challenge

There is no need to bow down to the Americans in SCS and China is not doing it. Despite all the rhetoric her public opinions just won't allow her for another belligerent adventure. Her economy will tank and perhaps China's too if they're going to war. So she is going to taking such risks over these underwater rock disputes that is none of her business.
How do you know that we didn't walked all this time...after normalization with U.S, we walk everywhere..even into your backyard to plant seeds of containment or counter-containment, when time to play the "GO" game..everything is in place.

We walk around your finantial system by having an economical E-bomb option (buy your T-bone)
We walk around your corporate to lobby them in our favor
We walk around your consummer to earn their money...so much for your trade deficits
We walk around your enemies such Vinesuela, Cuba, Sudan...Africa, middle East..so we have geopoilitcal option
We walk into space to undo your Sats in case of war

...If that's not enough..we will walk eventually to U.S vincinity with subs and other warships to Cozy Cuba and other..so kiss goodbye your Monreo doctrine...

For now China gain more than lose nothing by have good relation with U.S, a lot of trade surplus can only use to modernize our military ARMADA...it's China interest to stay the way it is now.

In the future conflic between China-US...the whole world structure such UN, IMF,WTO...will be reshaped...will certainly not in Western advantages

such Sanction against Libya...

if needed, China will create in own UN and cozy with all your Foes as you play Chinese enemies as your friends...beleive me there will be much fun between U.S and China in future..

After get owned by Chineses in this thread, I guess these Indians and Vietnamese feel much joys and relief to see an American came to rescue them ...or another false flagger... anyway bring it on...American or not.


Well well well, what do i see here? Chinese imagination at work. Get a reality check dude. China is not that strong to do all that you mentioned. you are just overestimating Chinese capabilities.

Africa, middle east are US enemies??? since when? Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait all buy weapons from US. America has military bases in some of these countries.
Just by having A-SAT technology you think China can destroy US satellites? what do you think they don't have defenses against A-sat weapons?
The rest of your post is just utter nonsense. care to explain exactly how China is going to achieve this?
what makes you think that Indians and Vietnamese got owned by Chinese? LOL Delusions of the highest order.
Well well well, what do i see here? Chinese imagination at work. Get a reality check dude. China is not that strong to do all that you mentioned. you are just overestimating Chinese capabilities.

Africa, middle east are US enemies??? since when? Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait all buy weapons from US. America has military bases in some of these countries.
Just by having A-SAT technology you think China can destroy US satellites? what do you think they don't have defenses against A-sat weapons?
The rest of your post is just utter nonsense. care to explain exactly how China is going to achieve this?
what makes you think that Indians and Vietnamese got owned by Chinese? LOL Delusions of the highest order.

We have never said that we're strong as you claimed...you just inflate our capabilities..not us..I just brought up some points to answer about USHawk785's saying that China just talk not walks.

Africa, Middle east are not US enemies, i've never said that but U.S want to counter China's influence...such case of Libya..that they want to remove the disliked Gadafi that give china oil concession...without saying Sudan

As for Asat...I just want to tell this guy..we walk not just talk as we take initiative to demonstrate to U.S that their space asset can be jeopadized in case of conflict with China...Space asset is American military heart and brain...without it...U.S will lost their effectiveness of fighting...regardless if they have defense or not against Asat...they sure know that we have this capability.

For the rest of what I said...it's pretty obvious...China has no obligation to embrace structures and organizations that Western has created such UN ..IMF and WTO...the creation of BRICS and SCO are good example of this world reorganization...that thing will evolve in the future.

as for Indians and Vietnameses...you guys must feel more secure to have an American in this Thread...to backup your claim about Krisna's statement ..with U.S carrier battle group pictures...:lol:
There is no need to bow down to the Americans in SCS and China is not doing it. Despite all the rhetoric her public opinions just won't allow her for another belligerent adventure. Her economy will tank and perhaps China's too if they're going to war. So she is going to taking such risks over these underwater rock disputes that is none of her business.

But whenever US decides to launch attack on a country, its smearing campaign on the targeted country will precede well ahead of the military assault. They use the media to opiate the minds of their people so that congressional decision on a war against that country will pass with as minimal oppositions as possible!

Now we have a crazy situation where the thieves are accusing the owner act of larceny of his own property. it is similar to the stories of some old hollywood cowboy movies that portray the Native Indians as the 'barbaric bad guys"; and the discriminated and oppressed black guys as the violent mob against the whitemen.
Incorrect and totally erroneous. The United States has a fully functioning Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Shield; the AEGIS ABM Platform on our crusiers and destroyers via the RIM-161 system.

Additionally, The United States tested our ability to shoot down tactical ballistic missile launches via our Patriot Advanced Capability 3 (PAC-3), which had 100% effectiveness in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Additionally, we have the THAAD system (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense). The following defense shields guarantees that most of the incoming ballistic missiles that the PRC would be capable of launching would be shut ; considering it will be screened and neutralized by USPACCOM, most if not all would be shot down by USNORCOM,USEUCOM,USCENTCOM, USAFRICOM, and USSOUTHCOM.

During a strategic first strike, most if not all of the military arm of the PRC would be rendered nill. The handfew that would hit US targets would be limited in its scope, considering it even arrives at its intended target.

PRC, on the other hand, would be glassed as per American Nuclear Policy. It would be erased from the face of history.

No it won't. We have 294 megatons vs. the US's 570 megatons. That's just public stockpiles. There's nothing the US can do about us. We launch on warning. We're not going to wait till the missiles actually impact to launch.

The US cannot intercept ICBMs. It can only intercept SRBMs and not even very successfully at that.

The Patriot Missile Failure

That is because the US's midcourse interception capability is a hoax.

UPDATE 1-U.S. missile-defense test fails over Pacific | Reuters

On the other hand, China's midcourse interception is proven because we actually shot down an ICBM.

2010 Chinese anti-ballistic missile test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to The Pentagon, Beijing did not inform the test in advance.[3] And the statement "We detected two geographically separated missile launch events with an exo-atmospheric collision also being observed by space-based sensors", by The Pentagon spokeswoman Major Maureen Schumann, also proves the profile and results of the test.[3]
There is no need to bow down to the Americans in SCS and China is not doing it. Despite all the rhetoric her public opinions just won't allow her for another belligerent adventure. Her economy will tank and perhaps China's too if they're going to war. So she is going to taking such risks over these underwater rock disputes that is none of her business.

LOL. This coming from a Chinese who is working/ living in NYC. Get real, if you love China so much, get out of the US and stay in your country.


Well well well, what do i see here? Chinese imagination at work. Get a reality check dude. China is not that strong to do all that you mentioned. you are just overestimating Chinese capabilities.

Africa, middle east are US enemies??? since when? Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait all buy weapons from US. America has military bases in some of these countries.
Just by having A-SAT technology you think China can destroy US satellites? what do you think they don't have defenses against A-sat weapons?
The rest of your post is just utter nonsense. care to explain exactly how China is going to achieve this?
what makes you think that Indians and Vietnamese got owned by Chinese? LOL Delusions of the highest order.

There is no need in trying to argue with an immigrant who believes he knows everything about his so called China, while at the same time is living in the USA.

LOL. This coming from a Chinese who is working/ living in NYC. Get real, if you love China so much, get out of the US and stay in your country.


There is no need in trying to argue with an immigrant who believes he knows everything about his so called China, while at the same time is living in the USA.


Who told you I work in the US. I'm here to contribute to the US economy. If I'm not welcome your government will tell me, not from a phoney racist with a false flag like you.
No it won't. We have 294 megatons vs. the US's 570 megatons. That's just public stockpiles. There's nothing the US can do about us. We launch on warning. We're not going to wait till the missiles actually impact to launch.

The US cannot intercept ICBMs. It can only intercept SRBMs and not even very successfully at that.

The Patriot Missile Failure

That is because the US's midcourse interception capability is a hoax.

UPDATE 1-U.S. missile-defense test fails over Pacific | Reuters

On the other hand, China's midcourse interception is proven because we actually shot down an ICBM.

2010 Chinese anti-ballistic missile test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We shot down every ballistic missiles fired at us during Operation Iraqi Freedom, at a rate of 100% accuracy. We are capable of shooting down inferior designed Chinese-made ICBMs.

Who told you I work in the US. I'm here to contribute to the US economy. If I'm not welcome your government will tell me, not from a phoney racist like you.

Who said I'm a racist? Please don't assume. For a person who thinks so low of the United States and the multicultural dynamic of my country, you seem to love working and staying inside our country. The audacity of people who come and stay in our country and have the time to put down their host country in these forums.

Please, don't assume anything, and stick to the topic.
This reminds me of the North Korean satellite technology used to launch their failed satellite, which was Chinese technology. There is no fear on the American side , trust me.
We shot down every ballistic missiles fired at us during Operation Iraqi Freedom, at a rate of 100% accuracy. We are capable of shooting down inferior designed Chinese-made ICBMs.

Who said I'm a racist? Please don't assume. For a person who thinks so low of the United States and the multicultural dynamic of my country, you seem to love working and staying inside our country. The audacity of people who come and stay in our country and have the time to put down their host country in these forums.

Please, don't assume anything, and stick to the topic.

Your arrogant attitude forbid you to hear what I said and automatically assume I work in the US. I was on the topic too until you phoney self butt in.
What arrogant attitude? By implying the truth ? Oh please, try your asinine assumptions on someone else. I stand to what I said earlier. I would have taken all what you've said earlier had you been a Chinese living in Hong Kong. Instead, you're a man who happens to be of Chinese decent, living in the United States of America enjoying all the constitutional rights given to all residents of the United States.

You are posting anti-American rhetoric while you are living in American soil, using American internet service, eating American food and probably using American transportation.

So lucky my government is not like yours. Else, you'd already been sent to the mines or what have you.

LOL!! :laugh:
What arrogant attitude? By implying the truth ? Oh please, try your asinine assumptions on someone else. I stand to what I said earlier. I would have taken all what you've said earlier had you been a Chinese living in Hong Kong. Instead, you're a man who happens to be of Chinese decent, living in the United States of America enjoying all the constitutional rights given to all residents of the United States.

You are posting anti-american rhetoric while you are living in American soil, using American internet service, eating American food and probably using American transportation.

LOL!! :laugh:

Don't tell to be quiet when you're accusing me something. Check my flags and read my lip slowly: I do not work in US, I'm only visiting. I pay for everything in the US. Change your glass if you have one.
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