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South China Sea region property of the world: India

In the modern age, I don't think any country except very backwards ones can have a successful internal revolution. With the advent of information technology, tracking dangerous dissidents and crushing organized revolts has never been easier.

I would argue that. The revolutionary war in Libya resulted in the deposition of Gaddafi forces, which was better armed, than the militant revolutionary forces.

In the modern age, I don't think any country except very backwards ones can have a successful internal revolution. With the advent of information technology, tracking dangerous dissidents and crushing organized revolts has never been easier.

Tunisian revolution resulted in the deposition of the administration. The same dynamic occurred in Mubarak-controlled Egypt, where government collapsed due to popular insurrection.

The same thing is happening in Syria.

In the modern age, I don't think any country except very backwards ones can have a successful internal revolution. With the advent of information technology, tracking dangerous dissidents and crushing organized revolts has never been easier.

Communist revolutionary forces also initiated the same tactic, rallying up the masses, against the Jiang Jieshi-led Kuomintang. ;)
I would argue that. The revolutionary war in Libya resulted in the deposition of Gaddafi forces, which was better armed, than the militant revolutionary forces.

Tunisian revolution resulted in the deposition of the administration. The same dynamic occurred in Mubarak-controlled Egypt, where government collapsed due to popular insurrection.

The same thing is happening in Syria.

The government didn't go all out in both cases and neither were the rebels alone. I also said "except very backwards countries". That would mean every country not in the G-20 and probably a few that are.

When I say modern, I mean, post 1992.
Revolutionary movements are ever rarely "independent" of outside forces. Chinese Communist Revolutionary forces were aided ostensibly by the Soviets. Hence, the NATO involvement in the Libyan Revolutionary Movement isn't any different, when one regards the political and geopolitical dynamic.
The PRC is not capable of MAD , the United States would , if pressed to the brink, initiate a pre-emptive strike, rendering most if not all of PRC's military arm nill. Any subsequent nuclear launches from PRC to US strategic points would be shot down by our missile shield.

If , hypothetically speaking, some nuclear warheads hit mainland US, it would be minimal, and not enough to destroy the American Way of Life. The opposite would not hold true in the case of PRC.

PRC, would be, I'm afraid, be glassed in such a conflict. It would not be allowed to survive , as per American Nuclear Doctrine.

In your scenairo have you considered the followings:

1. The response of Russia.

2. The contamination of Japan, Korea and all surrounding countries by radioactive fallout. Russian Far East will also be affected.

3. Nuclear fallout and radioactives clouds filling the Earth atmosphere. Are you sure the US is this irresponsible? In fact my hands are trembling just by reading your response.
Revolutionary movements are ever rarely "independent" of outside forces. Chinese Communist Revolutionary forces were aided ostensibly by the Soviets. Hence, the NATO involvement in the Libyan Revolutionary Movement isn't any different, when one regards the political and geopolitical dynamic.

No they weren't. There were more Soviet advisors on the KMT side than there were on the CPC side. Up till the last, the Soviet Union wanted both sides to play off against each other and even tried to hold the PLA back from crossing the Yangtze.

The KMT and the Soviet Union were such great buddies that the son of Chiang Kai Shek, Chiang Ching Kuo, studied in Moscow and married a white Russian, and Soviet aircraft flew missions for the KMT in WW2. The CPC, meanwhile, got surplus Japanese weapons.

The KMT was backed by first Nazi Germany, then the Soviet Union, then the US. It still failed.

The PRC is not capable of MAD , the United States would , if pressed to the brink, initiate a pre-emptive strike, rendering most if not all of PRC's military arm nill. Any subsequent nuclear launches from PRC to US strategic points would be shot down by our missile shield.

If , hypothetically speaking, some nuclear warheads hit mainland US, it would be minimal, and not enough to destroy the American Way of Life. The opposite would not hold true in the case of PRC.

PRC, would be, I'm afraid, be glassed in such a conflict. It would not be allowed to survive , as per American Nuclear Doctrine.

The US missile shield is a hoax. It couldn't even track and shoot down stone age SCUDS from Saddam. It cannot shoot down a single Chinese ICBM. On the other hand, China actually launched an ICBM and then shot it down outside the atmosphere, which was confirmed by the Pentagon itself.

As for whether China has MAD capability:


1. Russia - 1,273 megatons
2. United States - 570 megatons
3. China - 294 megatons

294 megatons is alot of damage. Takes only 3 megatons to glass a big city.

The conflict in this hypothetical scenario would involve the US, NATO, ROJ, ROK, possibly India, ASEAN. Since contention would be due in fact to some kind of fall out in diplomatic verbatim between the PRC and US, it would not serve Russian interests to meddle in the conflict, especially if the situation became a nuclear scenario. I would expect the Kremlin to sit this one out, as it is to her interest to have a weak and de-fanged China (PRC).

It would not serve Russian strategic interests to initiate hostilities with the United States. USSR was wise enough not to do so during the Cold War, she would uphold the same logic now, that she is far weaker now in the present than she was in the Soviet Epoch.

The conflict in this hypothetical scenario would involve the US, NATO, ROJ, ROK, possibly India, ASEAN. Since contention would be due in fact to some kind of fall out in diplomatic verbatim between the PRC and US, it would not serve Russian interests to meddle in the conflict, especially if the situation became a nuclear scenario. I would expect the Kremlin to sit this one out, as it is to her interest to have a weak and de-fanged China (PRC).

It would not serve Russian strategic interests to initiate hostilities with the United States. USSR was wise enough not to do so during the Cold War, she would uphold the same logic now, that she is far weaker now in the present than she was in the Soviet Epoch.

IMO, I would prefer the present Status quo with the PRC. The PRC & US should work out their differences peacefully. In any conflicts, it is the common people that will be used by their political masters as cannon fodders. I think any sane person would agree with me that he would not want to be used as cannon fodder.
The US missile shield is a hoax. It couldn't even track and shoot down stone age SCUDS from Saddam. It cannot shoot down a single Chinese ICBM. On the other hand, China actually launched an ICBM and then shot it down outside the atmosphere, which was confirmed by the Pentagon itself.

As for whether China has MAD capability:


1. Russia - 1,273 megatons
2. United States - 570 megatons
3. China - 294 megatons

With MAD, the threat of an all out nuclear war can be avoided. I think we can all sleep better tonight.
If the leaders in India China and US start talking and thinking like the members of this forum I am sure it will not take more than 20 minutes for the total annihilation of this planet.
LOL. Too much talk and no walk.

How do you know that we didn't walked all this time...after normalization with U.S, we walk everywhere..even into your backyard to plant seeds of containment or counter-containment, when time to play the "GO" game..everything is in place.

We walk around your finantial system by having an economical E-bomb option (buy your T-bone)
We walk around your corporate to lobby them in our favor
We walk around your consummer to earn their money...so much for your trade deficits
We walk around your enemies such Vinesuela, Cuba, Sudan...Africa, middle East..so we have geopoilitcal option
We walk into space to undo your Sats in case of war

...If that's not enough..we will walk eventually to U.S vincinity with subs and other warships to Cozy Cuba and other..so kiss goodbye your Monreo doctrine...

For now China gain more than lose nothing by have good relation with U.S, a lot of trade surplus can only use to modernize our military ARMADA...it's China interest to stay the way it is now.

In the future conflic between China-US...the whole world structure such UN, IMF,WTO...will be reshaped...will certainly not in Western advantages

such Sanction against Libya...

if needed, China will create in own UN and cozy with all your Foes as you play Chinese enemies as your friends...beleive me there will be much fun between U.S and China in future..

After get owned by Chineses in this thread, I guess these Indians and Vietnamese feel much joys and relief to see an American came to rescue them ...or another false flagger... anyway bring it on...American or not.

How do you know that we didn't walked all this time...after normalization with U.S, we walk everywhere..even into your backyard to plant seeds of containment or counter-containment, when time to play the "GO" game..everything is in place.

We walk around your finantial system by having an economical E-bomb option (buy your T-bone)
We walk around your corporate to lobby them in our favor
We walk around your consummer to earn their money...so much for your trade deficits
We walk around your enemies such Vinesuela, Cuba, Sudan...Africa, middle East..so we have geopoilitcal option
We walk into space to undo your Sats in case of war

...If that's not enough..we will walk eventually to U.S vincinity with subs and other warships to Cozy Cuba and other..so kiss goodbye your Monreo doctrine...

For now China gain more than lose nothing by have good relation with U.S, a lot of trade surplus can only use to modernize our military ARMADA...it's China interest to stay the way it is now.

In the future conflic between China-US...the whole world structure such UN, IMF,WTO...will be reshaped...will certainly not in Western advantages

such Sanction against Libya...

if needed, China will create in own UN and cozy with all your Foes as you play Chinese enemies as your friends...beleive me there will be much fun between U.S and China in future..

After get owned by Chineses in this thread, I guess these Indians and Vietnamese feel much joys and relief to see an American came to rescue them ...or another false flagger... anyway bring it on...American or not.


lol, there is no counter-containment. Your navy does not even have a blue-water capability, let alone, considering and talking about counter-countainment conspiracies. My friend, the reality is China is being contained.

Love the picture by the way. In the end, its a movie, let's get back to reality. ;)
lol, there is no counter-containment. Your navy does not even have a blue-water capability, let alone, considering and talking about counter-countainment conspiracies. My friend, the reality is China is being contained.

Love the picture by the way. In the end, its a movie, let's get back to reality. ;)

Then why American need to create AFricommand...LMAO...China is gradually dismantle American exceptionalism in Africa, south American, Middle east...the only thing we miss is bring our Warships in vincinity of U.S pacify and Atlantic coasts

..and yes Bruce Lee, iconic chinese hero: we're not to be left without Challenge
The US missile shield is a hoax. It couldn't even track and shoot down stone age SCUDS from Saddam. It cannot shoot down a single Chinese ICBM. On the other hand, China actually launched an ICBM and then shot it down outside the atmosphere, which was confirmed by the Pentagon itself.

Incorrect and totally erroneous. The United States has a fully functioning Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Shield; the AEGIS ABM Platform on our crusiers and destroyers via the RIM-161 system.

Additionally, The United States tested our ability to shoot down tactical ballistic missile launches via our Patriot Advanced Capability 3 (PAC-3), which had 100% effectiveness in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Additionally, we have the THAAD system (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense). The following defense shields guarantees that most of the incoming ballistic missiles that the PRC would be capable of launching would be shut ; considering it will be screened and neutralized by USPACCOM, most if not all would be shot down by USNORCOM,USEUCOM,USCENTCOM, USAFRICOM, and USSOUTHCOM.

During a strategic first strike, most if not all of the military arm of the PRC would be rendered nill. The handfew that would hit US targets would be limited in its scope, considering it even arrives at its intended target.

PRC, on the other hand, would be glassed as per American Nuclear Policy. It would be erased from the face of history.

So yes, this hypothetical war scenario doesn't end well for the PRC. :no:

Then why American need to create AFricommand...LMAO...China is gradually dismantle American exceptionalism in Africa, south American, Middle east...the only thing we miss is bring our Warships in vincinity of U.S pacify and Atlantic coasts

..and yes Bruce Lee, iconic chinese hero: we're not to be left without Challenge

LOL! He was as popular in China as he was in the United States. He himself was part American. ;)

Then why American need to create AFricommand...LMAO...China is gradually dismantle American exceptionalism in Africa, south American, Middle east...the only thing we miss is bring our Warships in vincinity of U.S pacify and Atlantic coasts

..and yes Bruce Lee, iconic chinese hero: we're not to be left without Challenge

The U.S. Department of State stated of AFRICOM that:

The U.S. military’s new command center for Africa, Africa Command (AFRICOM), will play a supportive role as Africans continue to build democratic institutions and establish good governance across the continent. AFRICOM’S foremost mission is to help Africans achieve their own security, and to support African leadership efforts.
LOL! He was as popular in China as he was in the United States. He himself was part American. ;)

The U.S. Department of State stated of AFRICOM that:

The U.S. military’s new command center for Africa, Africa Command (AFRICOM), will play a supportive role as Africans continue to build democratic institutions and establish good governance across the continent. AFRICOM’S foremost mission is to help Africans achieve their own security, and to support African leadership efforts.

He might be popular in U.S but mean nothing to American...but mean alot for Chinese: basically the message he tried to send is clear: American exceptionaism is just a myth...we will not to be left without Challenge.

Your Africom is there to counter China...there is no such organization before...so stop all BS about help Africans achieve their own security, and to support African leadership efforts. American care only themself... so don't bullsh1t about helping other...LMAO
He might be popular in U.S but mean nothing to American...but mean alot for Chinese: basically the message he tried to send is clear: American exceptionaism is just a myth...we will not to be left without Challenge.

If you ask me, I'm happy that Bruce became successful, he championed the Chinese culture and opened to the US general public of the dynamic of the Chinese-American, and other Asian-American factor. I'm glad that you regard Bruce Lee as an idol; whatever makes you happy.

Now, let's get back to the topic and reality and not use hollywood as a symbolism for your internal expression.

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