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Agreed. Whether it's Russian or American weapon, or even homemade arms, as long as Vietnam has a mean to fight, we fight to the end.
we will satisfy your wish, bombing vietnam back to stone age.

Chinese people are so angry for its government's inaction toward vietnam. This is the only time that we wish China is a democratic country so our government could follow people's opinion.
we will satisfy your wish, bombing vietnam back to stone age.

Chinese people are so angry for its government's inaction toward vietnam. This is the only time that we wish China is a democratic country so our government could follow people's opinion.
Did you just say the majority of your population want war? Where is your "Peacful Rise" now?

US tried and failed 40 years ago, what made you think China will success?
i did not read anything in this thread but just wanted to post this gif, you can guess which one represents those barking annam dogs
never underestimate the fat guy.
welcome new comer, not welcome new spammer.
1. your leader never say about nuke like you. To me, Chinese still poor, just pretend to be rich.
Don't allow big GDP lured you, GDP should be counted to Apple, Foxconn, ...
2. Let' review PRC ROC 1958, then you understand many things
3. Not so naive to think Vietnam depends much on outside help. That's not Vietnamese essence.
It's Our men and women will live or die for our country.

1.china nuclear declaration,you can google:China is the first nuclear weapon state to adopt a nuclear no first use (NFU),not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons states.
about poor or rich,we must admit china still a developing country,US,JAP,even korea can call us the poor,but you viet call us the poor is not qualified,most of china is living in east of china,and this area nearly developed country,if you come to china,you can see.
and about the GDP of china is from you called Apple, Foxconn...is very small part of all GDP.the state - owned enterprises and massive private enterprise is in a great measure in the GDP of china.
2014 world's top 500 enterprises,china have 89(not including TAIWAN).and these enterprise employ lots of local people.you should read more materials if you judge chinese economy.
2.as a chinese,dont try to tell me chinese history,i konw much more than you.
3.good,if your premier do anyting like you said,respect for viet peoaaaaple.
Did you just say the majority of your population want war? Where is your "Peacful Rise" now?

US tried and failed 40 years ago, what made you think China will success?
Peaceful rise don't mean we don't protect our nation's interests.

We don't need to fight with you. we don't want your land. we will let you suffering: blanket bombing or destroying all your important assets: military base, port, birdge, power plant whatever, let you live a life of 30 years ago. This would set a perfect example for those countries who want to go agains China.

Economically, we will sanction you, let you become Asia's Cuba.
Your definition of peace is funny, too funny. China protect its intertest by crushing our interest.

You can try to bomb our country, or even use your DF. We won't give up easily. You know what Vietnam is good at: dragging stronger countries down to the mud and wearing them down, then making them give up and claiming victory.
Peaceful rise don't mean we don't protect our nation's interests.

We don't need to fight with you. we don't want your land. we will let you suffering: blanket bombing or destroying all your important assets: military base, port, birdge, power plant whatever, let you live a life of 30 years ago. This would set a perfect example for those countries who want to go agains China.

Economically, we will sanction you, let you become Asia's Cuba.
In my country, peaceful means we do dialogue. Not threatening other country's ship.
If you get my point.
In my country, peaceful means we do dialogue. Not threatening other country's ship.
If you get my point.
Not just in India. Any nation would think peace means no war. Yet somehow our Chinese friend is ok with bombing other country while shouting "We rise in peace".
Not just in India. Any nation would think peace means no war. Yet somehow our Chinese friend is ok with bombing other country while shouting "We rise in peace".
Correct you, He is indonesian.
Not just in India. Any nation would think peace means no war. Yet somehow our Chinese friend is ok with bombing other country while shouting "We rise in peace".
I'm in Indonesia, buddy. I have no idea about India as you saying :laugh:
Indeed, whole world already known how aggresive China is.
Hopefully they begin doing dialogue first before sending any fleet to another country's yard
Correct you, He is indonesian.
Thanks. I am mistaken for the ID letter. I don't remember either Indonesia or India flag.

I'm in Indonesia, buddy. I have no idea about India as you saying :laugh:
Indeed, whole world already known how aggresive China is.
Hopefully they begin doing dialogue first before sending any fleet to another country's yard
Sorry if that bothers you.
You lie. Mr. Dzung himself never did it. Lying is no good, dude. How did chinese PM in China to demonstration protest Japan recently ? does he send sms ?
I hope it's a lie, or it is not clever for a PM to do this.

You lie. Mr. Dzung himself never did it. Lying is no good, dude. How did chinese PM in China to demonstration protest Japan recently ? does he send sms ?
You shouldnt campare Chinese PM with Vietnam, two PM doesnt have a same politcal knowledge level.
Your definition of peace is funny, too funny. China protect its intertest by crushing our interest.

You can try to bomb our country, or even use your DF. We won't give up easily. You know what Vietnam is good at: dragging stronger countries down to the mud and wearing them down, then making them give up and claiming victory.
haha, we don't care if you give up or not, we just make sure that vietnam remain a backward and primitive country so that it will pose zero threat to China for at least another 100 years.
Your definition of peace is funny, too funny. China protect its intertest by crushing our interest.

You can try to bomb our country, or even use your DF. We won't give up easily. You know what Vietnam is good at: dragging stronger countries down to the mud and wearing them down, then making them give up and claiming victory.
Vietnam was good at drag stronger countries like France and USA into mud because China is Vietnam's neighbour. Both of them must do everything careful. And the support of food, weapons came from USSR and China came Vietnam everyday. PLA in Vietnam army's uniform even came in Vietnam 40km to build a AA gun and missile frontline to help North Vietnam Army, and North Vietnam moved all factories into the PLA's frontline. Yes, there still depended on Vietnam people's blood, but without these help, Vietnam only can use spear and arrow to fight aginest France and USA. Is there someone think Vietnam would win?

Your definition of peace is funny, too funny. China protect its intertest by crushing our interest.

You can try to bomb our country, or even use your DF. We won't give up easily. You know what Vietnam is good at: dragging stronger countries down to the mud and wearing them down, then making them give up and claiming victory.
BTW, I dont Think China will bomb Vietnam, which is very childlish and stupid.
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