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South China Sea Forum

GOOD ! How ur Vietnam Navy check whether the cargo ships belong to China/Korea/Japan/Other third nations ? If Vietnam shutdown the South China Sea or shot down cargo ships, it's a WAR signal to above East-Asia nations, most r export nations.
The shipping lane will be shut down in case of war regardless, and the people who most like to do it are the Chinese. It is simple, Chinese ships require a large area of safety around the vessels because they copied American style of defense from attacks launched by Vietnam airplanes from the land. Thus, no civilian ship nor plane can go inside Chinese zone within 200 km radius. Making the 200 km dot for each Chinese ship that would be participating in the hypothetical war and we have the effective shutting down of the entire SCS's shipping lane.

Vietnam on the other hand doesn't use a large naval force and is not likely to be scare of sneak attack on our water so it is not likely to commence such defensive zone.

Don't lie. Your boat is inside 3 miles we warned to not enter. You do not listen and you pay the price. Now you cry to the world? Only idiot will listen to your plead.
cnleio sounds more reasonable than you. "Brute" and "barbaric" are the adjectives that describe this type of comment very well.
Don't lie. Your boat is inside 3 miles we warned to not enter. You do not listen and you pay the price. Now you cry to the world? Only idiot will listen to your plead.
what's proof that our fishing ships inside your territorial water, so you did that barbaric action !?

LOL, it's went all media news, everyone know your aggressive ...
Did I tell you: "US will help Vietnam take back Paracel Islands" !???? :lol:

LOL, buddy, your argument keep bad and bad ... your country actions are dirty and evil, lack of righteousness to dare said the truth.

Mighty China has to lied for their actions, poor ... :D
Whatever u think here, the truth is the XiSha islands no any disputed were parts of China. If u trust China lie, why not send ur warships to Paracel Islands and send ur Vietnamese ppl landing there ?
Don't lie. Your boat is inside 3 miles we warned to not enter. You do not listen and you pay the price. Now you cry to the world? Only idiot will listen to your plead.
Another liar. The location was 17nm from the oil rig.
You are too brainwashed.
Whatever u think here, the truth is the XiSha islands no any disputed were parts of China. If u trust China lie, why not send ur warships to Paracel Islands and send ur Vietnamese ppl landing there ?
No, buddy, you're keep very bad argument ... :D
You want to lick all SCS in your mouth, and you need reason, that why you made many aggressive actions with Philippines and Vietnam.
You want us fire a fisrt shoot, we're not idiot, your propaganda fail this time ... :rolleyes:
For your information,
Vietnamese opinions :
1. Paracels Islands has not meet the criteria to have its own EEZ. Even if Vietnam occupied Paracels Islands, never claim for its EEZ. There are only 12 nm of territorial water
2. The occupation established by force to other ownerships cannot be used for territory claim. So to Vietnam, the Chinese occupation of Paracels Islands never be able to claim for even territorial water.
3. In case overlapping EEZ ( between Vietnam coast and Hainan islands coast ), the separated line should be negotiated.
based on the relative length of coastline ... to which Vietnamese coastline longer than Hainan coastline ...

To me: you are saying based on UNCLOS 1982, but wrong application, or not to mention that UNCLOS using

@cnleio: Did you acknowledge that China and Vietnam agreed to a separated line from Asia continent to the mouth of Tonkin Gulf for decade?

Do you know Incident of Tonkin Gulf which triggered several airborne operations of USA onto North of Vietnam since 1964 ? If yes, let check which way the USS Maddox warship approach and retreat from the site ? to me, it cruised just outside of the territorial water of the South coastline of Hainan island.

The baby H981 in the EEZ of China XiSha islands, buddy.

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The shipping lane will be shut down in case of war regardless, and the people who most like to do it is the Chinese. It is simple, Chinese ships require a large area of safety around the vessels because they copied American style of defense from attacks launched by Vietnam airplanes from the land. Thus, no civilian ship nor plane can go inside Chinese zone within 200 km radius. Making the 200 km dot for each Chinese ship that would be participating in the hypothetical war and we have the effective shutting down of the entire SCS's shipping lane.

Vietnam on the other hand don't use a large naval force and are not likely to be scare of sneak attack on our water so it is not likely to commence such defensive zone.
How many warships and subs Vietnam Navy have today ? Cut off China EEZ, what a big joke for a small Vietnam Navy ! Yes, just do it even American will admire ur guys. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If Vietnam wanna start 2nd Sino-Vietnam War, just go ahead.

BTW the cargo ships did not only transport Made in China goods, they also transport Made in Korea & Made in Japan to Europe/Middel East, when they back will carry Made in Europe etc.
How many warships and subs Vietnam Navy have today ? Cut off China EEZ, what a big joke for a small Vietnam Navy ! Yes, just do it even American will admire ur guys. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If Vietnam wanna start 2nd Sino-Vietnam War, just go ahead.
What are you even talking about? You are not following my comment to reply at all. I'm talking about a 200 km defensive zone around each ship to prevent missile attack, not the 200 nm EEZ.
Don't lie. Your boat is inside 3 miles we warned to not enter. You do not listen and you pay the price. Now you cry to the world? Only idiot will listen to your plead.

Why 3nm ? No one could place a rig somewhere outside of their water and warning to other stay faraway from it.
Actual distance of Chinese harassment is from 8-17nm ...
It's any term else, but threaten the security of maritime navigation
Why 3nm ? No one could place a rig somewhere outside of their water and warning to other stay faraway from it.
Actual distance of Chinese harassment is from 8-17nm ...
It's any term else, but threaten the security of maritime navigation
We set 1 mile but due to your uncooperative nature and harassment of our property, we increased to 3nm ensuring safety of the rig workers. Didn't you boast and posted pictures of your boat come close to our rig? What happen now, my friend? LOL
17nm is the rig location to Paracel. LOL
I'm tired of giving correct information to a brainwashed retard like you.
China Attacks, Sinks Vietnamese Fishing Vessel, Situation "Very Tense" | Zero Hedge

Chinese vessel attacks, sinks Vietnamese fishing boat with 10 crew members yday

Vietnamese crew rescued by other Vietnamese boats, newspaper says

Incident occurred about 4pm 17 nautical miles from China’s Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig, newspaper reports

Vietnamese ship DNa 90152 operating out of Danang encircled by 40 Chinese fishing vessels in waters Vietnam says is in its exclusive economic zone, newspaper says

The oil rig at the time parked at new location 25 nautical miles east-southeast of Tri Ton Island.
What are you even talking about? You are not following my comment to reply at all. I'm talking about a 200 km defensive zone around each ship to prevent missile attack, not the 200 nm EEZ.
Whatever military actions by Vietnam Navy in South China Sea, is a WAR signal for China. And it will be a new threat to other East Asia and South-east Asia nations.

Whatever Vietnam Navy will do in South China Sea, is a unnecessary provocation to China. In South-east Asia the Vientam is the only one close to China land border.
I'm tired of giving correct information to a brainwashed retard like you.
China Attacks, Sinks Vietnamese Fishing Vessel, Situation "Very Tense" | Zero Hedge

Chinese vessel attacks, sinks Vietnamese fishing boat with 10 crew members yday

Vietnamese crew rescued by other Vietnamese boats, newspaper says

Incident occurred about 4pm 17 nautical miles from China’s Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig, newspaper reports

Vietnamese ship DNa 90152 operating out of Danang encircled by 40 Chinese fishing vessels in waters Vietnam says is in its exclusive economic zone, newspaper says

The oil rig at the time parked at new location 25 nautical miles east-southeast of Tri Ton Island.
You are providing a different incident from this one being talked.
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