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South China Sea Forum

There is not enough neutral independent source to verify your claim. This is the main problem with you Vietnamese. Your government is employing an international smear campaign to pain us as the aggressor and you as the victim when in fact, it is you who instigated everything when we clearly warned you to stay away and cooperate until we remove the rig in August.
The deployment of the rig is clearly a civil operation, but China treats it like a military one. Vietnam hasn't taken any clear military actions but China has, regarding this incident, for example: moving troops to Vietnam-China border, bringing more warships to protect the rig, using fighters and helicopters to patrol the area around the rig.

Vietnam started a smear capaign against China to gain global supports. Saying Vietnam instigated the problem is wrong because, hell, China deployed the rig over Vietnam EEZ without even asking. While Vietnam continues to show more photos and clips of Chinese ships ramming and firing water cannon at Vietnamese ships, China keeps saying Vietnam is the aggressor without any evidence to back it up. A bunch of Vietnam ships have been damaged and had to be repaired back in the mainland. Does Chinese media report any damaged Chinese ships?

I think China has a similar mindset to this guy.
China is BIG and Vietnam is SMALL. And we are dictating you. Why should we negotiate with a small power like Vietnam that has nothing to hurt us.
The deployment of the rig is clearly a civil operation, but China treats it like a military one. Vietnam hasn't taken any clear military actions but China has, regarding this incident, for example: moving troops to Vietnam-China border, bringing more warships to protect the rig, using fighters and helicopters to patrol the area around the rig.

Vietnam started a smear capaign against China to gain global supports. Saying Vietnam instigated the problem is wrong because, hell, China deployed the rig over Vietnam EEZ without even asking. While Vietnam continues to show more photos and clips of Chinese ships ramming and firing water cannon at Vietnamese ships, China keeps saying Vietnam is the aggressor without any evidence to back it up. A bunch of Vietnam ships have been damaged and had to be repaired back in the mainland. Does Chinese media report any damaged Chinese ships?

I think China has a similar mindset to this guy.

If you think naming and shaming China will work, then you clearly don't know China.
The new ship is complited, designed by Holland company.

If you don't want your boats to sink and fish peacefully, don't go fishing near the Chinese navy. All your going to do is provoke them.

There is our sea EZZ, kid

Pak can permit China do that in your EZZ, but we not.
If you don't want your boats to sink and fish peacefully, don't go fishing near the Chinese navy. All your going to do is provoke them.
Our fishermen know full well it's dangerous to go near Chinese ships, but there are reasons for them to do that.

Firstly, they are assigned to fish in those area. I believe they call that their traditional fishery field. Before the rig came, they fished there.
Secondly, they express their patriotism by ignoring Chinese banning of any Vietnam ships in 10nm around the rig. They call it "fish to hold the sea".
Thirdly, our gov doesn't tell them to stop. In fact they encourage fishermen to keep fishing like normal. I heard rumor that the military provide oil for ships that fish around the rig.
Only animals would attack helpless people. What did those Vietnamese do? It is just in the nature of the animal. That is why I think in case of war against China we should forget about rules of war.
Contrary to the lies from Chinese media and leaders that Vietnamese boat "rammed the Chinese ship and sunk," this video clearly shown what happened in 05/26 when Chinese ships chased this Vietnamese boat with the intention to kill like a "wild animal." This is indeed a barbaric action rarely seen from a state in the 21st century.

seems you missed the American "RoboCruiser" that shot down an Iranian airliner flight 655 on purpose?

might is right.. this is a universal law
deal with it

and do you know what your fellow countryman talk about this incident?
"Vietnamese is invader, they attack us first, we didn't do anything, it's their fault, i repeat that we didn't ram their ship, they attack us first"
dont play in the hands of other powers, they wont come to save you and they wont loose a sleep over your losses
Only animals would attack helpless people. What did those Vietnamese do? It is just in the nature of the animal. That is why I think in case of war against China we should forget about rules of war.
Their is not rules of war with China , China Do this with India , in lake they Ram or make indian solider wet who are on petrol duty inside the lake, India bought Bigger and powerful boats and started make Chinese wet also started hit their boat , they understand and stop aggressive patrolling.

Indian learn the Chinese way , do exactly the same the way they do to you. They start crying and move back. bring bigger boat and RAM in their , thats is how they understand.
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If you don't want your boats to sink and fish peacefully, don't go fishing near the Chinese navy. All your going to do is provoke them.
go with bigger and powerful boats and hit the Chinese like indian did in Leh lake to Chinese , give them taste of their own medicine.
Their is not rules of war with China , China Do this with India , iN lake they Ram or make indian solider wet who are on petrol duty inside the lake, India bought Bigger and spewer boat and started make Chinese wetland also started hit them , they understand and stop this.

Indian lean the cheese way , do exactly the same what they do to you then they start crying and back. bring bigger boat and RAM in their , thats how they understand.
Japanese understood that you can't play by the rules with an animal. If your enemy doesn't respect rules of war. You have to do everything to destroy the enemy.
There is our sea EZZ, kid

Pak can permit China do that in your EZZ, but we not.

You will never give up if others invaded your EEZ in East China Sea, right ?
So do us !!!
Your EZZ? why it is your EZZ? there is much closer to China xisha islands than to Vietnam.

"India should declare whole indian oceans it is and stop Chinese chi passing though Indian Oceans" , this can possible if India started thinking like Chinese in grabbing seas. chinese arming ships because they know they can't fight a war , if fire bullet they get killed ... so they start ramming. Ramming is the sign of weakness.

go with bigger and powerful boats and hit the Chinese like indian did in Leh lake to Chinese , give them taste of their own medicine.

Based on you previous comments, seems you were or are weak in Leh lake?

Mind to show the case you mention, that you did in Leh lake? I am very interesting in that
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China again rejects legal challenge
Thursday, June 5th, 2014

MANILA, Philippines –The United Nations arbitral tribunal has ordered China to defend its territorial claims in the South China Sea by submitting evidence within six months despite Beijing’s refusal to respond to the Philippines’ legal challenge to those sweeping claims.

The UN Permanent Court of Arbitration said in a statement issued in The Hague on Tuesday that the arbitral tribunal had directed China to submit by Dec. 15 its response to the Philippine memorandum submitted on March 30, detailing its case that seeks to nullify the Chinese claims and clarify maritime entitlements in the disputed waters.

It was the first international case filed against China related to territorial disputes in the 3.5-million-square-kilometer sea where islands, islets, reefs and shoals are believed to be sitting atop vast oil and gas reserves.

China has rejected the order, saying it has no plans to take part.

Aside from China and the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam claim overlapping parts of the South China Sea, with Beijing saying it has sovereignty over virtually all of the resource-rich waters. China’s disputes with the Philippines and Vietnam have worsened recently, especially after it deployed an oil rig early last month in waters also claimed by Hanoi, sparking violent anti-China protests in Vietnam.

Next armed conflict

There have been fears the territorial disputes could spark Asia’s next armed conflict, although analysts say a major fight is unlikely given that major instability could shatter the region’s bullish economies.

Beijing’s aggressive moves in the disputed waters, which straddle one of the world’s busiest sea lanes, were “dangerous conduct and intimidation” that rachets tension and could undermine the economically vibrant region, said US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzky, who is visiting Manila with American business executives.

China has warned the United States to stop meddling.

It has said all along it will not participate in the arbitration proceedings initiated by the Philippines in January last year, preferring a bilateral approach to resolve the conflicts.

Beijing informed the tribunal on May 21 that it “does not accept the arbitration initiated by the Philippines” and that its issuance of a comment on the case should “not be regarded as China’s acceptance of or participation in the proceedings.”

Philippine officials on Wednesday reiterated a call to China to join the arbitration as a peaceful and durable solution to resolve the long-raging territorial disputes.

China’s stance unchanged

Charles Jose, spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs, said, “We continue to urge China to reconsider its decision not to participate in the arbitration proceedings. We also wish to reiterate that arbitration is a peaceful, open and friendly resolution mechanism that offers a durable solution to the disputes in the South China Sea.”

But China’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday that Beijing’s “stance of not accepting and not participating in the relevant Philippines’ arbitration case has not changed.”

The Philippines is seeking confirmation of its right to exploit waters within a 370-km exclusive economic zone, as allowed under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, its lawyers have said.

In giving China time to respond to the Philippines’ filing, the tribunal said on Monday that it was fulfilling its obligation to assure each party “a full opportunity to be heard and to present its case.”

The UN tribunal issued the order after a meeting at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands, on May 14 and 15, or a month and a half since Manila submitted its memorandum.

Tribunal’s jurisdiction

As the tribunal described it, the document covers “matters relating to the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal, the admissibility of the Philippines’ claim, as well as the merits of the dispute.”

Noting China’s May 21 rejection, the tribunal suggested it would continue hearing the Philippine complaint even without Beijing’s involvement.

“The arbitral tribunal will determine the further course of the proceedings, including the need for, and scheduling of any other written submissions and hearings, at an appropriate later stage, after seeking the views of the parties,” the tribunal said.

The Philippine case asks the UN tribunal to invalidate China’s “nine-dash-line” claim over the South China Sea. That refers to a rough Chinese demarcation on its official maps of its territorial claims that cover virtually the entire South China.

The Philippines charges that the nine-dash-line claim is an “excessive declaration of territory” that extends well beyond China’s exclusive economic zone, encroaching on the West Philippine Sea, part of the South China Sea within Manila’s own economic exclusion zone.

If China continues to shun the arbitral panel, the tribunal is likely to schedule a hearing and rule based solely on the Philippines’ pleading.

“China has a right to be heard, that’s why the court issued the procedural order. If they will still refuse to participate, the court might decide based on the Philippines’ submission,” Jose said.

International support

The Philippines’ legal action has gained support from the international community, including allies the United States and Japan, for being a peaceful means to resolve the increasingly tense territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

The Philippine arbitration case is closely watched by the other claimant states, including Vietnam, which last month said it was considering legal action against China after Beijing moved a deep-water oil rig into the East Sea, part of the South China Sea within Hanoi’s exclusive economic zone.

China earlier said that the Philippine legal action has “seriously damaged” relations between Manila and Beijing.–With a report from AP

UN court tells Beijing: Prove your sea claims | Inquirer Global Nation


China is clearly a coward for backing out in the international tribunal. They want to settle the issue by bullying and brute force not through the peaceful means of arbitration based on international law. They are trying to deceive the world by claiming excessive territories based on their own flimsy historical accounts. China knows their deceitful claim could not win in international arbitration and obviously, would not want to participate to lose. Especially because if it lose the case to the Philippines, it will automatically lose to the other claimants.
Contrary to the lies from Chinese media and leaders that Vietnamese boat "rammed the Chinese ship and sunk," this video clearly shown what happened in 05/26 when Chinese ships chased this Vietnamese boat with the intention to kill like a "wild animal." This is indeed a barbaric action rarely seen from a state in the 21st century.

if you stop a car on a runway when an airplane is taking off, you will get crushed so dont blame it on the plane.
a boat is easier to turn, accelerate and decelerate while a moving ship cannot. It clearly shows boats were playing hookie with ship so they get a hickey.
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