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South China Sea Forum

No new pictures of mischief reef curious to see if grading for runway is visible now
When it comes to building massive infrastructure projects, China is second to none.

China builds massive infrastructure projects faster, better and cheaper than other countries.

An example is their high speed railway. China is the latest entrant to HSR and yet in less than 10 years, it now has the fastest, longest, smoothest and largest network.

When you come to think of it, the building activities in the South China Sea only started in early 2014. Now, China has 4 airfields (including the one on Woody Island). Amazing!
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Vietnam protests China’s illegal lighthouse construction: Spokesperson
China’s construction of two lighthouses in the Chau Vien (Cuarteron) and Gac Ma (Johnson) reefs in Vietnam ’s Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelago is in serious violation of Vietnam ’s sovereignty, stated Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Le Hai Binh on October 13.


Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Le Hai Binh.

The move was contrary to the common perspectives of both countries’ leaders, complicating the situation and escalating tension, said Binh in response to reporters’ questions regarding the action.

“ Vietnam resolutely rejects and strongly protests that action by China ,” the spokesperson declared.

“Once again, we affirm that Vietnam has full legal and historical evidence for its indisputable sovereignty over the Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagos. That other countries conduct activities there without permission and agreement from Vietnam is illegal and completely worthless,” he stated.


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