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South China Sea Forum

India should show the middle finger and start exploring. You are not alone.
You can also add, if you have the ability to. But again like the Korean War, let you very embarrassed.:lol:

The barbarians still is the barbarian.

China is not Syria, kid, send you a middle finger
India will need Russian permission for that :lol:

It takes effort to prevent nuclear proliferation -- not for proliferating it! Nor do you need anybody's permission to share Nuclear weapon secrets.

You know the classic "look-the-other-way" move when somebody is smuggling the weapon designs out! After all, security in India is not that great when it comes to stealing state secrets and we are not a police state.

China would love nothing more than India getting into a war with Pakistan and stagnating India's economic development.

That is hardly a secret, mate! Even the kids know what it is that China has been trying, first by arming Pakistan and then by re-opening border issues just when we started looking into our economy. "Forward Policy 2.0", as your compatriots call it fancily, is all BS. In reality, you guys are itching for a fight -- all due to your new found wealth.

Then fund India's separatist movements to destabilise India.

Separatist movements just like Uighurs?

Unfortunately for you, you are also going to get a healthy dosage of your own medicine if it if your involvement in any separatist movement in India is established.
It takes effort to prevent nuclear proliferation -- not for proliferating it! Nor do you need anybody's permission to share Nuclear weapon secrets.

You know the classic "look-the-other-way" move when somebody is smuggling the weapon designs out! After all, security in India is not that great when it comes to stealing state secrets and we are not a police state.

That is hardly a secret, mate! Even the kids know what it is that China has been trying, first by arming Pakistan and then by re-opening border issues just when we started looking into our economy. "Forward Policy 2.0", as your compatriots call it fancily, is all BS. In reality, you guys are itching for a fight -- all due to your new found wealth.

Separatist movements just like Uighurs?

Unfortunately for you, you are also going to get a healthy dosage of your own medicine if it if your involvement in any separatist movement in India is established.

China has Tibetans and Uighurs who are being crushed.

While India has separatist movements all over India :lol:

India is not really a country, its a union like Yugoslavia. China can fund separatist movements all over India and the entire Indian union will collapse quicker than Yugoslavia.

India starts playing games with China in funding separatists, India will lose like it lost in 1962.
China has Tibetans and Uighurs who are being crushed.

While India has separatist movements all over India :lol:

India is not really a country, its a union like Yugoslavia. China can fund separatist movements all over India and the entire Indian union will collapse quicker than Yugoslavia.

India starts playing games with China in funding separatists, India will lose like it lost in 1962.

Right! Chinese can fund separatist movements in India -- as you yourself claim, but will not like it if somebody gives it back to you?

Anyway, your "strategic partner" is already doing the dirty work by providing training and safe-havens for your trouble-makers!
So India only needs to sit back and watch the show in Xinjiang!
You can also add, if you have the ability to. But again like the Korean War, let you very embarrassed.:lol:

The barbarians still is the barbarian.

China is not Syria, kid, send you a middle finger
Korean War? Oh you mean the war where China had millions of dead soldiers because of your failed invasion. LoL. Why does South Korea exist today? :lol:

Right! Chinese can fund separatist movements in India -- as you yourself claim, but will not like it if somebody gives it back to you?

Anyway, your "strategic partner" is already doing the dirty work by providing training and safe-havens for your trouble-makers!
So India only needs to sit back and watch the show in Xinjiang!
Pakistan is only using China as a paper towel. Nobody will accept Chinese crimes. It is good that China is naïve. It will only mean they will awaken to a nightmare.
India think himself is Superpower country,It seems still Nehru forward policy


Your leader's expectation from india was unrealistic. India will remain india, she may have it in a more disguised form but she will not discard her 'forward policy'; it's in her blood. India is going to equip China's foes like Vietnam with everything she gets from Russia and the israelis and there's no but about it. Now, the ball is in China's court, what is China going to do about it?
Indians have been offensive to China all the time:
1. Taking our land in S Tibet illegally
2. Initiated the stupid " Forward Policy" which has led to our loss of lives
3. Supporting Dalai and the separatists
4. In negotiation of military deals with countries hostile to us
5. Drilling operations in SCS
6. stabbing our back again when we are trying to make $10 bln investment in India

Should we trust this country at all? 8-):bad:
The funiest thing to me is, several days ago, they are talking to accept the offers and now they are talking their acceptance of warning. And yes, these threads all post by them, yes in China & Far East sub furom.
There may be a fierce fight in their mind, its really not good to their mentality.

Your leader's expectation from india was unrealistic. India will remain india, she may have it in a more disguised form but she will not discard her 'forward policy'; it's in her blood. India is going to equip China's foes like Vietnam with everything she gets from Russia and the israelis and there's no but about it. Now, the ball is in China's court, what is China going to do about it?
Keep holding the balls. :D
The funiest thing to me is, several days ago, they are talking to accept the offers and now they are talking their acceptance of warning. And yes, these threads all post by them, yes in China & Far East sub furom.
There may be a fierce fight in their mind, its really not good to their mentality.

Keep holding the balls. :D

Some people say that mother india has them in a tight grip though I do not agree with those people!
Korean War? Oh you mean the war where China had millions of dead soldiers because of your failed invasion. LoL. Why does South Korea exist today? :lol:
Kid, you have to learn history. and to know the Turkish army in the Korean War is how to be annihilated. haha:lol:

Your leader's expectation from india was unrealistic. India will remain india, she may have it in a more disguised form but she will not discard her 'forward policy'; it's in her blood. India is going to equip China's foes like Vietnam with everything she gets from Russia and the israelis and there's no but about it. Now, the ball is in China's court, what is China going to do about it?
"Friends come with good wine welcome,
If the wolf comeing,
Meet it is a shotgun.":-)
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Right! Chinese can fund separatist movements in India -- as you yourself claim, but will not like it if somebody gives it back to you?

Anyway, your "strategic partner" is already doing the dirty work by providing training and safe-havens for your trouble-makers!
So India only needs to sit back and watch the show in Xinjiang!

China can fund every separatist movement in India which will break up the entire Indian union. Since your regime has very little control over your country, it's extremely easy to do destabilising activities with the funds China has.

Tibet and Xinjiang is already under tight control. India don't have the capabilities or the funds to destabilise all of China while China can pretty much collapse India if it decides to fund and support the staggering number of separatist movements in India.

India is not a country, its a forced union of 34 countries. India is just another Yugoslavia. The separatists will love the covert Chinese support from funding to weaponry.

Good luck countering all those separatists all across your country with the limited amount of funds and lack of control your regime has over your country :lol:

Korean War? Oh you mean the war where China had millions of dead soldiers because of your failed invasion. LoL. Why does South Korea exist today? :lol:

Pakistan is only using China as a paper towel. Nobody will accept Chinese crimes. It is good that China is naïve. It will only mean they will awaken to a nightmare.


The Korean War where China kicked out of the US and 13 of its allies in the People's War.

The existence of North Korea as a country is proof of Chinese victory. Without Chinese intervention, Korea would be a united country under American rule.

Chinese volunteer army put an end so called 'American military superiority' :lol:
Kid, you have to learn history. and to know the Turkish army in the Korean War is how to be annihilated. haha:lol:

Turkey learned its lessons, that's why the lonely Turk here can only dream about liberating Xinjiang while his government doesn't care at all. We shall continue to gun down these pesky terrorists and lonely wolf shall continue to cry whenever we execute them one by one.
The world's largest coast guard ship nearly ready for launch::enjoy:

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