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South China Sea: China Drops a Bombshell

And has it been integrated with a ballistic missile?? Is it actually possible logically for China to deliver such a warhead??

You have two choices.

The Chinese DF-3A IRBM with 3.3-megatons (see citation below) or the DF-5 ICBM with 4 to 5 megatons.

The DF-3A was in service in 1971, which was forty years ago.

The DF-5 was in service in 1981, which was thirty years ago.

China is the world's fourth oldest thermonuclear power and its thermonuclear technology is very mature.


Agni V will get overconfident Indians killed

Contrary to the exultation in the Indian media, I believe the development of the Agni V increases the danger to all Indians. Basically, it makes all Indians less safe and more likely to become extinct. Here's why.

DF-3A/CSS-2 IRBM with 3.3 megaton warhead

Citation: Securing India's Future in the New Millennium - Brahma Chellaney, Centre for Policy Research (New Delhi, India) - Google Books

"Brahma Chellaney, Centre for Policy Research (New Delhi, India) - 1999 - History - 612 pages
China's missile choices against India include the DF 3 and DF 3A, armed with a 3.3-megaton thermonuclear warhead and capable of hitting targets up to 2800 ..."

China has a multitude of IRBMs with thermonuclear 3.3 megaton warheads that can easily obliterate an entire Indian city with a single blast.

A single 3.3 megaton DF-3A strike by China would instantly vaporize New Delhi.

In contrast, a 20 kiloton atomic warhead delivered by an Agni V (that survives China's missile defenses) causes relatively minor damage.

For comparison purposes, an Indian 20 kiloton blast on New Delhi is hardly noticeable.

The impudence of Indians to trumpet their "China killer" and if they are actually stupid enough to launch one at a major Chinese city will bring terrible retribution. China can legitimately claim India has used a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) against Chinese civilians and choose to respond in kind.

Unfortunately for Indians, China will destroy every major and minor Indian city to drive home the message that the use of a WMD against a Chinese city means self-genocide for dumb Indians.

The bottom line is you do not threaten the world's third-largest thermonuclear power that possesses the most advanced W-88 warhead design and delivery vehicles. Crazy Indians with puny atomic weapons (which are roughly 1/100 as powerful as a similarly-sized hydrogen bomb) are asking for trouble and seeking their own self-extinction.

Yes, it is true you might successfully atomic nuke a few city blocks in a few Chinese cities. In response, we will thermonuke all of India and take your subcontinent as payment. The Indian capability to inflict limited damage upon Chinese cities will force China to fight India at full thermonuclear power. At last check, China had a minimum of 294 megatons and God knows how many more in 5,000km of underground tunnels.

Also, China can now legitimately claim that India poses a serious threat to its national security. China may choose to launch a preemptive strike (citing the Bush doctrine) against India at any time. In conclusion, I think the development of the Agni V is a detriment to Indian security and existence.

Bush Doctrine - Constitutional Rights Foundation

"The Bush Doctrine The Iraq War [or China's War Against India] may only be the beginning of an ambitious American [Chinese] strategy to confront dangerous [Indian] regimes and expand democracy [Chinese national security] in the ..."
For Vietnam, Philippines,Japan, or any other country to be unreasonable and tough with China because of foreign backing, they are being shortsighted and foolish because in the end they have more to lose than gain..

if anyone wants to kiss China´s @@@ that just do it.
For VN, if China dares to send war ships into vietnamese water, than say goodbye to their loved ones at home first, because they will never come back!
. .
And here's the Result : Gambit Nailed Martian2. Gambit 3 , Martian2 0 .

They are claiming all the lands held by different dynasties . If Britishers , Mongols , uighurs , Vitenam start doing it china will run around like a little girl who got no sweets .

Did Martian2 ever win any argument? He's using the tested "EEZ is the midline between China and the Philippines", "2000 year old history of China" and "my great great great grandfather pooed there first" argument to beat everyone.

It is futile to discuss with a stubborn pragmatist. Anyways, regards.
No wonder the best of India scored the lowest of 76 countries/regions tested (technically almost all major countries) in the world in PISA in all categories which include Reading Comprehension.

You lots just can’t read, let alone comprehend – perhaps it’s partially due to the fact that Martian 2 has omitted to mention that awesome “3 megaton” in his last post as an Indian-specific incentive. But, hey, does he need to say that in every post in order to temporarily inspire and soup up your intelligence to a higher level suitable for a normal conversation? :lol:

And you have balls to call others liars? :rofl:

China’s sovereignty claim over SCS is based on countless, continuous, and the most complete (in relation to others) historical facts and legal documents since Han Dynasty still now in a time span of over thousands of years that include, but not limited to ( far more than that as inferred), Yuen Dynasty. Which word your 81 brain cells can’t figure out? :smoke:


Apart from what Martians said, I find another comment on its modern day development quite informative as well:

Anti-Chinese protests in Vietnam as South China Sea tensions rise - Telegraph

Those articles you Chinese keep posting here are in your own words are evidences that will favor your claims considerably. Tell your government to submit to international arbitration and use those "evidences" where it would be useful. Anyway, the Philippines will still use those "documents and maps" as azz wipes. You will still lose in any legal arena and be bitchslapped continuously in front of the whole world by a lowly third world mud hut living Filipino.

You need glasses. See my post #68 below. Get your history straight (see citation below).

Han Dynasty: 206 BCE (before current era) – 220 CE (current era)

Yuan Dynasty: 1271–1368 CE


South China Sea represents 'a new Persian Gulf'?

"In the case of the Spratlys, the Chinese claim goes further back more than two thousand years ago when a Han dynasty navigator discovered the islands during a journey through the South China Sea."
2000 years history? again? That's it? You got nothing new to say? Stop humiliating yourself.

US Navy is in the way. China needs another ten to twenty years. There is a semi-Cold War underway. Notice the arms race on both sides. NMD for the U.S. is counterbalanced by China's successful mid-course GBI intercept.

They're growling at each other, but China's economy is stronger (e.g. uses more energy with a larger manufacturing sector) and growing a lot faster.


At Sukhoi_30MKI, no one cares about Indian history or your interpretation. Your country has no military power. The last time Indian interpretation conflicted with China's view, you got whacked in the 1962 war.

You guys are losers and no one cares what losers think.
So what will the Filipinos will call you after your 200,000 soldiers completely surrounded the 7,000 Filipino contingent the last Korean War and still lost?

Loser or just plain stupid?
. .
Border disputes in China


China has more neighbours than any country in the world, bordering on 14 other countries. Only the European Union, taken as a whole, has more bordering countries.

With so many fences to keep up, a few disputes can be expected. Here are a few from recent years.


Two regions are claimed by both India and China. Aksai Chin is in the disputed territory of Kashmir, at the junction of Pakistan, Tibet and India. India claims the 38,000-square-kilometre territory, currently administered by China.

Arunachal Pradesh is a state of India in the country's northeast, bordering on Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and China. Though it is under Indian administration, China calls the 90,000-square-kilometre area South Tibet.


A dispute involving three islands on the rivers that form the border between China and Russia was resolved in October 2004, in a manner King Solomon would have been proud of.

Each of the islands – Bol'shoi Ussuriiskii Island and Tarabarov Island at the juncture of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, near Khabarovsk, Russia, and Bol'shoi Island on the Argun River – was split 50-50, with half of the territory going to each country.

The uninhabited islands had symbolic importance in the control over the rivers.


The Senkaku Islands are five unpopulated islands in the East China Sea with a total are of seven square kilometres. They are under Japanese control and are considered part of the Japanese Southwest Islands, but the People's Republic of China and Taiwan each claim them as well, calling them the Diaoyutai Islands and Diaoyu Islands, respectively.

In March 2004, a group of seven Chinese activists landed on one of the islands. The Japanese government arrested them for illegal entry and deported them back to China.


The People's Republic of China claims Taiwan, but it is administered by the Republic of China.


The Government of Tibet in Exile claims not only the Tibet Autonomous Region under the control of China, but also Qinghai province and parts of surrounding provinces. Tibet in Exile calls the Chinese control of Tibet an illegitimate occupation.

Other disputes

Portions of China's western border with Tajikistan haven't been defined.

A section of the boundary between China and North Korea in the Baitou Mountain area is indefinite.

The Paracel Islands in the South China Sea are administered by China, but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. There is also a dispute between China and Vietnam over the maritime boundaries in the Gulf of Tonkin.

The rich fishing rights and possible oil reserves of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea are claimed by China,Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and possibly Brunei.

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