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Some Unanswered Questions

Mar 7, 2012
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Hey friends,this is my first post in:pdf:,So plz forgive me if i have done anything wrong....
I have heard that IAF will get the first batch of Tejas by next year,which is indeed a good thing.I have heard that the first prototype of tejas mk2 would fly by 2014 followed by FOC and mass production in 2016...is that really possible???,i mean,fighters like PAKFA is taking 7-8yrs from first prototype(2009) and is expected for FOC in 2017-2018.Given this calculation,it will take mk-2 to get FOC after 2020.On the other hand,we are developing 5th generation stealth aircraft AMCA(first prototype expected in 2018,FOC in 2025).Calculating the delays(that happens with every Indian project),we may think of it in around 2030.So,my bird brain says that when ,after,2020,5 th generation stealth fighters will rule the skys,we fill field 4th generation planes,and by 2030,the 6th generation planes(mig scat,BAE Barracuda etc) will soar, we will field our "home made" 5th gen plane.Though IAF will always have aircrafts keeping up with the generation(whether PAKFA or the launched AURA project with DASSUALT),are we not a generation behind in indegeneous development & design of aircrafts??? Doesn't it refects some serious strategic short-sightedness of our millitary top brass and netas and babus?? Will we have to always float tenders after every few decades to buy aircrafts just like the MMRCA competition???
Why you ask this question to Pakistan defense.. indeed it is the matter of IAF... :coffee:

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