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Some people's dislike of Pakistan support

Yes. Of course. Zarvee will be used in initial thrust, during "shock & awe" phase, when he is martyred like a dog "maidan style," then your units can get involved in securing Sheikh Hasina, family and Co. We shall call it "operation love-of-the-flying-lungi"....... :smitten:

Oh oh i gotta better idea we do a lil nagasaki shit.... drop zarvan over dhaka? than i move in with my unit n execute hasina? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz? :lol:

Codename :Ops "Lungi shreddin"...!
But how does that corroborate your initial thesis of us not involved in protecting OBL when I would've presumed that the above points that I had raised would've put that to rest once & for all ! Not the least bit because of the fact that if we were protecting him then we wouldn't be giving them the evidence to lead to his eventual capture - Doesn't really make much sense does it ?
who are "we" here??
The doctor who ran fake vaccination campaign or the Pakistani security officials who put Dr Shakil Afridi behind the bars??
Last May Dr. Shakeel Afridi had been convicted of treason and sentenced to 33 years. He was handed the sentence together with a $3,500 fine, for spying for the United States.
Pakistan court reduces sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden - CNN.com

But it definitely goes on to prove my point that Pakistani armed forces and intelligence had a soft corner for Osama bin Laden.

(i) not hide the most wanted man in the world a stone's throw away from Pakistan's Military Academy !
Yeah he was being protected.
Bin Laden was staying in a prominent million-dollar, high-security residence in an area full of soldiers and close to the country's premier military academy though the villa was an isolated one.The property was so secure ...so large that American officials guessed it was built to hide someone far more important than a mere courier.The villa had a 12-foot-high concrete walls topped with barbed wire.
Wow!!! And your security officials never took notice of ito_O???
Hmm high time they visited an opthamologist :agree:

if you're going to do (i) then don't leave him unguarded with you being completely oblivious to who is snooping around the neighborhood !
You gotta be kidding me.
Nobody is so dumb... or were they, when they decided to house him streets away from your military academy???
Cant decide which was more foolish letting him live so close to the academy or leaving him unguarded??:lol:

Armstrong said:
I don't do the whole GFs thing - Too much of a hassle & far too heavy on the wallet ! :bad:

Not to mention most of the women in their 20s are not the brightest of creatures & I'm not referring to their grades but their ability to think beyond nauseating idealism (like most men do) & mundane ambitions - I like older women who've gotten a lot more mature & have more patience & understanding in them than these 20 something ladies who never really outgrew their teenage years in many ways !
Either you're too smart or way too dumb.:smokin:
we pakistanis love our benglaseshi brothers... and thx for there support for us in cricket..

and you indians listen... although we pakistan and bangladesh had problems in past.. but hindu baniya can never understand one thing...that is bond of islam... we are muslim brothers... Bangladeshi brothers we pakistani brothers still loves you despite our problems in past...
Soooo cute
who are "we" here??
The doctor who ran fake vaccination campaign or the Pakistani security officials who put Dr Shakil Afridi behind the bars??
Last May Dr. Shakeel Afridi had been convicted of treason and sentenced to 33 years. He was handed the sentence together with a $3,500 fine, for spying for the United States.
Pakistan court reduces sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden - CNN.com

But it definitely goes on to prove my point that Pakistani armed forces and intelligence had a soft corner for Osama bin Laden.

We as in the Inter Services Intelligence of Pakistan that gave the US the 'phone numbers' that led to the eventual identification of the courier that led to nabbing Osama ( Pakistan provided initial lead in hunt for Osama, say US officials - DAWN.COM ); now had we been hiding him we would not have given the evidence that would eventually led to pin-pointing the people who were in contact with OBL because that would defeat the very purpose of hiding him ! :crazy:

Yeah he was being protected.
Bin Laden was staying in a prominent million-dollar, high-security residence in an area full of soldiers and close to the country's premier military academy though the villa was an isolated one.The property was so secure ...so large that American officials guessed it was built to hide someone far more important than a mere courier.The villa had a 12-foot-high concrete walls topped with barbed wire.
Wow!!! And your security officials never took notice of ito_O???
Hmm high time they visited an opthamologist :agree:

If he was being protected by us then we wouldn't be hiding him next to our military academy would we so that if worst-comes-to-worst & hes ever pinpointed the blame would lie on us ? There are most probably a million places in Pakistan to hide a many & surely an Intelligence Agency of the caliber of the ISI aren't exactly lacking in the ability to know where to or where not to hide someone should they wish to !

Even hiding him within the Academy would've made sense but hiding him outside it without any guard & then providing the evidence that led to his capture - Only someone with a wild imagination would've thought that up !

No they did't take notice just as the CIA never took notice of a few dozen terrorists preparing for months on American Soil, learning how to fly planes, hijacking those planes, then flying them in restricted air-space for a long stretch of time before ramming them into the World Trade Center & the Pentagon of all places killing thousands of innocent civilians, never took notice of what was happening right under their noses !

Just as RAW is guilty of a dozen mess-ups !

These Intelligence Agencies are not some omnipotent or omniscient entities - They do mess up at times because they're only human !

But there is a difference between 'Intelligence Failure' & talking about harboring the World's Most Wanted Man who's Organization is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Pakistanis - Civilians & Soldiers alike - & in the absence of an iota of evidence only those with either the intellectual capacity of a gold-fish coupled with the imagination of a toddler or those with some vested agenda to sling mud at Pakistan through their torrid & rhetorical verbiage would further & believe such theories !

You gotta be kidding me.
Nobody is so dumb... or were they, when they decided to house him streets away from your military academy???
Cant decide which was more foolish letting him live so close to the academy or leaving him unguarded??:lol:

Exactly, what is more foolish indeed - Letting the World's Most Wanted man that you're hiding live right next door to your Academy or is it leaving him Unguarded ?

How do you discern that ?

Through a little known thing in media circles called 'Evidence' !

If you're hiding someone & you're so incompetent that you've hidden him right next door to your premier Military Academy & in fact you've gone a step further by providing evidence to the ones who are trying to nab the most wanted man on Earth who you are hiding right next to where you are then you sure as hell aren't suddenly going to become ever so competent that despite your glaring incompetency elsewhere you've so brilliantly managed to wash away every possible shred of evidence linking him to you that the world's premier Intelligence Organization supported by the world's premier Military Machine, belonging to a country & a regime, that hasn't once take exception to making irresponsible statements about you can't find anything......anything at all linking you to the man you were hiding !

Did you suddenly become so 'competent' that whereas you've managed to goof-up everything else from the placement of the man you're hiding to the lack of having the intellect of providing evidence to those who are hunting him but now suddenly you're so good at what you do that they can't find an atom's worth of evidence linking him to you !

Or maybe we should stop believing in Conspiracy Theories & realize that Intelligence Agencies are not in possession of the eyes & ears of the Almighty & they do mess up sometimes & that the terrorists too have more than a handful of neurons to realize that Abbotabad would be amongst the last places on Earth we'd be looking for them !

Either you're too smart or way too dumb.:smokin:

Or you just see what you want to see ! :P

@Icarus - Bhai koi back-up chahiyeee ! :hitwall:
you seriously don't know what you are talking about. "Pakistan" decimated "our" economy is like saying Bangladesh is ravaging our economy now. what were you then or who are you now?

typical BAL mindset. facts are not something they can digest you know.

so you are implying that most Bangladeshis are JeI supporters. i wish that was the case but it's not, and your country will try everything it can to prevent that from happening
Yes. Are you a Bangladeshi? You are probably a Jamati. Look, these Jamati guys are not good for Bangladesh. They won't let our country progress if they have too much influence.

The second line suggests you may not be Bangladeshi. You guys have a history of underestimating Bangladesh. We are quietly making a lot of progress. I don't like the current administration much either, the way they bend over backwards to please India, but do you want Bangladesh to remain poor? We must protect our Islamic values but also make progress.
We as in the Inter Services Intelligence of Pakistan that gave the US the 'phone numbers' that led to the eventual identification of the courier that led to nabbing Osama ( Pakistan provided initial lead in hunt for Osama, say US officials - DAWN.COM );
Your sorce also says this
"The ISI said it did not know then that the number was Kuwaiti’s, but that CIA analysts did, without however relaying that information back to the Pakistanis, The Post reported.":lol:

Armstrong said:
If he was being protected by us then we wouldn't be hiding him next to our military academy would we so that if worst-comes-to-worst & hes ever pinpointed the blame would lie on us ? There are most probably a million places in Pakistan to hide a many & surely an Intelligence Agency of the caliber of the ISI aren't exactly lacking in the ability to know where to or where not to hide someone should they wish to !
Even hiding him within the Academy would've made sense but hiding him outside it without any guard & then providing the evidence that led to his capture - Only someone with a wild imagination would've thought that up !
No they did't take notice just as the CIA never took notice of a few dozen terrorists preparing for months on American Soil, learning how to fly planes, hijacking those planes, then flying them in restricted air-space for a long stretch of time before ramming them into the World Trade Center & the Pentagon of all places killing thousands of innocent civilians, never took notice of what was happening right under their noses !
Just as RAW is guilty of a dozen mess-ups !
These Intelligence Agencies are not some omnipotent or omniscient entities - They do mess up at times because they're only human !
But there is a difference between 'Intelligence Failure' & talking about harboring the World's Most Wanted Man who's Organization is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Pakistanis - Civilians & Soldiers alike - & in the absence of an iota of evidence only those with either the intellectual capacity of a gold-fish coupled with the imagination of a toddler or those with some vested agenda to sling mud at Pakistan through their torrid & rhetorical verbiage would further & believe such theories !
Exactly, what is more foolish indeed - Letting the World's Most Wanted man that you're hiding live right next door to your Academy or is it leaving him Unguarded ?
How do you discern that ?
Through a little known thing in media circles called 'Evidence' !
If you're hiding someone & you're so incompetent that you've hidden him right next door to your premier Military Academy & in fact you've gone a step further by providing evidence to the ones who are trying to nab the most wanted man on Earth who you are hiding right next to where you are then you sure as hell aren't suddenly going to become ever so competent that despite your glaring incompetency elsewhere you've so brilliantly managed to wash away every possible shred of evidence linking him to you that the world's premier Intelligence Organization supported by the world's premier Military Machine, belonging to a country & a regime, that hasn't once take exception to making irresponsible statements about you can't find anything......anything at all linking you to the man you were hiding !
Did you suddenly become so 'competent' that whereas you've managed to goof-up everything else from the placement of the man you're hiding to the lack of having the intellect of providing evidence to those who are hunting him but now suddenly you're so good at what you do that they can't find an atom's worth of evidence linking him to you !
Or maybe we should stop believing in Conspiracy Theories & realize that Intelligence Agencies are not in possession of the eyes & ears of the Almighty & they do mess up sometimes & that the terrorists too have more than a handful of neurons to realize that Abbotabad would be amongst the last places on Earth we'd be looking for them !
Human error??? :lol::lol::lol:

The notion that Bin Laden, family and bodyguards left Afghanistan and entered Pakistan in 2002 without the knowledge and help of the ISI is risible. . For example, it fails to explain that the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan was made possible only by heavy pakistani involvement on every level: the operation was viewed by Pakistan's general headquarters as a total success, the first in its entire history. The control of Kabul and the southern part of the country supposedly provided Islamabad with "strategic depth".
After 9/11, the Pakistani military were instructed by Washington to facilitate the Nato occupation. General Musharraf then president of Pakistan, asked for more time and was given two weeks. An American general warned that if Pakistan did not help it would be bombed to extinction. Musharraf caved in.:P
This resulted in enormous tensions within the army, which was now being asked to reverse its only military triumph and help topple a government it had created. The high command held firm, but military dissidents organised three attempts on Musharraf's life and the jihadi groups funded by the ISI went rogue.
There is no way that Bin Laden could have slipped into the country unnoticed. He was provided with help at the highest levels in an operation that was regarded as top secret and his whereabouts were known only to few heads of the intelligence agencies.
From what i know once one US spy (whether CIA or DIA not sure ) had told Gen.Pasha contemptuously that "we can buy anyone in your country":agree:
And they did....rest they say is history.

Armstrong said:
Or you just see what you want to see !
As I said either tooooo smart or just veryyyyy dumb :P

Armstrong said:
@Icarus - Bhai koi back-up chahiyeee ! :hitwall:
SOSing for help???
Awwww did i torture you???:devil::devil::devil:
This is just the third day and you gave up already??:lol:
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Your sorce also says this
"The ISI said it did not know then that the number was Kuwaiti’s, but that CIA analysts did, without however relaying that information back to the Pakistanis, The Post reported.":lol:

So ? That further supports the notion that the ISI wasn't hiding OBL because if they were they sure as hell would know who was or wasn't in communication with him & if they were hiding him then they sure as hell would not give the number of someone who was in contact with OBL to the people who are hunting him ! :crazy:

Human error??? :lol::lol::lol:

The notion that Bin Laden, family and bodyguards left Afghanistan and entered Pakistan in 2002 without the knowledge and help of the ISI is risible. . For example, it fails to explain that the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan was made possible only by heavy pakistani involvement on every level: the operation was viewed by Pakistan's general headquarters as a total success, the first in its entire history. The control of Kabul and the southern part of the country supposedly provided Islamabad with "strategic depth".
After 9/11, the Pakistani military were instructed by Washington to facilitate the Nato occupation. General Musharraf then president of Pakistan, asked for more time and was given two weeks. An American general warned that if Pakistan did not help it would be bombed to extinction. Musharraf caved in.:P
This resulted in enormous tensions within the army, which was now being asked to reverse its only military triumph and help topple a government it had created. The high command held firm, but military dissidents organised three attempts on Musharraf's life and the jihadi groups funded by the ISI went rogue.
There is no way that Bin Laden could have slipped into the country unnoticed. He was provided with help at the highest levels in an operation that was regarded as top secret and his whereabouts were known only to few heads of the intelligence agencies.
From what i know once one US spy (whether CIA or DIA not sure ) had told Gen.Pasha contemptuously that "we can buy anyone in your country":agree:
And they did....rest they say is history.

The oft-repeated & yet rarely understood notion of the 'Strategic Depth' & the facilitation of the Taliban's rise in Afghanistan is a farce because for all their much vaunted claim to fame as our 'Strategic Assets' they never listened to us - Not when we asked them to hand over OBL, not when we asked them to hand over a myriad criminals & fanatics who'd leave Pakistan & go find sanctuary in Afghanistan & not when they refused to recognize the Durand Line despite repeated requests by the Pakistanis side to do so - Some Strategic Assets ! :crazy:

They were in a long-line of Hekmatyars, Rabbanis, Dostums, Masoods etc. that Pakistan worked with to try to bring peace & stability to Afghanistan so that Afghan soil that was being increasingly used in the '90s to fight proxies wars by different countries to the detriment of Pakistan would stop being used as such & that the burden of millions of Afghans living on Pakistani soil would lessen.

Pakistan is a country of nearly 200 million with an extremely porous border to her West which means anyone can come & go as they please - OBL wasn't travelling in a convoy from Jalalabad to Peshawar with sign-boards exclaiming 'Catch me if you Can' ! :crazy:

Pakistan was correct to ask the Americans to not go in with their Guns Blazing because no amount of stupid geronimo-esque actions were going to up-root fanaticism or the solve the problem in the least bit - Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan & now increasingly Syria is testament to that !

Pakistan talked to the Taliban & asked them to relent & they did relent in the end when they asked for 'evidence' to be given to Religious Clerics of 2-3 countries & if they decide that OBL was guilty....they'd hand him over - Such was corroborated by Pakistan's Ambassador to Afghanistan during that time on prime time television - but the Americans in their limitless wisdom choose to ignore that & rest as they say is truly History !

But to expect someone who reads a bunch of articles with provocative punch lines & takes that as the gospel truth, is choosing to ignore the blatant absence of 'evidence' to substantiate anything, would rather spin an imaginative conspiracy theory all around it & then go annotate her posts with silly emoticons, to know anything about any of this would be asking the impossible ! :P

As I said either tooooo smart or just veryyyyy dumb :P

SOSing for help???
Awwww did i torture you???:devil::devil::devil:
This is just the third day and you gave up already??:lol:

Or just not as gullible & biased as you are ! :p:

SOSing for the help of @Icarus - Who makes some killer burgers & knows more than a thing or two about OBL, the Taliban, the Al-Qaeeda & has a much fairer & deeper reading of History & the Present than any of us especially the so-called Media ! :P
Yes. Are you a Bangladeshi? You are probably a Jamati. Look, these Jamati guys are not good for Bangladesh. They won't let our country progress if they have too much influence.

The second line suggests you may not be Bangladeshi. You guys have a history of underestimating Bangladesh. We are quietly making a lot of progress. I don't like the current administration much either, the way they bend over backwards to please India, but do you want Bangladesh to remain poor? We must protect our Islamic values but also make progress.
your brain's thinking abilities will be greatly benefited if you just train it to do more than call someone "Jamati" (what does even mean?) who states facts, not political rhetoric with no factual basis

stating facts and refuting bogus hate campaign comments like "Pakistan ravaged our economy for 24 years" are not enough to be a JeI affiliated person. there are a lot of others who may not be ideologically or be actively working in the party JeI who disagrees with you. and not being able to say anything beyond "you must JeI" shows you don't actually have anything to say
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So ? That further supports the notion that the ISI wasn't hiding OBL because if they were they sure as hell would know who was or wasn't in communication with him & if they were hiding him then they sure as hell would not give the number of someone who was in contact with OBL to the people who are hunting him !
Ppl including Gen Pasha knew about it.But its not necessary that everyone in ISI had knowledge of OBL's hideout.

Armstrong said:
The oft-repeated & yet rarely understood notion of the 'Strategic Depth' & the facilitation of the Taliban's rise in Afghanistan is a farce because for all their much vaunted claim to fame as our 'Strategic Assets' they never listened to us - Not when we asked them to hand over OBL, not when we asked them to hand over a myriad criminals & fanatics who'd leave Pakistan & go find sanctuary in Afghanistan & not when they refused to recognize the Durand Line despite repeated requests by the Pakistanis side to do so - Some Strategic Assets !

They were in a long-line of Hekmatyars, Rabbanis, Dostums, Masoods etc. that Pakistan worked with to try to bring peace & stability to Afghanistan so that Afghan soil that was being increasingly used in the '90s to fight proxies wars by different countries to the detriment of Pakistan would stop being used as such & that the burden of millions of Afghans living on Pakistani soil would lessen.
Sounds as if Pakistan was doing charity.WoW!!!!
Afghanistan is the only country who opposes the recognition of Pakistan in United nation lolzz.
Like they say you can change the friends but you can’t change your neighbor. Pakistan and its intelligence agencies can not bear the Indian presence and acceptance in Afghanistan.And lets not forget how the Taliban regime got some backing from Pakistan.And it was evident in the way our Indian airlines flight was hijacked and taken to Kandahar.

Armstrong said:
Pakistan is a country of nearly 200 million with an extremely porous border to her West which means anyone can come & go as they please - OBL wasn't travelling in a convoy from Jalalabad to Peshawar with sign-boards exclaiming 'Catch me if you Can' !
you gotta be kidding me.World's most wanted man ENTERED Pakistan without the knowledge of ISI.Tell me about it.Ha-ha- Haa!
While your government was busy gerrymandering your intelligence agency were feeding stuff to Al-qaeda.

Armstrong said:
Pakistan was correct to ask the Americans to not go in with their Guns Blazing because no amount of stupid geronimo-esque actions were going to up-root fanaticism or the solve the problem in the least bit - Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan & now increasingly Syria is testament to that !
If America wanted it could have entered Pakistan,it still launches drone attacks and your government could not stop it.And from what i gleaned the Obama administration is making contingency plans to use air bases in Central Asia to conduct drone missile attacks in northwest Pakistan.
And it all began with your government supporting Taliban.
Armstrong said:
Pakistan talked to the Taliban & asked them to relent & they did relent in the end when they asked for 'evidence' to be given to Religious Clerics of 2-3 countries & if they decide that OBL was guilty....they'd hand him over - Such was corroborated by Pakistan's Ambassador to Afghanistan during that time on prime time television -
You proved me right.

Armstrong said:
But to expect someone who reads a bunch of articles with provocative punch lines & takes that as the gospel truth, is choosing to ignore the blatant absence of 'evidence' to substantiate anything, would rather spin an imaginative conspiracy theory all around it & then go annotate her posts with silly emoticons, to know anything about any of this would be asking the impossible !
As if you sit in the ISI GHQ and have access to confidential files which has truth printed all over it.:lol:

Armstrong said:
Or just not as gullible & biased as you are !
I must have pesked you enough that you went on to SOS your friend with limitless knowledge on OBL and that you went as far as calling me biased.:lol:
Its no rocket science to understand the present shambolic state of Pakistan is nothing but the fruit of its own karma.
I wish Pakistan comes out of this mess afterall a state that refuses to countenance an end to terror against India and one that continues to exploit India’s internal ethnic and religious fissures and nurtures an age-old claim on Kashmir—is obviously not in India’s interest.
Ppl including Gen Pasha knew about it.But its not necessary that everyone in ISI had knowledge of OBL's hideout.

There is not a shred of evidence to substantiate that claim !

Sounds as if Pakistan was doing charity.WoW!!!!
Afghanistan is the only country who opposes the recognition of Pakistan in United nation lolzz.
Like they say you can change the friends but you can’t change your neighbor. Pakistan and its intelligence agencies can not bear the Indian presence and acceptance in Afghanistan.And lets not forget how the Taliban regime got some backing from Pakistan.And it was evident in the way our Indian airlines flight was hijacked and taken to Kandahar.

Well discounting even the billions in humanitarian aid that we've pumped into Afghanistan....no we weren't doing Charity we were combating the ill-effects of every country in the region using Afghanistan to fight their proxy wars including fighting them with Pakistan & we were combating the economic & social repercussions of continued Afghan Refugee problem for Pakistan !

you gotta be kidding me.World's most wanted man ENTERED Pakistan without the knowledge of ISI.Tell me about it.Ha-ha- Haa!
While your government was busy gerrymandering your intelligence agency were feeding stuff to Al-qaeda.

Yes the same way the lackeys of the World's Most wanted men entered the US without the knowledge of the CIA - the only difference here is that the US Border is anything but the Durand Line - a highly porous border with thousands of gullies, ravines & caves & without any presence of Pakistani Security Forces because there never really was a need to do so in the past !

If America wanted it could have entered Pakistan,it still launches drone attacks and your government could not stop it.And from what i gleaned the Obama administration is making contingency plans to use air bases in Central Asia to conduct drone missile attacks in northwest Pakistan.
And it all began with your government supporting Taliban.

There hasn't been a Drone Strike in months & you're right this Government won't be able to do much about - So ?

How is that relevant to the argument that the US Foreign Policy of Senseless Belligerency wasn't sound as is evidenced by them talking to the Taliban after declaring them everything under the Sun ?

You proved me right.

Proved you right about what ? That the Taliban & Pakistanis were talking to each other & that we have influence over each other ? Obviously we do but how does that make them our Strategic Assets when an 'asset', even in Accounting Terminology, is something that you CONTROL - Refusing us countless times pretty much busts the myth of us exercises any Control over them !

As if you sit in the ISI GHQ and have access to confidential files which has truth printed all over it.:lol:

No I don't but then again I'm not the one who is accusing anyone of anything over here & presenting conspiracy theories amidst a dearth of evidence of any kind to substantiate my assertions !

I must have pesked you enough that you went on to SOS your friend with limitless knowledge on OBL and that you went as far as calling me biased.:lol:
Its no rocket science to understand the present shambolic state of Pakistan is nothing but the fruit of its own karma.
I wish Pakistan comes out of this mess afterall a state that refuses to countenance an end to terror against India and one that continues to exploit India’s internal ethnic and religious fissures and nurtures an age-old claim on Kashmir—is obviously not in India’s interest.

A Chubby Indian Aunty would be last person to irritate or intimidate me ! :P

I called him because he knows what hes talking about & has taken Pakistan to task as well - He is unbiased !

If only the ills that plague Pakistan were ever so simple so as to be explained away by what is or what isn't rocket science but asking an Indian to use a very rarely used thing called 'reason' is asking the impossible ! :p:

So why bother ! :crazy:
There is not a shred of evidence to substantiate that claim !
Where's the proof that Gen.Zia Ul Haq was murdered...but thats an open secret.

Armstrong said:
Well discounting even the billions in humanitarian aid that we've pumped into Afghanistan....no we weren't doing Charity we were combating the ill-effects of every country in the region using Afghanistan to fight their proxy wars including fighting them with Pakistan & we were combating the economic & social repercussions of continued Afghan Refugee problem for Pakistan !

Armstron said:
Yes the same way the lackeys of the World's Most wanted men entered the US without the knowledge of the CIA - the only difference here is that the US Border is anything but the Durand Line - a highly porous border with thousands of gullies, ravines & caves & without any presence of Pakistani Security Forces because there never really was a need to do so in the past !
Musharraf knew about it!!!
But he wanted to compartmentalize the support between Al-Qaeda and kashmiri terrorists.

Armstrong said:
Proved you right about what ? That the Taliban & Pakistanis were talking to each other & that we have influence over each other ?
Of course!!!

Armstrong said:
No I don't but then again I'm not the one who is accusing anyone of anything over here & presenting conspiracy theories amidst a dearth of evidence of any kind to substantiate my assertions !
I gave you so many proofs ..try one more
Pervez Musharraf 'knew' where Osama bin Laden was hiding, new book says - The Times of India

Armstrong said:
A Chubby Indian Aunty would be last person to irritate or intimidate me !
And you thought you were the most handsome hunk on the face of earth??:P
Sorry baby brother let me tell you the reality that you are nothing but a distorted image of Jacky Chan.:lol:
But the self confessed casanova that you're, have been living in a paracosm for a lil too long.:cuckoo:

Armstrong said:
I called him because he knows what hes talking about & has taken Pakistan to task as well - He is unbiased !
And the fact is he gave you a ROYAL ignore.:lol:

Armstrong said:
If only the ills that plague Pakistan were ever so simple so as to be explained away by what is or what isn't rocket science but asking an Indian to use a very rarely used thing called 'reason' is asking the impossible !
My bad!!:sick:
I should not have expected a mullah ...to know a shinola.
Where's the proof that Gen.Zia Ul Haq was murdered...but thats an open secret.


Of course its an Open Secret - the damn plane exploded in mid-air ! :crazy:

But comparing that to this is ludicrous beyond anything I've expected - You are accusing of someone of harboring the most wanted man on Earth when he himself is providing the evidence that lead to his capture & then you're saying that its an Open Secret despite not providing a shred of evidence to support that ! :crazy:

Musharraf knew about it!!!
But he wanted to compartmentalize the support between Al-Qaeda and kashmiri terrorists.

Proof ? :unsure:

Right there isn't any except some spicy rhetoric written or spoken by some smart-arse self-styled 'analyst' !

But even if I accept for a moment that Mushy knew about it - Why in god's name would he or anyone else in the Army at a responsible position by supporting the same Al-Qaeeda who alongside the TTP, the Chechen, Uzbek & Uighur terrorists had started killing our men ?

Of course!!!

And ? You'd conveniently gobble up the rest of my post to zero-in on that bit - Damn talk about 'objectivity' !

This is your evidence ? A Book !

Perhaps I should trust the words of your ex-Army Chief when he said that Indian was supporting terrorism in Pakistan or quote those books that talk about India's support for terrorism within India where they blame Pakistan for something they themselves did or their support of terrorism in Sri Lanka - That'll be evidence too I suppose ?

Maybe we should all believe those many proclamations - books or otherwise - which talk about the Mumbai Attacks, the 2001 Parliament Attack or the Samjhota Express terrorism being the works of India's own Intelligence Outfits ? :crazy:

And you thought you were the most handsome hunk on the face of earth??:P
Sorry baby brother let me tell you the reality that you are nothing but a distorted image of Jacky Chan.:lol:
But the self confessed casanova that you're, have been living in a paracosm for a lil too long.:cuckoo:

Aaaarghh ! :mad:

And the fact is he gave you a ROYAL ignore.:lol:

@Icarus isn't around PDF that much ! :(

My bad!!:sick:
I should not have expected a mullah ...to know a shinola.

Its Mr.Disco Molvi to you ! :angry:

Alright lets end this because you clearly are :crazy: ever since Mr.Levina forgot to pick you up because he was watching a cricket match & the ensuing long walk back home made you loose more than just deposits of fat around your chin but also a handsome amount of neurons ! :whistle:
We Bangladeshis are clever enough to not waste rosources developing a nuclear programme when we still have our economy to focus on. At the end of the day, these weapons will never be allowed to be used and will always be a deterrent. Your tit-for-tat with India is costing you in the long run. Bangladesh is flourishing. If you go to Dhaka you will see the changes that have been taking place. Some areas in Dhaka are comparable to even the West never mind middle income countries. We are developing several technology parks around the country as we speak as well as a metro system in Dhaka; flyovers and what not in Dhaka and other cities. We our increasing our slice of the global IT outsourcing pie. We can focus on acquiring a nuclear weapon in the future, if indeed needed at all. I wouldn't be surprised if all countries are asked to dismantle their nepuclear weapons anyway at some point in the future. These days it's very difficult to wage war without rest of the world getting involved. So Bangladesh won't even need to develop such weapons.
ok now I get it, its our nukes that is giving you itches
well in that case try this
Hasina is well intentioned. She is not very intelligent but has the best interests of Bangladesh at heart. She has seen how radicals can stall economic progress, so cleansing the country of them is the way to go. We Bangladeshis are naturally secular people and believe fundamental ideology is perverse, and tends to only lead a country to the gutter. Sometimes I do dislike her though, mainly due to her aggressive courting of India. We should have good relations with them but not go overboard, just keep some distance.
Hasina is well intentioned. She is not very intelligent but has the best interests of Bangladesh at heart. She has seen how radicals can stall economic progress, so cleansing the country of them is the way to go. We Bangladeshis are naturally secular people and believe fundamental ideology is perverse, and tends to only lead a country to the gutter. Sometimes I do dislike her though, mainly due to her aggressive courting of India. We should have good relations with them but not go overboard, just keep some distance.

Your choice of words and sentence structure....It reminds me of @IamBengali. Why are you such a sad git?
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