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Some Facts about RSS

Nair saab

Nov 23, 2010
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I had read several paranoid articales from Forum member about Rashtriya swayamsevak sangh (RSS)...so I therefor thought of giving a brief idea of RSS to the forum members.... Please co-operate & lets keep discussion in a civilized manner...appreciation & criticism are both welcomed alike...

Rashtriya swayamsevak sangh aka RSS was started by Dr. KB Hedgewar a doctor as a social and cultural organisation in British India to oppose British colonialism in India in 1925... RSS is established to foster unity among Hindu youths of all castes and classes & removing caste discrimination in Hindu society...

Its main slogan is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam which means the whole world is one single family...

RSS took part in various Independence movements in support of Indian national congress against the british rule...the RSS also participated in Jungle satyagraha & Quit India movement...RSS is a strong advocator of women rights, bringing them in to main stream politics, providing equal education & removing oppressive womens rule(like sati) in Hinduism...
  • RSS volunteers were the first rebel against the Portuguese in Goa to merge it with India and as an appreciation Nehru requested RSS volunteers to participate in the Republic Day parade.
  • RSS volunteers risked their life in saving innocent Sikhs from getting butchered at the hands of the Congress goons in Delhi during the Anti-Sikh riots.
  • RSS runs many Primary health centres and Primary schools in the most impoverished region in India.
  • The first NGO to reach any disaster place has invariably been the RSS. Its efforts especially during the Gujarat earthquake has been widely appreciated

Liberation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Goa
After the Independence of India, many organizations including the RSS aspired to liberate Dadra and Nagar Haveli from Portuguese occupation. In early 1954, volunteers Raja Wakankar and Nana Kajrekar of the RSS visited the area round about Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman several times to study the topography and also to get acquainted with the local workers who were agitating for the liberation. In April 1954, the RSS formed a coalition with the National Movement Liberation Organization (NMLO), the and Azad Gomantak Dal (AGD) for the liberation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. On the night of 21 July, United front of Goans, a group, working independently of the coalition, captured the Portuguese police station at Dadra and declared Dadra as free. Subsequently on 28 July, volunteer teams of the RSS and AGD captured the territories of Naroli and Phiparia and ultimately the capital of Silvassa. The Portuguese forces which escaped and moved towards Nagar Haveli, were assaulted at Khandvel and were forced to retreat till they surrendered to the Indian border police at Udava on 11 August 1954. A native administration was setup with Appasaheb Karmalkar of NMLO as the Administrator of Dadra and Nagar Haveli on 11 August 1954.
The liberation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli gave a boost to the freedom movement against the Portuguese in Goa. In 1955, RSS leaders demanded the end of Portuguese rule in Goa and its integration into India. When Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru refused to obtain it by armed intervention, RSS leader Jagannath Rao Joshi led the satyagraha agitation straight into Goa itself. He was imprisoned with his followers by the Portuguese police. The peaceful protests continued but met with severe repressions. On 15 August 1955, the Portuguese police opened fire on the satyagrahis, killing thirty or so people.
Movement for the restoration of democracy
In 1975, the Indian Government under the Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, proclaimed emergency rule in India, thereby suspending the fundamental rights and curtailing the rights of the press. This extreme step was taken after the Supreme Court of India, cancelled her election to the Indian Parliament on charges of malpractices in the election.The democratic institutions were kept under suspended animation and prominent opposition leaders including Gandhian Jayaprakash Narayan, were arrested and thousands of people were detained without any charges being framed against them. RSS, which was seen close to opposition leaders, and with its large organizational base was seen to have potential of organizing protests against the Government, was also banned. Police clamped down on the organization and thousands of its workers were imprisoned.
The RSS defied the ban and thousands participated in Satyagraha (peaceful protests) against the ban and against the curtailment of fundamental rights. Later, when there was no letup, the volunteers of the RSS formed underground movements for the restoration of democracy. Literature that was censored in the media was clandestinely published and distributed on a large scale and funds were collected for the movement. Networks were established between leaders of different political parties in the jail and outside for the coordination of the movement. It said that the movement was "dominated by tens of thousands of RSS cadres, though more and more young recruits are coming". Talking about its objectives it said "its platform at the moment has only one plank: to bring democracy back to India".The Emergency was lifted in 1977 and as a consequence the ban on the RSS too was lifted.

Participation in land reforms

It has been noted that the RSS volunteers participated in the Bhoodan movement organized by Gandhian leader Vinobha Bhave. Vinobha Bhave had met the RSS leader M. S. Golwalkar in Meerut in November 1951. Golwalkar had been inspired by the movement that encouraged land reforms through voluntary means. He pledged the support of the RSS for this movement.Consequently, many RSS volunteers led by Nanaji Deshmukh participated in the movement. But Golwalkar has also been critical of the Bhoodan movement, on other occasions for being reactionary and for working "merely with a view to counteracting Communism". He believed that the movement should inculcate a right and positive faith in the masses that can make them rise above the base appeal of Communism.

Protection of Sikhs during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots

Sikh intellectual and author of 'A History of the Sikhs', Khushwant Singh, credits members of the RSS with helping and protecting Sikhs who were being targeted by members of the Congress(I) political party during the 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots. Singh who otherwise has been critical of the RSS and believes that it is a " communal organization and dangerous to the country's secular fabric"
The Community service wing of RSS Seva Bharati
The volunteers of Seva Bharati today are involved in more than one lakh service projects in remote areas of the country. Volunteers have been the first to reach many natural calamities, be it floods, accidents or other natural calamities like Earth quake or Tsunami. Seva Bharati is reported to have 13,786 projects in education, 10,908 in health care, 17,560 in social welfare and 7,452 self-reliance projects. These projects, serving the economically weaker and socially neglected sections of the society range from medical assistance, crèche, library, hostel, basic education, adult education, vocational and industrial training, upliftment of street children and the lepers. Through these projects Seva Bharti aims at making the underprivileged sections of the society self-reliant in all aspects of their lives.

The Seva Bharati organizational report states that it has over five thousand health care centers spread across India which include 2761 rural health care centers, 385 mobile clinics, 161 resident clinics in urban areas, 30 counseling centers and 7 leprosy medication and rehabilitation centers. It has a chain of 14 Blood banks and over three hundred blood donation indexes that serve in times of emergencies. Seva Bharati helps poor patients get medicine for free or for subsidized amounts. It is reported that although the organization runs on "shoestring budget", it has been considered a "savior for those desperately in need of un-affordable medicines". It is reported that there are 234 such medicine collection and redistribution centers across India...

AIDS awareness

Seva Bharati also conducts AIDS awareness programmes targeting truck drivers, taxi drivers, dhaba owners and the youth where hundreds of participants participate and discuss topics which include "General health and hygiene", "STD symptoms and mode of transmission", "HIV-AIDS symptoms and mode of transmission" and "Safe sex". Exhibitions are also organized and literature is distributed to make people aware about the disease and its prevention. Besides this, the organization regularly has health awareness drives like the ones on the world heart day

During Swine flu epidemic

The volunteers of the RSS, coordinated with the officials of various organizations, including the National Institute of Virology (NIV), the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC),the Indian Medical Association and held awareness campaign against swine flu. The volunteers helped the governmental authorities and people in tackling flu.
The team of RSS workers which included medical professionals, helped the people at the screening centers. They provided leaflets to various housing societies and hoped to reach out to up to 1,000 societies in this way.
Activities for visually impaired
Seva Bharati and allied organizations have many eye banks that regularly conduct eye donation camps. They have provided hundreds of blind persons with eyes. The organization in collaboration with other eye hospitals runs eye care initiatives for the urban poor. The initiatives have covered thousands of slum children and aim at eradicating blindness and eye diseases in children. In one of the initiatives to provide free pediatric eye care to slum children, held in association with the Narayana Nethralaya in Bangalore, over 1010 slum children were screened. 200 children were detected to have visual problems and some of the conditions detected were corneal problems (18), squint (11), retinal (09), eyelid problems (16) and cataract (03). All these children requiring surgery & treatment received the same free of cost at Narayana Nethralaya over 143 received spectacles and other treatment free of cost. The project has put a target of screening 10,000 slum children before the end of 2009. In the last two camps, a team of doctors, paramedical workers and volunteers from NGOs examined and treated over 2400 children and even operated those requiring surgery – free of cost. Camps are also held in which corneal plantation is performed on hundreds of patients which cure the eye ailments and help them regain their eyesight
Rehabilitating Lepers

Seva Bharati has rehabilitation centers for lepers. One such center is near Rajamudry in Andhra Pradesh. The center was founded in 1975 by Colonel D.S. Raju who had been a personal doctor to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in INA. In 1982 it was handed over to the RSS and since then has been managed by RSS and Seva Bharati volunteers. It houses 106 leprosy patients and has a hospital adjoining the centre that caters to their medication needs. The 11 acres (45,000 m2) is surrounded by greenery and also maintains a `gosala' and a library. The yeomen service rendered by the organisation has found mention in the case study in rehabilitation of leprosy patients authored by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, the former President of India

Seva Bharati has numerous hostels for the economically underprivileged children across the country, especially the tribal and the rural poor. The organization reports over ten thousand educational projects in India which include hostels for boys and girls, primary education centers in rural areas and in slums, adult and informal education centers for street children and single teacher schools in the remote places of the country. It also helps students from the remote tribal areas to enroll in schools in different parts of the country and sponsors all their educational and other needs. It conducts camps for children that teach them folk songs and dances, making arts and crafts and painting to encourage creativity among them.
The organisation has run many literacy initiatives for adults and children. A project in the slums of Delhi aims at making Delhi hundred percent literate.

Seva Bharati has rehabilitation centres named "Matri Chhaya" or (Mother's care) for destitute children. The project plans to envisage the “Matri Chaya” to be different from an orphanage and aims to provide ll facilities for children abandoned by their parents.. It is intended to provide the ‘adopted’ children education and other facilities till they settle in their life. "The aim of this project" as explained by one of its volunteer "is to facilitate a good, healthy life for those children who are generally termed ‘unwanted’." Seva Bharati ties up with all the hospitals and the police to get information about all such children who are abandoned after their birth by their parents. These children are sent to schools and thereafter, to the vocational centers run by the organization, Education for these children also includes coaching for higher studies after they clear their secondary level education

Women Empowerment

Seva Bharati has large number of centers that provide vocational training to economically underprivileged women. It trains women in making handicrafts and decorative items and helps to market these products. Hundreds of girls trained by Seva Bharati over the years are transforming handicrafts into a successful cottage industry mostly in the North Eastern states of India. Seva Bharati also conducts camps and organises exhibitions of handicrafts churned out at such camps and works as a catalyst in marketing these items. The participants are usually trained in fabric painting, hand stitching, pot-painting, glass painting, jute work, flower-making, cane and bamboo craft, pith and banana fibre craft. As a volunteer notes, the best part is that the items produced by these women are in demand because of their quality and hence are getting bulk orders. The handicrafts are today finding their way into homes across India.
Seva Bharati reports that it has a total of 1404 such training projects across India which include centers that teach computers, tailoring, short hand, stitching, sweater making, typing, carpentry, nursing, arts and handicrafts and recreational activities These training programs help the participants find jobs and earn a livelihood.
Seva Bharati also has many initiatives aimed at creating awareness among the women regarding socio-economic programmes and health. The programmes create awareness about minor ailments, health, hygiene and nutrition, environment, pregnancy and rights of women, besides prevention of addiction.
Rehabilitating the victims of terrorism

Seva Bharati has adopted a hundred children from the insurgency and militancy affected regions of Jammu and Kashmir including Gul, Mohore, Dharmani and Buddhal tehsils in Udhampur and Rajouri districts. The children, both Hindu and Muslim, who have been adopted have been rendered orphans by terrorist attacks in which many of the family members have been killed. The children are in the age group of five to fifteen. They will study till Class 12 in boarding schools in Delhi which are funded or supported by the Seva Bharati.
The project by Seva Bharati hopes to give these children a life away from bloodshed and give them back their lost childhood and new dreams to chase. Their parents and guardians are happy that their children are in safe hands.
The Indian Army which has selected the NGO for adoption says that they are optimistic that these children after 10 years, will be some of the finest citizens of the country. The army sees a bright future for these children and believes that the humane gesture of NGOs like Seva Bharati and similar organisations from various parts of the country will go a long way in boosting the efforts to bring in an era of peace and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir and more so root out the evil of terrorism from this region
"RSS is my heart's work. My dear young men, don't be disturbed by uncharitable comments of interested persons. Look ahead! Go ahead! The country is standing in need of your services"
- India's first Field Marshall. Gen. Cariappa.
I thought RSS was totally extremist.
Then, what about Swami Aseemanand's confession about Samjhauta blasts and Malegaon blasts ? Someone please explain it to me.

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

I thought RSS was totally extremist.
Then, what about Swami Aseemanand's confession about Samjhauta blasts and Malegaon blasts ? Someone please explain it to me.

Umm no RSS is nationalist not extremist big diffrence
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Appreciation received from great souls & great personalities

Mahatma Gandhi

During M. K. Gandhi's visit to RSS Camp accompanied by Mahadev Desai and Mirabehn at Wardha in 1934, he was surprised by the discipline and the absence of untouchability in RSS and commented "When i visited the RSS Camp. I was very much surprised by your discipline and absence of untouchablity ". He personally inquired to Swayamsevaks and found that they were living and eating together in the camp without bothering to know their castes

Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar

Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar while visiting the RSS camp at Pune in 1939 observed that Swayamsevaks were moving in absolute equality and brotherhood without even caring to know the cast of others. In his address to the Swayamsevaks, he said that " This is the first time that I am visiting the camp of Sangh volunters. I am happy to find absolute equality between Savarniyas (Upper cast) and Harijans (Lower cast) without any one being aware of such difference existing." When he asked Dr Hedgewar whether there were any untouchables in the camp, he replied that there are neither "touchables" nor "untouchables" but only Hindus

Khushwant Singh

RSS has played an honorable role in maintaining Hindu-Sikh unity before and after the murder of Indira Gandhi in Delhi and in other places
It was the Congress (I) leaders who instigated mobs in 1984 and got more than 3000 people killed. I must give due credit to RSS and the BJP for showing courage and protecting helpless Sikhs during those difficult days. No less a person than Atal Bihari Vajpayee himself intervened at a couple of places to help poor taxi drivers.

Field Marshal Cariappa

Field Marshal Cariappa in his speech to RSS volunteers said "RSS is my heart's work. My dear young men, don't be disturbed by uncharitable comments of interested persons. Look ahead! Go ahead! The country is standing in need of your services"

Dr Zakir Hussain

Dr Zakir Hussain the former President of India once told to Milad Mehfil in Monghyar on November 20, 1949 "The allegations against RSS of violence and hatred against Muslims are wholly false. Muslims should learn the lesson of mutual love, cooperation and organization from RSS.

Jayaprakash Narayan

RSS is a revolutionary organization. No other organization in the country comes anywhere near it. It alone has the capacity to transform society, end casteism and wipe the tears from the eyes of the poor.I have great expectations from this revolutionary organization which has taken up the challenge of creating a new India...

High Court of Mysore, The State of Karnataka

Prima facie the RSS is a non-political cultural organization without any hatred or ill will towards non-Hindus and that many eminent and respected persons in the country have not hesitated to preside over the functions or appreciate the work of its volunteers. In a country like ours which has accepted the democratic way of life (as ensured by the Constitution), it would not be within reason to accept the proposition that mere membership of such peaceful or non-violent association and participation in activities thereof, will render a person (in whose character and antecedents there are no other defects) unsuitable to be appointed to the post of a Munsiff.

Saba Naqvi Bhaumik
During Gujarat earthquake

Literally within minutes RSS volunteers were at the scenes of distress. Across Gujarat, the (RSS) cadres were the saviors. Even as the state machinery went comatose in the first two days after the quake, the cadre-based machinery of the Sangh fanned out throughout the state. Approximately 35,000 RSS members in uniform were pressed into service.

K. Srinivas, District collector of Ahmedabad

This is an old tradition in the RSS. To be the first at any disaster strike: floods, cyclone, drought and now quake. In Kutch, too, the RSS was the first to reach the affected areas. At Anjar, a town in ruins, the RSS was present much before the Army took the lead in finding survivors and fishing out the dead

India Today
It is conceded by even their worst detractors that the RSS has been in the forefront of the non- official rescue and relief (operations). This has led to an upsurge of goodwill for the Sangh
Also, during partition rss workers helped people fleeing pak with safe evacuation and protected them from getting butchered. Hope this will clear recent myths created by congress.
I thought RSS was totally extremist.
Then, what about Swami Aseemanand's confession about Samjhauta blasts and Malegaon blasts ? Someone please explain it to me.
Look BJP is the political wing of RSS... almost all major BJP members were trained RSS carders...& congress knows it very well...so if u need to hurt BJP on political issues then target RSS thats there strategy... & Digvijay singh is the tool used for it & Rahul gandhi is the master mind...

its just a drama done by congress to keep BJP silent on corruption charges & bring all secular parties together with congress & breaking the unity of opposition... And also the confession statement given by swami aseemanand is very ridiculous...

But i insist that if swami is found guilty & any hand of RSS is found with him then sure RSS should be banned...cozz India is bigger than an organization..
Well I think there is no doubt that the RSS has been involved in a lot of social work. There have been schools and social service programs and flood relief and other works done by them.

But it is a stretch of truth to say that they played a leading role in the independance movement. RSS and Hindu Mahasabha were opposed to the Congress and even opposed to the tricolor as a flag. They alongwith Muslim League at that time opposed the Quit India movement of '42 and infact the previous RSS chief actually termed it a failure as recently as 2004 if I'm not mistaken.

If you look at the letters writte by Sardar Patel and the RSS head after Gandhiji's assasination you can see what the scenario was. He mentions about how the RSS workers distributing sweets or stamping the Indian flag after Gandhiji's assasination has led to anger against the RSS. There were long discussions and eventually the then RSS head had to give an undertaking that it will abide by the Indian constitution. Then you have the visit of Dr. Moonje(mentor of RSS founder) to Italy in the early 30s were he appreciated what Mussolini was doing there and seems to have drawn inspiration what was happening in Italy and Germany at that time.
However, there has been reforms in the RSS and this is one of the reasons why "A bunch of Thoughts" a book written by the RSS founder has been said to be expunged from the RSS booklist.

The other issue is probably the idea of religious nationalism or a political religious ideology that tends to produce fundamentalists and fanatical followers. So even though the RSS eschews from violence and kicks out those who talk about it, those who get kicked out form their own outfit that does not have to follow the RSS rules. So we have the myriad groups like VHP, Bajrang Dal e.t.c who don't follow the discipline of the RSS workers and tend to fall into riots and violence. The case of the recent Abhinav Bharat is something to make a note of which also consisted of ex-RSS members who had been kicked out for violating discipline.

Mohan Bhagwat I think is much more open-minded than say Sudershan and more importantly, he makes it a point to mention the importance of co-existence of people of different faiths. So lets hope that this philosophy filters down to the cadres as well. You also have the Muslim wing of RSS as well. Although personally, I would have preferred NOT having a seperate Muslim wing and allowing Muslims to particpate in general RSS functions if they wanted.


A quick point I want to make is people confuse Sarvarkar thought(and by extension the Hindu Mahasabha) with RSS thought although both are different slighlty even though they had close links. The group alleged to be behind Ajmer Blasts e.t.c. is believed to be Abhinav Bharat which draws its name from an organisation run by Sarvarkar.

Sarvarkar's counterpart is probably best explained with Jinnah. This might sound like a controversial statement but the more you read about them, the more you realise how similar their lives and thought processes have been.

Initially both were staunch nationalist, with a nationalism that was inclusive. Both recognised the importance of Hindu Muslim unity. Jinnah was known as an ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity, praised by Bal Gandahar Tilak for defending him in the British court of law against a sedition charge which would have resulted in death if convicted.
Similarly, Sarvarkar initally praised Hindu-Muslim unity effusively particularly in his book India's First War of Independance which is an interesting read in this regard. He appreciates the way the maulvis and pundits preached "Jihad" against the British and stated that Hindu-Muslim unity is necessary to achive freedom from the British. This was in 1909, the book was banned afterwards, and Sarvarkar arrested a few years later.

Both also had to time for the religious aspect of being a Hindu or Muslim. Jinnah as it is well known was hardly a practicing muslim. He derided the Khilafat movement and was initially opposed to reservation on the basis of religion as brought out by the Muslim League. Similarly, Sarvarkar was pretty much an atheist, he advocated beef eating for Hindus and didn't allow Hindu rites when his wife died as he didn't want it and completely opposed the caste system as refressive (Atheist fundamentalists - Times Of India)

Then around the late 1930s both turned towards a narrow vision for the future of south asia. While Jinnah articulated his final vision in the 1940 resolution. Sarvarkar was released from prison after writing an apology letter to the then British govt. in 1937 and soon after became the president of Hindu Mahasabha. He ofcourse developed his ideas in prison which can be seen from his work Hindutva.
Both groups opposed the Indian National Congress move in 1942 to oppose the British. And while most of their leaders were in prison, Jinnah and Sarvarkar asked their respective followers to join the British war effort and in a way enflamed the communal relations where the pro-inclusive leaders like Nehru, Azad and other Congress leaders were behind bars and could not counter its effect.

However, towards the end, while Jinnah was able to get Pakistan, Sarvarkar's alleged involvement in Mahatma Gandhiji's murder came as death blow to the popularity and influence of the Hindu Mahasabha as anger spread against the assasination of Gandhiji. He lived a very quite life threafter and was restricted to the occasional speeches and a few writings.


So IMO, what we see Aseemanand and Co. and the alleged blasts are more to do with the mutation of political Hindu ideology of Sarvarkar than with the RSS which tends to have a more social service/religious agenda. All of us should tackle our respectively political religious ideology as only Hindus can take on political Hinduism and only muslims can take on political Islam sucessfully. This doesn't mean that parties that have such ideologies should be banned or put down with force as this will only militarise them and make them more radical. They should be allowed to participate in a democratic process and their ideas scrutinised and it will eventually have a moderating effect on them. And RSS infact can play a leading and important role in having a moderating effect on extremist Hindu organisations by publicly denouncing acts of terrorism.

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