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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

mate i did my entire schooling from none other than RamaKrishna Mission which follows the ethics and codes of the Sanatan Dharma to the word.the sannyasins there described the Ramayana in the above manner and i think they are far more qualified than you or me in this subject(no offense).but still if i have offended you by any mean then i offer my sincere apology to you....:) 

1. If they were really 'sannyasins' they would not be living a part of society and teaching in shools.
2. You were taught Ramayan by school teachers who pretended to be sannyasins. Does not do much for their credibility or yours for that matter.
3. I do not think teachers who teach kids are in any way more qualified than me in understanding Hinduism. There are many others to whom I look to offer me religious guidance, but school teachers are not one of them.
4. I am offended because you are spreading lies about Ramayan based on your ignorance.
5. THE ENTIRE RAMAYAN is to help pepole become perfect men and women but following the foot steps of Sri. Ramachandraji and Devi Sita. If you do not consider Ram to be right in what he is doing then you do not need the ramayan. IT is just another story book for you and you might as well read Superman or Justice league to find your moral bearings. 'Ramayan' is not a story book you can treat with such triviality.

I recommend you grow up and read the Valmiki Ramayan again, this time as an adult. Not a school kid lead by his sanyasin teachers. (assuming you are an adult)
1. If they were really 'sannyasins' they would not be living a part of society and teaching in shools...

Do you even know the meaning of 'Sanyasi' and 'Sanyasi Dharma'(work of a Sanyasi).....

2. You were taught Ramayan by school teachers who pretended to be sannyasins. Does not do much for their credibility or yours for that matter.

What credibility you have, why do you think people should regard you an expert in Hinduism....

3. I do not think teachers who teach kids are in any way more qualified than me in understanding Hinduism. There are many others to whom I look to offer me religious guidance, but school teachers are not one of them....

Who are those many others....please enlighten us....

4. I am offended because you are spreading lies about Ramayan based on your ignorance...

The fact that you're saying that only your interpretation of Hinduism is correct proves that you know nothing about Hinduism....
Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa said, 'there are as many ways to god as you can think'......
and that is the true essence of Hinduism.....

5. THE ENTIRE RAMAYAN is to help pepole become perfect men and women but following the foot steps of Sri. Ramachandraji and Devi Sita. If you do not consider Ram to be right in what he is doing then you do not need the ramayan. IT is just another story book for you and you might as well read Superman or Justice league to find your moral bearings. 'Ramayan' is not a story book you can treat with such triviality...

I guess RSS taught you Hinduism....otherwise you wouldn't have got that 'perfect man' concept....

I recommend you grow up and read the Valmiki Ramayan again, this time as an adult. Not a school kid lead by his sanyasin teachers. (assuming you are an adult)

It seems to me that you're a kid recruited and brain-washed by the likes of 'Shiv-Sena'/'Bajrangdal' etc. trying to make everyone else 'perfect Hindus' by raiding discos, harassing foreigners for celebrating Valentines Day(thereby tarnishing India's image) while practicing the worst form of Hinduism yourselves.....
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Do you even know the meaning of 'Sanyasi' and 'Sanyasi Dharma'(work of a Sanyasi).....

:lol: Do you even know what is Dharma Shastra ? Why not read "Paramahamsya dharma mimamsa" instead of showcasing your stupidity.

There is no 'sansasi dharma' :lol: .....Dharma is for those who are part of society not for people who are outside society. The following are the mandates for considering someone a 'sanyasi'.

1.Should always have a dhanda(bamboo staff) and kamandulu(used for abulations made of wood).If he is without these two he cannot be considered as a sanyasi but a chandala.

2.Should strictly observe celibacy.

3. Must not travel in vehicles.Should travel by foot only.

4.Must shave once in two months only.

5.Must take biksha and eat.

6.Must not travel abroad.

7.Should not indulge on wordly affairs.

8.Must not stay in a town more than three days.Must be in continous travel.

9.Must bathe thrice daily in cold water.

10.Must not save money for personal use.

11.Must concentrate only in doing sharavana,manana,nidhidhyaasana of vedhantha.

12.Should do the karmas like japas and poojas as said by the guru.

What credibility you have, why do you think people should regard you an expert in Hinduism....

My knowledge in Hinduism on one thing :lol:

Who are those many others....please enlighten us....

Dayanad Saraswati, Sri. Ravi Shankar...pndt. holkar sawarswati,..... even Rajeev Malhotra is an expert on Hinduism.

The fact that you're saying that only your interpretation of Hinduism is correct proves that you know nothing about Hinduism....
Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa said, 'there are as many ways to god as you can think'......
and that is the true essence of Hinduism.....

... you have showcased your stupidity by making that comment. The Hindu shastras say that I am correct. I have quoted one just right now.

What has many ways to god got anything to do with Ramayan ? :lol:

I guess RSS taught you Hinduism....otherwise you wouldn't have got that 'perfect man' concept....

LOL. Wrong again. But it shows your bigoted views and narrow minded thinking and deep seated prejudice.

It seems to me that you're a kid recruited and brain-washed by the likes of 'Shiv-Sena'/'Bajrangdal' etc. trying to make everyone else 'perfect Hindus' by raiding discos, harassing foreigners for celebrating Valentines Day(thereby tarnishing India's image) while practicing the worst form of Hinduism yourselves.....

:lol: you have already showcased your intelligence here ..... you opinions are those of a fool. Why would it matter to anyone ?
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:lol: Do you even know what is Dharma Shastra ? Why not read "Paramahamsya dharma mimamsa" instead of showcasing your stupidity.

There is no 'sansasi dharma' :lol: .....Dharma is for those who are part of society not for people who are outside society. The following are the mandates for considering someone a 'sanyasi'.

1.Should always have a dhanda(bamboo staff) and kamandulu(used for abulations made of wood).If he is without these two he cannot be considered as a sanyasi but a chandala.

2.Should strictly observe celibacy.

3. Must not travel in vehicles.Should travel by foot only.

4.Must shave once in two months only.

5.Must take biksha and eat.

6.Must not travel abroad.

7.Should not indulge on wordly affairs.

8.Must not stay in a town more than three days.Must be in continous travel.

9.Must bathe thrice daily in cold water.

10.Must not save money for personal use.

11.Must concentrate only in doing sharavana,manana,nidhidhyaasana of vedhantha.

12.Should do the karmas like japas and poojas as said by the guru.....

So that's is your knowledge on Hinduism, learning by heart some rules and regulations without knowing their true meaning....:lol:........ I pity you.....
They have taught you WHAT rules and regulations to follow but didn't teach you WHY you should follow them.....

You think sanyasis are not supposed to teach, then do you regard Swami Vivekananda as a Sanyasi?....he traveled the length and breath of India teaching people about the true essence of Hinduism.....he is the first person to have presented Hinduism on world stage.....

My knowledge in Hinduism on one thing :lol:....

What an absurd answer....

Dayanad Saraswati, Sri. Ravi Shankar...pndt. holkar sawarswati,..... even Rajeev Malhotra is an expert on Hinduism.....

If they were really you teachers.....your concept on Hinduism wouldn't have been like this....

What has many ways to god got anything to do with Ramayan ? :lol:....

See! you don't understand the significance of that statement.....they taught you some rules and regulations......not the essence of Hinduism...
We're not only talking about Ramayana here, we're talking about Hinduism.......

You KNOW what Hinduism is but don't UNDERSTAND it...
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So that's is your knowledge on Hinduism, learning by heart some rules and regulations without knowing their true meaning....:lol:........ I pity you.....
They have taught you WHAT rules and regulations to follow but didn't teach you WHY you should follow them.....

:lol: More straw-man defense, opinions and rhetorics masquerading as knowledge. More BOLD colors and Large bold fonts to cover up the fact that you do not know anything but you attempt to hide your stupidity by these carnival tricks :lol:

How much more exposure and shame can you tolerate ? If you have anything more than a stawman defense I will be waiting right here to trash all your points :D

You think sanyasis are not supposed to teach, then do you regard Swami Vivekananda as a Sanyasi?....he traveled the length and breath of India teaching people about the true essence of Hinduism.....he is the first person to have presented Hinduism on world stage.....

Vivekananda as a the first person to have presented Hinduism on the worlds stage ? :lol: ..........truly your ignorance is hilarious.

Swami Vivekanand himself never claimed to be a sanyasi :lol: ..... he was a hindu Monk with a religio political mission and agenda.

See! you don't understand the significance of that statement.....they taught you some rules and regulations......not the essence of Hinduism...
We're not only talking about Ramayana here, we're talking about Hinduism.......

LOL. There are no rule and regulations in Hinduism only principles of Dharma and various paths to practicing dharma. Stop showcasing your ignorance and stupdity. seriously.

My earlier point was clearly about RAMAYAN :lol: ...... but it appears that you now want to run away and discuss general Hinduism. I am game for that too. :p Do you have anything significant to say apart from your prejudiced opinions and rhetorics ? Any quotes from any Hindu scriptures ? :azn:

You KNOW what Hinduism is but don't UNDERSTAND it...

Says the man who pretends to teach marayada to Sri. Ramchandraji :lol: .....what a clown.
Vivekananda as a the first person to have presented Hinduism on the worlds stage ? :lol: ..........truly your ignorance is hilarious.....

please enlighten us, who was the first person.......your 'guru' Rajiv Malhotra?....:lol::lol:

Swami Vivekanand himself never claimed to be a sanyasi :lol: ..... he was a hindu Monk with a religio political mission and agenda....

Your stupidity is astounding.....
What is the difference between a Hindu Monk and a Hindu Sanyasi?.....tell me the difference between a Monk and a Sanyasi first...

LOL. There are no rule and regulations in Hinduism only principles of Dharma and various paths to practicing dharma. Stop showcasing your ignorance and stupdity. seriously....

So, those 'guidelines' you wrote for the Sanyasis to follow were 'principles of Hinduism' not 'rules and regulations'.....:lol:

....... Do you have anything significant to say apart from your prejudiced opinions and rhetorics ? Any quotes from any Hindu scriptures ? :azn:...

I know that you know many quotes from Hindu scriptures, you learnt them by heart but the problem is, your interpretation of those quotes are wrong...

Says the man who pretends to teach marayada to Sri. Ramchandraji :lol: .....what a clown.

Is Ramchandra alive today for me to teach him something....:lol::lol:.....
You think you still living in 'Ram-Rajya'?......:lol::lol:
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please enlighten us, who was the first person.......your 'guru' Rajiv Malhotra?....

Use google you ignoramus :lol: I have no interest in lightening your burden of ignorance.

Your stupidity is astounding.....
What is the difference between a Hindu Monk and a Hindu Sayasi?.....tell me the difference between a Monk and a Sanyasi first...

LOL..... why is my 'stupidity astounding' ? You forgot to mention the reason for calling me stupid :lol:

A Hindu monk is part of a sanga, a sanyasi is Not. Sanga or Maths is a religious organization that is set up with its own social order and guidelines.

Ramakrishan MISSION is a mission like the christian missionaries. Its not a kutir for sanyasis.

As usual, you are full of rhetoric's without any substance to back it. Next time do not expect me to teach you anything.

So, those 'guidelines' you wrote for the Sanyasis to follow were 'principles of Hinduism' not 'rules and regulations'.....

Those are rules by which society recognizes a sanyasi you fool. General guidelines for sanyasis, but each Sanyasis follow their own gurus teaching.

I know that you know many quotes from Hindu scriptures, you learnt them by heart but the problem is, your interpretation of those quotes are wrong...

Says the man who has neither the knowledge of the scriptures nor the intelligence to interpret them. What value does your foolish opinion have ? :lol: You are yet to prove you have anything to sustance or any knowlege of whatever you are saying. So far we have only seen rhetoric's, allegations and foolish opinions. There is nothing in whatever you have said to redeem you or your image.

Is Ramchandra alive today for me to teach him something....:lol::lol:.....
You think you still living in 'Ram-Rajya'?......

You are saying Ram was wrong in doing something in Ramayan :lol: .......that means you know better than Ramji. So clearly you are attempting to teach marayada to Sri. Ramchandraji. .............but you are too stupid to even realize the absurdities of your statements.
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Well there is a modicum of discipline and lots of gullibility, now if only we could use them like the mostaz folks...
Use google you ignoramus :lol: I have no interest in lightening your burden of ignorance....

I expected such a reply.....so you've reached the limit of your knowledge on Hinduism and India's history....:P

LOL..... why is my 'stupidity astounding' ? You forgot to mention the reason for calling me stupid :lol:

A Hindu monk is part of a sanga, a sanyasi is Not. Sanga or Maths is a religious organization that is set up with its own social order and guidelines.

Ramakrishan MISSION is a mission like the christian missionaries. Its not a kutir for sanyasis.

As usual, you are full of rhetoric's without any substance to back it. Next time do not expect me to teach you anything.....

Your reply shows that you don't know jack about Hinduism.....
Your idea about Hindu philosophies, culture and practices have become convoluted thanks to you American teacher.....
You think those who go to the Himalayas are Sannyasis and those who are part of various sang/maths are Monks........your logic is childish.....
Sannyasis and Monks are not intrinsically different.....
Any person can be termed a Sannyasi if he takes up Sannyasa...... and Sanyasa is a state/way of life when you renounce 'everything' for the sake of self-enlightenment.....in fact, in the fourth and final stage of once life every Hindu is supposed to take up Sannyasa....and hence become a Sannayasi....

Monks are those who take up Sannyasa not just for self-enlightenment but also for the enlightenment of others.....i.e Monks are basically Sannyasis with a mission...

Those are rules by which society recognizes a sanyasi you fool. General guidelines for sanyasis, but each Sanyasis follow their own gurus teaching...

Once you're saying, Hinduism doesn't have 'rules', then you're saying, there are rules that a Sannayasi must follow to be recognized as a Sannyasi......
Do you even realize how foolish you sound.....

You are saying Ram was wrong in doing something in Ramayan :lol: .......that means you know better than Ramji. So clearly you are attempting to teach marayada to Sri. Ramchandraji. .............but you are too stupid to even realize the absurdities of your statements.

When did I say anything about Ram being 'wrong'?.....LOL....I only supported the other person's right to a different opinion.....
You're clearly one of those fools brainwashed by Shiv-Sena into thinking that those who're not in your group are wrong...... even your fellow Hindus..
YOU believe you're thekedar of Hinduism....but no-one else does....
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I expected such a reply.....so you've reached the limit of your knowledge on Hinduism and India's history....:P

You must be grateful that I am even bothering to reply to a fool like you. I am doing you a favor and granting you a credibility you do not deserve.

Your reply shows that you don't know jack about Hinduism.....
Your idea about Hindu philosophies, culture and practices have become convoluted thanks to you American teacher.....
You think those who go to the Himalayas are Sannyasis and those who are part of various sang/maths are Monks........your logic is childish.....

More Rhetoric and knocking down straw-men :lol:

Sannyasis and Monks are not intrinsically different.....

I just proved to you they are :lol:

Any person can be termed a Sannyasi if he takes up Sannyasa...... and Sanyasa is a state/way of life when you renounce 'everything' for the sake of self-enlightenment.....in fact, in the fourth and final stage of once life every Hindu is supposed to take up Sannyasa....and hence become a Sannayasi....

More platitudes to disguise the fact you know nothing but those that help you pretend to know something. :lol: Sanyas is when you renounce the world, not when you continue to be a part of it by teaching in schools and taking a salary.

Monks are those who take up Sannyasa not just for self-enlightenment but also for the enlightenment of others.....i.e Monks are basically Sannyasis with a mission...

First you called Vivekananda Sanyasi, now when I have proved that he was a monk you have changed your stand and are now attempting to define what a Monk is :lol: ...........you have already lost this debate. Moving goalposts is not going to fool anybody.

Once you're saying, Hinduism doesn't have 'rules', then you're saying, there are rules that a Sannayasi must follow to be recognized as a Sannyasi......

sanyasis are outside the social order. For them to be outside, there has to be some rules that define what makes them outside the society. :lol: ...........else how can they renounce the world ? ..............if only you were slightly intelligence you would have realized all this without me telling you this obvious fact.

Do you even realize how foolish you sound.....

Coming from you, its a complement. :lol:

When did I say anything about Ram being 'wrong'?.....LOL....I only supported the other person's right to a different opinion.....

People have different opinion only when they think the others is wrong ......people have similar opinions when they believe they are right. Do you know what a logical fallacy is ? :disagree:

You're clearly one of those fools brainwashed by Shiv-Sena into thinking that those who're not in your group are wrong even your fellow Hindus..
YOU believe you're thekedar of Hinduism....but no-one else does....

:lol: ...more rhetoric's and insults to substitute for anything of substance. LOL. Nothing more than an empty vessel that makes noise.

Now unless you have anything to say regarding Hindu scriptures, I am not interested in hearing your 'Opinions' on how things are suppose to work in your make belief world of hinduism. Stop wasting everybody's time and making an *** of yourself.
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1. If they were really 'sannyasins' they would not be living a part of society and teaching in shools.
2. You were taught Ramayan by school teachers who pretended to be sannyasins. Does not do much for their credibility or yours for that matter.
3. I do not think teachers who teach kids are in any way more qualified than me in understanding Hinduism. There are many others to whom I look to offer me religious guidance, but school teachers are not one of them.
4. I am offended because you are spreading lies about Ramayan based on your ignorance.
5. THE ENTIRE RAMAYAN is to help pepole become perfect men and women but following the foot steps of Sri. Ramachandraji and Devi Sita. If you do not consider Ram to be right in what he is doing then you do not need the ramayan. IT is just another story book for you and you might as well read Superman or Justice league to find your moral bearings. 'Ramayan' is not a story book you can treat with such triviality.

I recommend you grow up and read the Valmiki Ramayan again, this time as an adult. Not a school kid lead by his sanyasin teachers. (assuming you are an adult)
mate first of all the Sannyasis of Rama Krishna Mission have done enough for India and her citizens for the past 100 years.they are the forefront of every relief work in India along with the R.S.S. and the Bharata Sevasrama.the main motto of Rama Krishna Mission is based on the principles of Swami Vivekananda which is to serve selflessly to our fellow countrymen as serving the helpless is equal to serving the Supreme Lord.
now most of the Sanyasins of Rama Krishna Mission are highly educated people who willingly joined this organization to serve the principles of Sanatan Dharma and they live their entire lives trying to follow these principles to the word.all of these Sanyasins are extremely well versed in understanding the principles and the moral of Dharmic scriptures like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.you will be shocked to know that everyday after the prayers(we had compulsory prayers twice everyday) they used to discuss the principles of Dharma with us and explained thoroughly the inner meanings of the Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana to the young students who used to study there.
now we all know that the Sanatan Dharma isn't just a religion,it's much more than that.it's more like a complex philosophy which guides the lives of the common people from the ancient times.the best thing about Sanatan Dharma is that it isn't a single philosophy but a loose gathering of thousands of different philosophy and it has welcomed new ideas and thoughts to emerge out from the people since time immemorial.it's truly flexible and the best thing about it is that it accepts all the interpretions made by the sages and the spiritual men since the Vedic period and assimilated those ideas and interpretion within it.
so what i am trying to convey here is that everyone is entitled to have his/her own interpretation about the teachings of Sanatan Dharma and they are all correct according to their own perspective.......
@ Mike_Brando

'sanyasi' teachers of Ramakrishna mission are selected and appointed as per School Service Commission examinations for recruiting teachers. They are just average folks who take up teaching profession as they are not smart enough to get some other job.

Still if you want to put them on a pedestal, do so. Just dont expect me to do so.

That said the value and worth of the mission is not the point here, the message of the Ramayan is/was.

Having your own interpretation does not mean you can interpret that just because sita stayed with Ravan, Ravan would have raped her and had orgies with her. In fact there is nothing to show Sita did not elope with Ravan of her own free will. After all there was no eye witness. Then the entire Ramayana can be taken as a revenge thriller where the hero invades and kills the lover of his wife. Where will such perverted interpretation take you ? a new path to Hinduism ? Do you now realize how absurd your argument is ?

When you start to interpret puranas on your own based on your own limited capabilities, you are on a very slippery path.

The entire purpose of the Ramayan is to tell us how to lead a life of maryada. What to do and what not to do. That is why Ramchandraji is Maryada Purushotam and Sita devi is the embodiment of womanhood.
....I just proved to you they are :lol:..

.....and I proved, they are NOT....

...... Sanyas is when you renounce the world, not when you continue to be a part of it by teaching in schools and taking a salary....

What? you mean to say, Monks take salary...what a fool...you're getting confused between the teachers who are recruited to teach there and the 'Swamis' who are in organisational positions and are Sannyasis themselves....

First you called Vivekananda Sanyasi, now when I have proved that he was a monk you have changed your stand and are now attempting to define what a Monk is :lol: ...........you have already lost this debate. Moving goalposts is not going to fool anybody...

I haven't changed my stance you fool, Vivekananda IS a Sannyasi, he took Sannyasa after the death of Sri Ramakrishna, it is now evident that you not only lack knowledge in Hinduism but also in Indian History.....

People have different opinion only when they think the others is wrong ......people have similar opinions when they believe they are right. Do you know what a logical fallacy is ? :disagree:

Sri Ramchandra didn't tell you about his philosophy himself, so you cannot be sure that your interpretation of his philosophy is correct and others is wrong.....therefore it's not necessary that two person having different views should think the other is wrong.....only closed-minded fools think that way......
You think I'm wrong and I think you're wrong.....there're people who think you're right and there're people who think I'm right.....who's going to be the referee....

Now unless you have anything to say regarding Hindu scriptures, I am not interested in hearing your 'Opinions' on how things are suppose to work in your make belief world of Hinduism. Stop wasting everybody's time and making an *** of yourself....

I live in my 'make-believe' world and you live in your 'make-believe' world........there's no difference.......so, better not tell me that I'm wrong just based on your perception.........
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I haven't changed my stance you fool, Vivekananda IS a Sannyasi, he took Sannyasa after the death of Sri Ramakrishna, it is now evident that you not only lack knowledge in Hinduism but also in Indian History.....

You now want to move the discussion away from Hinduism and on history. :lol: I am not interested in either teaching you or engaging with a rattling empty vessel like you. Ramakrishna mission is similar to RSS except that Ramakrishna mission is even more religious than RSS :lol:

Sri Ramchandra didn't tell you about his philosophy himself, so you cannot be sure that your interpretation of his philosophy is correct and others is wrong.....therefore it's not necessary that two person having different views should think the other is wrong.....only close-minded fools think that way......
You think I'm wrong and I think you're wrong.....there're people who think you're right and there're people who think I'm right.....who's going to be the referee....

Now the logic is since Sri. Ram himself did not tell me his philosophy so it must not be true :lol: .......... you truly are a village idiot. And to think I wasted so much time replying to you :disagree:

You calling me a fool is a complement LOL ....thank you for that. No stop wasting this fools time and engage with people of your own caliber :lol: ....pdf is full of them.
Just to put the record straight for the rest of the Hindus here on pdf, let me post a small piece from Swami Vivekananda's writings called Bartaman Bharat (yes he called India Bharat before Nehru made it the name of Independent India, guess you now know where that idea came from)

The resuscitation of the priestly power under the Mussulman rule was, on the other hand, an utter impossibility. The Prophet Mohammed himself was dead against the priestly class in any shape and tried his best for the total destruction of this power by formulating rules and injunctions to that effect. Under the Mussulman rule, the king himself was the supreme priest; he was the chief guide in religious matters; and when he became the emperor, he cherished the hope of being the paramount leader in all matters over the whole Mussulman world. To the Mussulman, the Jews or the Christians are not objects of extreme detestation; they are, at the worst, men of little faith. But not so the Hindu. According to him, the Hindu is idolatrous, the hateful Kafir; hence in this life he deserves to be butchered; and in the next, eternal hell is in store for him. The utmost the Mussulman kings could do as a favour to the priestly class — the spiritual guides of these Kafirs — was to allow them somehow to pass their life silently and wait for the last moment. This was again sometimes considered too, much kindness! If the religious ardour of any king was a little more uncommon, there would immediately follow arrangements for a great Yajna by way of Kafir-slaughter!

On one side, the royal power is now centred in kings professing a different religion and given to different customs. On the other, the priestly power has been entirely displaced from its influential position as the controller and lawgiver of the society. The Koran and its code of laws have taken the place of the Dharma Shâstras of Manu and others. The Sanskrit language has made room for the Persian and the Arabic. The Sanskrit language has to remain confined only to the purely religious writings and religious matters of the conquered and detested Hindu, and, as such, has since been living a precarious life at the hands of the neglected priest. The priest himself, the relic of the Brahmanya power, fell back upon the last resource of conducting only the comparatively unimportant family ceremonies, such as the matrimonial etc., and that also only so long and as much as the mercy of the Mohammedan rulers permitted.

.......O India! With this mere echoing of others, with this base imitation of others, with this dependence on others this slavish weakness, this vile detestable cruelty — wouldst thou, with these provisions only, scale the highest pinnacle of civilisation and greatness? Wouldst thou attain, by means of thy disgraceful cowardice, that freedom deserved only by the brave and the heroic? O India! Forget not that the ideal of thy womanhood is Sita, Savitri, Damayanti; forget not that the God thou worshippest is the great Ascetic of ascetics, the all-renouncing Shankara, the Lord of Umâ; forget not that thy marriage, thy wealth, thy life are not for sense-pleasure, are not for thy individual personal happiness; forget not that thou art born as a sacrifice to the Mother's altar; forget not that thy social order is but the reflex of the Infinite Universal Motherhood; forget not that the lower classes, the ignorant, the poor, the illiterate, the cobbler, the sweeper, are thy flesh and blood, thy brothers. Thou brave one, be bold, take courage, be proud that thou art an Indian, and proudly proclaim, "I am an Indian, every Indian is my brother." Say, "The ignorant Indian, the poor and destitute Indian, the Brahmin Indian, the Pariah Indian, is my brother." Thou, too, clad with but a rag round thy loins proudly proclaim at the top of thy voice: "The Indian is my brother, the Indian is my life, India's gods and goddesses are my God. India's society is the cradle of my infancy, the pleasure-garden of my youth, the sacred heaven, the Varanasi of my old age." Say, brother: "The soil of India is my highest heaven, the good of India is my good," and repeat and pray day and night, "O Thou Lord of Gauri, O Thou Mother of the Universe, vouchsafe manliness unto me! O Thou Mother of Strength, take away my weakness, take away my unmanliness, and make me a Man!"

....ya ..... he just called Devi Sita as the ideal women :lol: ............and asked the gods to make him a real MAN. Hardly the sanyasi we imagine :wink: 
Again just for the record, how is Swami Vivekananda's teaching any different from the RSS ? :lol: .............just something for the 'secular' folks to think about. :D
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