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Soldiers & religion

Am sharing a good read , cannot post a link to it.

The Indian soldier is deeply religious, but with a difference. He respects not fears religion. In our combat units everyone follows the religion of the troops. Invariably, you will find a Malayalee Officer participate in the Aardaas at the weekly Gurdwara function, a sikh officer recite the AArti at the Saturday Mandir Parade, a Muslim officer attend Mass at the sunday church parade and an Officer participate in the Nawaz with the troops !! That is why i said that the Indian soldier Respects not fears God & Religion !!


HOW?? officer of which religion ? You failed to mention.

And what was the purpose of a "Secular" army chanting a religious slogan and performing that ritual viz a viz that gurdwara ?
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there was some share ,i head sometime back but dont remember the exact line.

I remember it ends which means something like this.......when it comes to country we forget god ?????
You should not have revealed that now many would hate you just because of your religion. :(

:toast_sign: Let it be their shame. People get surprised when they hear it. I am proud of my religion as well as my country :-)

neptune lost his religion and belief here on pdf. There was a thread about that if I remember correctly.

lol :p: because of this forum :what: ? He never got along with any religion before so.
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:toast_sign: Let it be their shame. People get surprised when they hear it. I am proud of my religion as well as my country :-)

lol :p: because of this forum :what: ? He never got along with any religion before so.
not because of the forum, he posed a question to all which was a early sign of losing faith/religion.
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Which other military will give you such scenes?

Mine can...






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I am jewish. At the times when he entered, religious members were getting kicked out of service. Or officers having wives wearing headscarfs were having disciplinary points. All kinds of religious activities are restricted during duty only which is the way it should be.

Wait you are Jewish but your dad is Muslim? :pop:

neptune lost his religion and belief here on pdf. There was a thread about that if I remember correctly.

:woot: Neptune's girl? @Asena_Y
Religion can become the strength or weakness for a soldier , depends on his upgrowings and what kind of role religion play in his life
I guess your father does not know what he is talking about because most Muslim countries armies are probably the only institutions that are open to people of all religions.

I know Pakistan has a Sikh soldier about whom an article was running the mill last year.
On the other hand, Saudi Arabia - champion of Islam and Muslim faith would never ever have a kafir in its forces. Yes, Pakistani pilots have been known to fly for the Saudi Air Force back in the 70s and 80s. Don't know if Pakistani pilots still fly on contract with the KSAF.
We have soldiers of all Muslim, and Christian denominations, we also have Sikh, Hindu, Jain, Parsis - we even have atheists in our forces, all fight for the greater glory of Pakistan. :pakistan:
We have soldiers of all Muslim, and Christian denominations, we also have Sikh, Hindu, Jain, Parsis - we even have atheists in our forces, all fight for the greater glory of Pakistan. :pakistan:

Do you have Ahmadis in your Armed Forces?
And can you show some pictures that depict that all of those Sikhs, Hindus, Jains and Parsis do in fact exist in your Forces. Especially I'd like to see the Jain guys.
And on that note, any Buddhists there?
HOW?? officer of which religion ? You failed to mention.

And what was the purpose of a "Secular" army chanting a religious slogan and performing that ritual viz a viz that gurdwara ?

The culture in the IA is that an officer blends himself with the religion of his troops. It is usual to see an officer from the South sitting with a rumala on his head in a Gurudwara on sunday mornings or a Christian / hindu officer at a 'Masjid ' .Hence an Officer's religion does not matter.

Next, it was not a ritual - it was paying respect. A Soldier when marching as a body of troops with weapons can pay respect in only one manner which is what the contingent commander ordered his troops to do.

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