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So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

I mean us sending our boys in every single Arab Israeli Wars to train & fight on behalf of different Arab Governments, I mean us opposing Israel on every International Forum, I mean us refusing to recognize Israel till a solution to the Palestinian Issue is reached....heck even my Passport reads that 'This Passport is valid to travel for all country's except Israel' - Why the hell do you think we did that & we still do that ? For Martians or because we love Palestinians ?

I'm not even asking Palestinians to reciprocate that but nothing....not a single peep in our favor in 60 or so years on any International Forum or any Forum that I've ever heard of not even when visiting Pakistan or talking about our Issues ? That isn't minimal activism of any kind that is simply an admission that - You're worth nothing to us nor have you ever been worth anything to us !

Lahore is the heart of Pakistan ! :smokin:

Mecca, Medina & Lahore as I always say ! :kiss3:

Big deal, many countries don't recognize Israel and have sent troops to fight Israel. What do you want? You want us to kiss your feet? Allah is our master.

The reason you have an Islamic nation today is because of Muhammad. We kiss Muhammad's feet only.
Yeah i knew you would say the first part but the second??:what:

Kiyun kuch ghalat kahaa ? :unsure:

Mecca & Medina are Our Holy Cities !

Lahore comes next to them for me ! :kiss3:

Big deal, many countries don't recognize Israel and have sent troops to fight Israel. What do you want? You want us to kiss your feet? Allah is our master.

The reason you have an Islamic nation today is because of Muhammad. We kiss Muhammad's feet only.

Thank You I got my answer !
Kiyun kuch ghalat kahaa ? :unsure:

Mecca & Medina are Our Holy Cities !

Lahore comes next to them for me ! :kiss3:

Thank You I got my answer !

Yes, Pakistan supported Arabic nations for the purpose of their alliance. Not for Palestine. And Palestinians lead the movements in Afghanistan against the Soviets yet Pakistanis like taking responsibility for this.

In the end what happened, those Taliban/AQ activists killed Abdullah Azzam for wanting to prepare a fight for Palestine.

The people who fight for Palestine are the likes of the Prophet, Ali, Husayn, Salah Al Din and today Iran, Hezbollah, and Palestinian organizations are the people who genuinely fight for Palestine not slaves of America.

No Arabs, Pakistanis, afghanis will get to the likes of the people of fighting for Palestine, those are busy being slaves of America or causing jealousy and fitnah.

The likes that fight for Palestine their slippers are worth more than all your countries combined.

You don't share the same Jihad of ours and the one that the first Muslims stood by.
I'm going to the Library in a few minutes - Any good book that you'd like to recommend ? :unsure:

You won't like my choice. Are you done with your favourite author Khalil Gibran?? I recently reread "the Prophet" well i still am reading it.
Here you go: link

So a Semite bashing Israel is being anti Semitic? And you link says being against the existence of Israel is anti Semitic, while I have never said I want to destroy Israel. Jewish people can have a homeland too, I just don't want them building more settlements and evicting Palestinians from their lands.
That won't work; it's more difficult than that. Your moral compass can be fixed by establishing a new hierarchy of values, not by inverting the set you already have.

Yes of course. New hierarchy of values contains killing Palestinians for being Palestinians with the use of chemical weapons. Such are the values on which Israel is built upon. Any one who does not abide by such values has his moral compass broken...
Yes of course. New hierarchy of values contains killing Palestinians for being Palestinians with the use of chemical weapons. Such are the values on which Israel is built upon. Any one who does not abide by such values has his moral compass broken...

A video that Israel haters don't want you to see
To the professional Israel-haters, obviously no country is as evil as Israel.

And the worst group of Israelis are Israeli soldiers and security officers, who we are told routinely torture and kill Arabs for fun.

And the worst group of Israeli security officers are those in Hebron, where they ruthlessly and maliciously attack children as policy.

So this video, taken in Hebron of Israeli border police giving food to a couple of kids - and their ecstatic reaction - must never be allowed to be seen, because it contradicts everything that every hater holds dear.

Every anti-Israel NGO in Hebron sees scenes like this daily. I've seen them too. But these NGOs can't raise any money by reporting the situation accurately. The haters can't get gigs speaking at clueless colleges if they don't stereotype Jewish soldiers as evil.

So they don't want you to see this, because it threatens their livelihoods that depend on demonizing Jews.

(h/t Yoel)

UPDATE: I copied the video to YouTube so it would be easier to share.

Posted by Elder of Ziyon
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