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Snow Photos Of Pakistan

really??...well dint know that...but i dont think the southern parts (including baloch) gets regular snowfalls ryt??...AJK toh i know...they are on foothills of himalayas...watever....who cares...all i know the pics are damn beautiful...luking forward to visit pak at least once in my life wen it gets a lil more stable

Balochistan do gets snowfal every year but intessity is usually less than that of north because it has low precipitation averages.
not a snow photo but

"Astola Island" [near Pasni Baluchistan 40 km from shore]. Astola is Pakistan's largest offshore island and the only significant offshore

island in the northern Arabian Sea.
Azad Kashmir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan, Northern part of Punjab Province, and Northern part of Balochistan province are all hilly/mountainous areas of Pakistan.

This is Lalazar in Khyber Pakhtunkwa province of Pakistan, considered one of the most beautiful places on earth:




And this is Swat in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, known as the "Switzerland of Asia"




wow...simply breath taking :)

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