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Sniper training for civilian

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Dude seriously stop with the video's

Get a weapon and learn "hands on". You do realise that the moment you ordered that video people will looking at you a bit closer.......The best snipers in the world did not watch videos or play at being soldiers. they learnt by hunting or and using weapons every day.

Field craft you CANNOT learn from books and videos...I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with hunters from many different environments and learned from them.

Now if you are just some fanboy i will close this thread as it serves no purpose, so it better improve fast.......this is a serious forum

I'm pretty sure Pakomar was recently introduced to "Call of Duty" or "Counter strike" and after some hours of playing with a "Sniper rifle", he's probably thinking that he might be just as good in real life :lol:
Wow!This thread still running,I thought it was closed.

Why don't you apply for the ISSB test and try to get a chance in Pakistan army.In that way,your dream might be fulfilled.
Or do as some members already suggested you.Books and videos will not help you here.

BTW,the sniper training thing for civilians is very childish.
BTW,the sniper training thing for civilians is very childish.

The way it was originally phrased, yeah, fairly silly, but in many countries weapons training is a mandatory part of schooling or included in obligatory military service. Even nations without comprehensive drafts have such programs. The US for example:

Civilian Marksmanship Program - About The CMP

This however is neither here nor there, advice to the original poster: Buy a decent surplus bolt action small caliber rifle and shoot it alot, the classic is a .22 LR, rimfire ammo is dirt cheap. Then buy a higher caliber centerfire rifle (7mm or .30-06) and try and go hunt something or shoot at longer ranges. After you have mastered all of that, you can pull up all the ballistic charts and worry about air density, oblique shocks, cavitation, yada yada yada. That is all very far away at this point.
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All of you guys share one common point which I can not deny (to put theory into practical practices)
All my money is taken away until I find a job after BCS so I can not buy any rifle.

I am willing to apply for ISSB but my BSC degree is for 4 year. So on 30th December 2009 my age will be 23 years and I will be completing my BCS on February or start of March 2010.So I cross the age limit. Pakistan army give one chance after completing bachelors for ISSB but it has been closed since one year. So anyone know a way around or any advice please guide me.
come to my neck of the woods bro. Kurram Agency is a bit tense at times, but in the summer we are always firing in the air or at targets.

or you can be a knucklehead like me and just fire on your roof....might get u in trouble though =-D

i took this vid couple months back

Firing H&K MP-5 in Islamabad - Video
by the way, i do agree that Army should train civilians. I think all Pakistani males should be required to do military service......at least 6 months of training.

They do it in Turkey, and thats why they are all disciplined and very respectful. They dont go around throwing rocks the way some of our people do during political rallies.

but i do believe that gun controls in Pakistan should be better enforced. NADRA should keep database of who is and who is not licensed to own firearms.
I am willing to apply for ISSB but my BSC degree is for 4 year. So on 30th December 2009 my age will be 23 years and I will be completing my BCS on February or start of March 2010.So I cross the age limit. Pakistan army give one chance after completing bachelors for ISSB but it has been closed since one year. So anyone know a way around or any advice please guide me.
help me anyone
Finally I got advanced ultimate sniper video .I learn lot about field craft and tactics about four environments (desert, night, mountain, snow) but not about marksmanship any one know a good video about marksmanship (sighting scope, bullet dropping etc)

Dear omar, my first question is why do you want to learn so much about marksmanship?

I personally also have a knack for sniper rifles, but its because of my love for hunting.

Shooting a gun is easy, mastering it is another question. One that you are asking!? Everyone is correct over here, you have got to get a weapon and a place where you can legally shoot, ie shooting range, or big private property (big because bullets can travel very far, even a simple .22 which has a velocity around 1250 fps can travel up to 2 kms!.

I can answer your questions with some basic information. First of all, what do you mean by marksmanship??,

I am going to write this is because no one here has answered your question properly.
Question about sighting the gun, it depends on the type of sniper rifle you have!!, Most sniper rifles are bolt action, so the first thing you have to do in order to sight in a bolt actions sniper rifle is remove the bolt. You can do that on most guns by holding down the trigger and cocking the bolt, if you do that the bolt will slide out (please make sure that the gun is not loaded, pointing in a safe direction etc etc). Now steady the gun, preferably using the rifle stand, which you can lock in place so the gun doesn't move around one bit. Now depending on a gun that you want to sight in, ie, .22, 17HMR, 223, 30.06 etc etc, .50BMJ, the distances that you want to zero the gun at is going to vary quite a bit. So just for the sake of it we are just going to use the .22, which is widely available pretty much everywhere. Usually people who buy a .22 they buy it for varmint control, so basically shooting small annoying animals. Now due to the ballistics of a .22, they gun loses its effectivness after about 150 yards. So most people zero it a 75 yards, this gives is a fairly flat trajectory if your target is anywhere between 40 to 130 yards approximatly. So to sight it in, first of all you have to bore line the gun, you do this by pointing the gun at a target which is 75 yards away. Now see through the back end of the gun and since the bolt is removed you can see through the muzzle, and align the muzzle with the target, now sight the guns scope also with the same target. After this you are just gonna have to shoot and get the final bits right. Note that there are also alot of othe tools that can help you by pass this method, but it works all the time without any such tools.

Now here is the interessting part, every type of gun is different from the other one, so you will have to learn every single type.

Learning about the ballistics of a gun is even harder, because it depends on not only the size of the bullet ie, .22 or 17HMR, but also the brand, because one 17HMR will have different ballistics than another brand on 17HMR. Also the 17HMR even though smaller than a .22 can do alot more damage due to its ballistics.

I will now tell you a story, of a hunt. I was hunting for prairy chickens with my friends one nice after noon. Once we got there it got a little windy, but once we entered the woods we couldn't feel the wind as strong any longer. At this point I had zeroed the gun at 100 yards, I was using a 17HMR. We found some chickens sitting on a tree. Keeping everything in mind, we gusstimated the wind to be 25mph and 40 degrees crosssection with the target, if the target was N,the wind was 25mph SE. The target was at about 55 yards.

The 17 HMR is a very light bullet, we were using Gamepoint jacketed softpoint (hollow point) ammuniation. The ballistics; 20grain, velocity somewhere around 2400fps, and at 10mph winds it hits almost 8 inches that way at 100 yards.

So after all my calculations, I found a nice little branch to rest my gun on, keeping my breating in check, I scoped the target and kept the reticle about 1.5 inches off the target on the left side. I squeezed of a round and guess what they all flew away..., I was very frustrated and knew the reason, I had not practiced enough with this gun, and simply lacked the SKILL.

Anyhow the reason why I wrote the huge essay was to let you have a taste of how hard and complex it is, to simply learn how to shoot properly left alone master it! Nothing beats the practice and skills acquired on the field.

My suggestion to you is get a rifle doesn't matter what kind, just as long as it is a rifle, than master it. Learn everything there is to learn about it, how it shoots etc, than make your own ballistics charts, this is what most of the sniper these days are told to do, they are not told the ballistics they are told to find them!! Being a sniper and being a marksman is two different things. You can be a marksman with an AK, as long as you shoot very accurately possible with some sort of an aperature. But to be a sniper is to be a true marksman, to be a sniper is to learn and make everything that has to do with sniping your life. And thus any training such as that would be extremly foolish to give to civis.

If you want to become a hunter thats one thing and probably possible pretty much anywhere, if you want to become a sniper just by reading lots of books, first of all thats impossible secondly where would you use such skills especially in pakistan? The army or the govt doesn't do gun for hires!! So your skills of that kind would be wasted unless you wana carry out hits on people!

If you really want to become a sniper legally, with your situation and age, you might be living in the wrong country. I would suggest move somewhere else and join a professional SWAT. But thats a very lenghty process and might not be worth chasing!!
Dear omar, my first question is why do you want to learn so much about marksmanship?

I personally also have a knack for sniper rifles, but its because of my love for hunting.


THANKS for your good knowledge and advice. Finally someone responds positively. Shooting rifles and Sniping is something that I want from my childhood that why all rifles of my father and uncle are taken away. Till I get a job and buy my own rifle. Still one year left for my job.About joining professional SWAT nothing is impossible but I do not want to leave my country.
THANKS for your good knowledge and advice. Finally someone responds positively. Shooting rifles and Sniping is something that I want from my childhood that why all rifles of my father and uncle are taken away. Till I get a job and buy my own rifle. Still one year left for my job.About joining professional SWAT nothing is impossible but I do not want to leave my country.

pakomar I don't think you understand why very few people are replying without scorn. I for one have asked you several times why? and you have not answered. The reality is that you are a fanboy nothing more. being a sniper means being a good soldier who is accurate with whatever weapon he is and has exceptional field skills.Thats all......

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