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Sniper training for civilian

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You have still to answer my question where are you from in PAKISTAN!
I basically belong from Karachi but my father got posted in Peshawar got his retirement from army .After completing my education I will move back to Karachi.
I basically belong from Karachi but my father got posted in Peshawar got his retirement from army .After completing my education I will move back to Karachi.

And how are you intending to purchase this Sniper Book in Pakistan? Amazon? It will cost you inexcess of 5200 rs for the book and another $30 in shipping 10000 rs on a book...

For 10000 you could get a illicit SKS rifle... So i dont understand the logic in reading on a subject when you are not practicially going to make use of it. It is like studying for a MBBS without touching a patient.
And how are you intending to purchase this Sniper Book in Pakistan? Amazon? It will cost you inexcess of 5200 rs for the book and another $30 in shipping 10000 rs on a book...

For 10000 you could get a illicit SKS rifle... So i dont understand the logic in reading on a subject when you are not practicially going to make use of it. It is like studying for a MBBS without touching a patient.
I already know it is too expensive to buy from eBay that why I ask you guys to tell me if book (ultimate sniper) is available in Pakistan. I agree with you practically applying the marksmanships skills is more important than reading books. Can you help me?
i have no clue where this discussion is going, bhai it seems to me you have read everything out there and seen everything out there so how about you pay ISPR a friendly visit let them know of all your area's of interest and expertise and offer your help?
Can you guide me what is the procedure to pay ISPR a friendly visit for my field of interest.

Firstly please as a polite request stop adding the sniper smiley to each and everyone of your posts. Secondly books of that sort are in short supply in Pakistan, you are better off going to Lahore or Islamabad and checking one of the high street book shops such as London Book Co in Khosar Market or Old Book Bank in Lahore.

Ebay? I thought Ebay did not exist in Pakistan! I bought all my DVD's and books from Amazon using CC payments or when ever i go abroad.

Thirdly, you must be aware that ISPR does not entertain requests from civilians’ with regards to anything related to Combat etc... In fact such posts will make you a high profile target for all sorts of people who roam this forum "know what i mean".

The Pakistan army has enough snipers etc...

My advice to you is that if you like shooting and guns that much join the forces, police/army/rangers... I am sure your father can put in a good word for you. Remember that without licence or access to a licensed gun range carrying/displaying "brandishing" and shooting weapons without a valid reason "Self Defence" will land you in serious trouble.

And remember you can’t learn to ride a bike by reading a book, shooting is no different.
Thanks for you advice I really appreciate it. All my theory is useless unless I implement it practically.

My problems for practical shooting are I do not have a sniper weapon and all my money is taken away because of my sniping craze.

Sub inspector in Pakistan rangers (sindh) an officer rank equal to 2nd lieutenant or junior commission officer (jco) rank.
no sniper smiley
Listen dude I would suggest this to you..If you wanna get to that level of skill then get a weapon (any rifle) and get to a range..then practice practice practice. If you can find a place where you can hunt (legally) then do so.

All "elite" groups and orgs have one thing in common they do the simple things really well.

So forget wasting money on books and learn to shoot accurately. then when you can shoot well, you can worry about your fieldcraft.

Remember this is not a game (I still question your motives in wanting this)
Is L115a1 rifle legal in Pakistan?
Omar is crazyyyyy
Dear get a 30 gauge pistol jst for 4000 n try ur skills
Only 44 n 222 bore riffles r allowed fr license
Crazy!!!!! May be I am but do tell if any one have a good sniper rifle
Dear in Pakistan, snipers r limited to armed forces
so its difficult to get a sniper for a civilian. Try AK-47

It's not that difficult. Just buy a 7MM bolt action rifle and put a scope on it. Worked out pretty well for me ...

Here's a picture.

40 year old Local-made 7mm. STILL fires like a pro!

bought the scope for it last year ;)
Finally I got advanced ultimate sniper video .I learn lot about field craft and tactics about four environments (desert, night, mountain, snow) but not about marksmanship any one know a good video about marksmanship (sighting scope, bullet dropping etc)
Finally I got advanced ultimate sniper video .I learn lot about field craft and tactics about four environments (desert, night, mountain, snow) but not about marksmanship any one know a good video about marksmanship (sighting scope, bullet dropping etc)

Dude seriously stop with the video's

Get a weapon and learn "hands on". You do realise that the moment you ordered that video people will looking at you a bit closer.......The best snipers in the world did not watch videos or play at being soldiers. they learnt by hunting or and using weapons every day.

Field craft you CANNOT learn from books and videos...I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with hunters from many different environments and learned from them.

Now if you are just some fanboy i will close this thread as it serves no purpose, so it better improve fast.......this is a serious forum
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