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iPhone 5 will be I think of the same shape as that of iPhone 4/4S with slight hardware changes and 4G capability... that's my POV and I'd love to see a completely new iPhone 5.

If Cydia wasn't there I wouldn't have used iOS at all...
The fashion conscious have IPhone, the classy people have Android!!!

IOS rul gaya hai. Har lallu app hoti hai.

The IPhone is used got hung up very frequently, and it is very slow in getting the apps open and all. HTC/ANdroid is very swift and all in one move.
Good in the GCC, reasonably priced, and I love HTC sense. But as devices are concerned they are second best to the Samsung. It takes some getting used to if you swtich from the HTC, but the performance of the Samsung is going to keep beating HTC for the next year at least.
HTC offers the worst cameras.

4.3" / Dual Core Processor / No 4G capabiliy.

Sony? Sony faltu hai.
1.5 dual core is more than sufficient to run all those crappy apps on Android, If we talk about high end games like Call of Duty,Resident Evil & Infiniti Blade etc(Which btw are only on IOS), then one can say that processors matter. There are no 3g services in Pakistan, so what to speak of 4G.
As for SONY, Worlds leading mobile fone manufacturer Apple, is using SONY'S camera's on their I-Phones.
The fashion conscious have IPhone, the classy people have Android!!!

IOS rul gaya hai. Har lallu app hoti hai.

The IPhone is used got hung up very frequently, and it is very slow in getting the apps open and all. HTC/ANdroid is very swift and all in one move.
Android is a low cost solution for those people, who cannot afford to enjoy the luxury of Apple products.
Agur IOS rull gaya hay tu why is Android copying IOS all the time? All the big games and apps are there on IOS, ever heard of SIRI for 4s? Reverse that and you will have IRIS on Android............ :lol:

Nothing revolutionary to the market Just burger family product till Iphone 4 everything inside 75% was Samsung and the defective bad engineering part was Apple's innovation hardly.

Android - Samsung Series
Window Phone - waiting...waiting...Samsung/HTC/Nokia Products.

Nothing revolutionary to the market Just burger family product till Iphone 4 everything inside 75% was Samsung and the defective bad engineering part was Apple's innovation hardly.

Android - Samsung Series
Window Phone - waiting...waiting...Samsung/HTC/Nokia Products.
O you wanna talk about INNOVATION.

BTW we all know, who introduced the Tablet's in market first.
For Lallus, newbies, novices... It's for little girls who like to carry it like a fashion accessory.

Is that the best response you could come up with? Trust me, the vast majority of us don't carry it around as a fashion accessory. Seriously your response was just horrible, not the kind of response I would expect from an Administrator. Rather than discussing iOS or even attempting to prove Android superior, all you have done is attack iOS users themselves.

By the way, is the word "lallus" even an English word? I just searched it on Google & it turned out to be a Finnish word meaning "wimpish". :rofl: I am not a wimp, nor am I a coward, I can assure you that. So avoid the personal attacks.

Instead of discussing the development aspect of iOS we should focus more on the user side of it seeing as that is all that matters to the end user.

It doesn't even support flash, what do you mean applications! As a developer, I have to pay for an expensive Mac to develop any applications on it, as its development tools are not available for Windows or Linux, moreover, my app would be for Apple only.

Personally I don't care about the lack of flash on iOS, I can still watch my Youtube videos or any other thing I desire just fine. In fact Adobe has officially halted development for Android's flash on the browser.

Adobe officially halts development on Flash for Android | Android Community

We are discussing iOS apps & not OS X's applications. If you are a developer, & you don't want to buy a Mac to develop OS X apps, then don't. There are loads of developers making great apps for OS X, OS X users face no shortage of good apps. There are workarounds for developing iOS apps on Windows, but I will admit that they aren't that great.

iPhone Development On Windows – 7 Options | iPhone, iOS 5, iPad SDK Development Tutorial and Programming Tips

An article discussing whether or not to choose a Mac or Windows laptop leads to the inevitable conclusion that Macs are better.

Mac vs. Windows: Best laptop for software developers « OnTechies

Here is an interesting quote from the article itself.

Another thing to consider is the total cost of ownership and the cool factor, yes it is important as well. A recent article from CIO showed that Macs in general have a lower cost of ownership than PCs. It is something worth considering since the cost of a computer is not only the initial purchase price but the cost of upgrades, support, maintenance, software, etc… Personally, I have not spent more than $200 on my MacBook after buying it two years ago, and I could probably sell it now for a lot more than any two-year old Windows-based laptop.

Developing for iOS is a lot better than developing for that fragmented mess that is Android. In fact most developers prefer developing for iOS over Android in any case.

Developers Love iOS for A Lot of Reasons, This is One.

There are a lot of things that make Apple’s iOS a more attractive platform for development than Android. Better development tools, an installed user base that is more inclined to spend money on apps and the most popular App Store in the world, recently surpassing some 25B downloads total.

But if there is one major plus to working within the Apple ecosystem, it’s the fact that its users adopt new versions of its operating system far more quickly.

Read the complete article on the above provided link.

The fashion conscious have IPhone, the classy people have Android!!!

The poor people use Android & the rich people use iPhones! :azn: You see I can troll too. :D

For your information Android is just the OS whereas the iPhone is a device that runs iOS.
O you wanna talk about INNOVATION.BTW we all know, who introduced the Tablet's in market first.

Microsoft Introduced Tablet in the Market First. Thankyou sir, All should Thank MS.

iSheeps, please keep quiet and eat your iGrass.

I support Android and Windows MO OS, developers are quiet happy with nonrestrictive platforms. Don't blame Android OS OR Android device It is the crap apps people upload and both are available on iOS and Android. Go google what steve jobs says about stealing.

Microsoft Invented the iPad MS-Invented-The-Tablet.jpg

Who Invented the First Tablet PC? | eHow.com

History of tablet computers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Little-Known Facts About Microsoft That Will Blow Your Mind

Apple iPad: Roger Fidler says he invented the tablet in 1994 | Mail Online
Microsoft Introduced Tablet in the Market First. Thankyou sir, All should Thank MS.

iSheeps, please keep quiet and eat your iGrass.

I support Android and Windows MO OS, developers are quiet happy with nonrestrictive platforms. Don't blame Android OS OR Android device It is the crap apps people upload and both are available on iOS and Android. Go google what steve jobs says about stealing.

Microsoft Invented the iPad MS-Invented-The-Tablet.jpg

Who Invented the First Tablet PC? | eHow.com

History of tablet computers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Little-Known Facts About Microsoft That Will Blow Your Mind

Apple iPad: Roger Fidler says he invented the tablet in 1994 | Mail Online
Then you must also be knowing, why the Microsoft tablet had failed..........:lol:
Crappy apps might be there on IOS, but it also has remarkable & top notch quality apps which are not available on Android at all. So whats the point of having ''Open Environment''?
Microsoft Introduced Tablet in the Market First. Thankyou sir, All should Thank MS.

iSheeps, please keep quiet and eat your iGrass.

I support Android and Windows MO OS, developers are quiet happy with nonrestrictive platforms. Don't blame Android OS OR Android device It is the crap apps people upload and both are available on iOS and Android. Go google what steve jobs says about stealing.


Here is Apple's first tablet in that case:

MessagePad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In fact who cares about the first person or company to invent a tablet? The point is that it was Apple's iPad that revolutionized the tablet market. All I see is other companies try to compete with or copy Apple; nothing else.

Apple iPad makes Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2010

A small quote from the article itself:

How does Apple keep out-inventing the rest of the tech industry? Often, it’s by reinventing a product category that its competitors have given up on. In theory, the iPad is merely a follow-up to such resoundingly unpopular slate-style computers as Microsoft’s Tablet PC. But Apple is the first company that designed finger-friendly hardware and software from scratch rather than stuffing a PC into a keyboardless case. When it calls the results “magical” and “revolutionary,” it’s distorting reality only slightly. One analyst says the iPad is the fastest-selling nonphone gizmo in consumer-electronics history.
iphone haters will never know how good a iPhone or apple products are, until they ever own one.
I do. Still think it's ****. Some of the bugs are irrational.
Symbian(i know its dead) and windows are two OSs that ar perfectly stable and bug free
Samsung lovers should buy plastic toy fone's instead, as cheap plastic is all what Samsung fones are made of.
I do. Still think it's ****. Some of the bugs are irrational.
Symbian(i know its dead) and windows are two OSs that ar perfectly stable and bug free

Symbian OS is by the far the most horrible mobile OS that ever came in to existence, Nokia's obsession with Symbian hampered their progress & caused a massive drop in their popularity & market share.

I can't even count how many times the browser crashed while surfing regular sites like Google on my old Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. Keep in mind this was with the latest firmware, Symbian is definitely not bug free. I never used the old Windows mobile OS so I can't comment on that.

Apple's iOS may have some bugs such as the issues regarding battery life, but compared to WP7 & Android, I am certain that iOS is a lot more stable & refined.
Samsung lovers should buy plastic toy fone's instead, as cheap plastic is all what Samsung fones are made of.

Haha, here is some more advice for Android users. Android users please for the love of God stop buying cheap Android phones.

Please Do Not Buy Cheap Android Phones | TechCrunch

Listen, I understand the pain that comes with not being able to afford nice things. I really do. But for the love of everything mighty, do not waste your money, or stand by as your loved ones waste their money, on cheap Android phones.

Friends Don't Let Friends Buy Cheap Android Phones | PCWorld

Android is quirky--the operating system has seen its fair share of ups and downs, but fans have stuck by it through thick and thin. We've survived malware scares, buggy phones, and some severe device fragmentation. However, all of that pales in comparison to the real danger to Android: cheap Android phones.

Cheaply made Android phones are the worst thing to happen to the mobile OS since the discovery of malware in the Google Play store. Not only are these "budget-friendly phones" frustrating to use, but their outdated specs and lack of manufacturer and carrier support mean you'll end up with a dud no matter which one you choose.

Before you hit the comments section to tell me how wrong I am, hear me out. When I say "cheap Android phones," I'm not talking about phones that were at one time $299 and are now free--those are generally okay. No, the offending phones I'm warning you about usually cost less than $50 and are often marketed on the low price alone.
Then you must also be knowing, why the Microsoft tablet had failed..........:lol:
Crappy apps might be there on IOS, but it also has remarkable & top notch quality apps which are not available on Android at all. So whats the point of having ''Open Environment''?

No, Microsoft Tablet never failed (read through the links), At that time apps concept was not available and did not matter, never the less App concept is not so important Windows 8 is a full blown OS to be on Tablets where you can install all Apps and Software regardless you going to APP Store, Tablet was aimed at portability and delivery under corporate-home environment alike.

I don't see any remarkable about iOS it is just an OS that runs on Just another hardware nothing special, it came first with Market so the number of Apps are more compared to Android, no big deal most junkie apps are on apple store followed by Android both need to take drastic steps, Yes there are many many good Apps available on Android wakeup iSHEEPS you people are called iSHEEPS for a Reason for not looking into reality and not believing. You are saying what is the point of open environment!! LOLZ you download and watch movies on the web which in itself is open environment and you are saying what is the point lol, please look back what you wrote I think you did not understand open environment-open source or porting Apps to other OS.

Haha, here is some more advice for Android users. Android users please for the love of God stop buying cheap Android phones.

But there are Quality Android Phones HTC-Motorola-Samsung Why not mention that dear iSHEEP.
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