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Slovakia bans gay marriage

It can't be forced on Eastern Europe because the people simply won't have it.

Agressive gay lobby ,that's what happenned.I'm preparing for the "primitive,barbaric Eastern Europeans" rhetoric allready.The way the propaganda will spin you'd think we hang them in the streets or burn them at the pyre.
LoL get ready for the diatribe from west and lecturing about human rights and etc. India had to bear it when they criminalized homosexuality and won't repeal the laws,Even Obama was worried about the situation in India.For slovakia welcome to the Homophobia and anti-gay club :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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LoL get ready for the diatribe from west and lecturing about human rights and etc. India had to bear it when they criminalized homosexuality and won't repeal the laws,Even Obama was worried about the situation in India.For slovakia welcome to the Homophobia and anti-gay club :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I dont think they are homophobic, they are accepting they just dont want marriage which is what most people across the world can agree with, most people here think the same its just the policy makers get their own way. Not a fan of gays but I have no problem with it, the same as religion...hate all forms of religion but its the individuals choice. Rather a world with some gays in it than Muslims and Christians, atleast im not going to get blown up by a gay man for being a Kafir haha
I dont think they are homophobic, they are accepting they just dont want marriage which is what most people across the world can agree with, most people here think the same its just the policy makers get their own way. Not a fan of gays but I have no problem with it, the same as religion...hate all forms of religion but its the individuals choice. Rather a world with some gays in it than Muslims and Christians, atleast im not going to get blown up by a gay man for being a Kafir haha

The difference is that the jihadi blowing you up has more legal rights than a gay man/woman. That brings us to the question: who is the mentally retarded one in the equation?
I dont think they are homophobic, they are accepting they just dont want marriage which is what most people across the world can agree with, most people here think the same its just the policy makers get their own way. Not a fan of gays but I have no problem with it, the same as religion...hate all forms of religion but its the individuals choice. Rather a world with some gays in it than Muslims and Christians, atleast im not going to get blown up by a gay man for being a Kafir haha

It's not about homophobia,i just saw a map of anti gay marriage opinions in the EU and Romania lists as the top opponent,population wise.Even so,anti gay incidents are very rare here,i haven't heard about gay abuses in years here.Conclusion ? We accept them and their way of life unless it's agressively promoted and challenges our traditional institutions such as marriage.
Shame on Slovakia, a plague on their house & a pox upon them all.
If you guys dont wanna go extinct.

Are gay people banned from child adoption as well? What if a gay couple has child either from renting a womb or sperm donor? Is that allowed?

Renting a womb.
Does that mean another couples child....
ooorrrrrrr? o_O
If you guys dont wanna go extinct.

Social Darwinism 101. If a species can be easily "extincted" by simply allowing gay marriages then as species they don't deserve to live.

& one more thing Gay marriages actually does nothing because there's already gays in the world all gay marriages does is makes it official to marry whoever the hell you want.
If you guys dont wanna go extinct.

Renting a womb.
Does that mean another couples child....
ooorrrrrrr? o_O

But im not gay? nor are most people so why would it change lol, there has been gay people forever, even in countries where you can be hung for it so surely its impossible to "banish" so to speak. Homosexuals exists, we may not be fond of their ways but they will always exist, a ban on marriage does not make these gays disappear, they are not a threat to humanity, we normals will still **** women and make babies and hell one of them may be gay :omghaha:
Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. Why are they hijacking such an important aspect in all of religions? I have no problems what someone do in their private lives but forcing churches and countries to conduct gay marriages is undemocratic and I consider this against freedom of speech.
Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. Why are they hijacking such an important aspect in all of religions? I have no problems what someone do in their private lives but forcing churches and countries to conduct gay marriages is undemocratic and I consider this against freedom of speech.
they should not force any religious body to agree to gay marriage. But they can create a secular institution just like civil partnership.. or even change the name of civil partnership to marriage.
It is uncivilized for people to force their personal religious values onto secular law. If people wish to enter into a gay marriage, due to being gay that is their choice if they are in love with someone. What damage does it cause to you? None.
Women's Rights and Gay rights are not negotiable in the civilized world.
Well done to Slovakia, well done.
I must change my mind, whole EU is not the 4rsehole land.
It is uncivilized for people to force their personal religious values onto secular law. If people wish to enter into a gay marriage, due to being gay that is their choice if they are in love with someone. What damage does it cause to you? None.
Women's Rights and Gay rights are not negotiable in the civilized world.
Slovakia negociated it pretty well .
Women's Rights and Gay rights are not negotiable in the civilized world.
Women's Right not negotiable .......of course.

By saying Gay rights if you are saying "same sex marriage." Yes, it's pretty much negotaible in the civilized world too. As it's is only legally recognized in the following countries;

Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark,France, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands,New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom the United States, Uruguay.
the United States,

Wouldn't be so sure of that, Trump is putting in Ultra-Conservative Right wing Christians in the supreme court, only a matter of time before they repeal the choice to allow gay-marriage.

jihadi blowing you up has more legal rights than a gay man/woman.

Not true, the majority of Jihadi's are drawn in by Terrorists by appealing to ultra-Nationalism and since they are in a war-zone most likely created by America and combine that with Suppression and removal of rights by governments of different sects

I.E Assad(Alawite) and Maliki(Shia) Both suppress Sunni and other sect dissidents so no they don't have more rights.

Leads to a large recruitment pool, Majority of terrorists come from War-Zones and dictatorships so what else would you expect?

There are also the terrorists that are Ultra-Nationalist and use oppression in different countries to justify their terror attacks.

I think you and the person you are quoting both need to learn about the ACTUAL root causes of terrorism and that isn't religion.

Watch this mate,

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