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‘Sinking A US Aircraft Carrier’ – Beijing Conducts Massive Military Drills In South China Sea To Ward-Off US Navy

All I see is CCP propaganda...

Brain-washed Americans see others as propaganda and nationalists, theirs are freedom of speech and patriots. LOL...

Yet another immature " sink a US Carrier" thread. No Carrier, US or Chinese is invincible. Does this poster even realize that once there is an attack on a USN Carrier, that country has just declared open war? What do you think the US will do say in the hours or days after that? Do you think there will be no retaliation?? war between two nuclear powers will escalate quickly. Think about that before you post another jingoistic, childish thread, will ya? It is abundantly clear you have never seen combat in your life, kiddo

If you interfere during the unification of TW, it's a declared war on China. Get it? Read up your laws.
Something I just received from my whatsapp.

So therefore not verified.

I posting that here even though nothing to do with DF21s or DF26 or anyother missiles and nuthing to do with sinking of US carrier either.

But pertinent to whatever being carried on USA carriers
And just as there are many ways to skin a cat, there might be other ways to crippled USA carriers as they make their phony FONOP in waters not theirs instead of doing their FONOP off California or in Frisco bay or Hudson Bay.

Mu puerile curiosity got fired up and begging to be satisfied if this actually occurred and buried by Whitehouse and NED and all the MSMs in thrall to Sleepy Joe.
A request from better experts here to verify or to pooh pooh so that this can be consigned to where sun and moon do not shine :omghaha:

*US fighter jets flew over the South China Sea again, but were strangely instructed to return to the fleet/Bakaran immediately. *

*Unexpectedly, he lost control halfway. America has finally admitted one thing. *

Boss 2 days ago Click the blue font above to see more information l

* Recently, the US CNBC website reported that multiple US "Growler" electronic fighters were mysteriously attacked when they flew into the South China Sea again. *

*The fighter jets were all out of control halfway through, and the pilots could not control these fighter jets for a few seconds, so the US military ordered all air forces flying over the South China Sea to resign and return to the fleet. *

*In this case, the U.S. was confused as to why this happened, and finally they mobilized a reconnaissance satellite and found a lot of electronic jamming equipment on the South China Sea islands and reefs. *

*This device caused a temporary loss of control of the U.S. Military Air Force. *

*According to the pilots, all the instruments in the cabin went out of control when they were electronically attacked. *

*The warrior is completely out of control, unable to contact the outside world, but has no idea what happened. what happened . *

* After the accident, the United States negotiated with China to immediately dismantle the electronic equipment, but was refused. *

*This electronic device is an important part of China's maritime defense and is not an offensive weapon, so the dismantling request by the US military is unreasonable. *

*So why are these electronic devices so scary for America? *

*First, this is an electronic jamming device that can bypass enemy radio systems. *

* Soldiers who are attacked will lose control. Because of their uncontrollability, these fighter jets would crash very quickly. *

Second, the attack method is unpredictable

* Compared to conventional anti-aircraft missiles, the electronic jamming system is more stealthy. *

*Enemy fighter jets are often mistakenly hit due to the way the attack interferes with the radio. At the same time, this type of attack is nearly impossible to block. *

*This is why the U.S. military is asking China to dismantle these weapons. *


* On the same day, former U.S. Pacific military commander Swift finally admitted that the U.S. military has lost its best time to control the South China Sea. *

* He believes that China has deployed a large number of Hongqi 9 air defense missiles, 6K fighter jets and electronic jamming systems on the islands and reefs. *

*Defense can be said to be solid. If US fighter jets enter the South China Sea rashly , they may encounter " Waterloo " . *

*In fact, the living space for US fighter jets and warships has shrunk since China's island development and reef defense began. *

* If China continues to develop like this, the United States will have no chance of winning! ! ! *


*Whether it's an island, a reef, or an electronic jamming system, it's part of our defense system. *

* Chinese electronic jamming systems cover more than half of the South China Sea, according to the U.S. military. *

*It can be seen from this that American warplanes must be careful when entering the South China Sea. *

* "The rise and fall of the world is everyone's responsibility." *

*I hope every Chinese can forward this article, so that more Chinese can pay attention to the national news. Make the country stronger and stronger and support all patriotic groups. * iAt
Brain-washed Americans see others as propaganda and nationalists, theirs are freedom of speech and patriots. LOL...

If you interfere during the unification of TW, it's a declared war on China. Get it? Read up your laws.


Dont you find it tiresome to try to educate the uneducatable?

Drop them where the sun and moon do not shine and you can enjoy even more the smelling of roses


Unless you a masochist and want to flagellate yourself and tilting at windmills


Dont you find it tiresome to try to educate the uneducatable?

Drop them where the sun and moon do not shine and you can enjoy even more the smelling of roses


Unless you a masochist and want to flagellate yourself and tilting at windmills


At times I ignore them. I do foresee and hope, however, China and the US will fight a great war directly, not through proxies. In the wake of the Ukraine conflict, Asian nations realize how stupid it is to fight a geopolitical proxy war for the Americans. US will have to step in to do what it preaches.
USA need not worry too much of DF26s DF21s any more.

Or even of the 3000++ AShCMs of China, including many Mach3s
:D :omghaha:

As long as USA carriers and Burkes and Ticos stay out of 2nd Island Chain, they will remain safe.

Meet the latest. Sorry cannot even give a name to that as that so new

China ship fired anti-ship hypersonic ballastic missile
That likely can reach beyond 2nd Island Chain to the 3rd island chain of Wake Island and Pearl Harbout.

That I called here in forum as DF-XX until a proper name provided by China

Lo and behold



Finally got a name.


This baby is call the YJ-21 , 鹰击-12 or Eagle Strike 21


🥁🥁 🥁😍😍😍

YJ21 in this video is not first testing in 055, The missile was fired during a normal training exercise.
It shows that YJ21 has already been massive equipped on the 055 destroyer.

🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

When the shit is hitting the fan in many places over the world, all I can say to China is to prepare to the fullest. Make good use of this period when there is peace and economic prosperity in China. The end goal is to defeat China. To hurt China and turn it into a dysfunctional entity. China must be prepared to counter this assault. Make no mistake. The Americans and her poodles won't rest. Neither should China. Prepare, prepare and more preparation.
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And do not forget! :D

Other YJs galore, with long reach and bigger bang, and total knowledge where USA naval assets are and heading.
So any time USA want to tango, China will tango too.



Not just at South China Sea and within 2nd Island Chain.

Anywhere USA and Australia want to tango, tango will be done!

🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

China know explicitly every ship every second and where they are heading once they west of the 3rd Island Chain.

So many sonar buoys on sea floor and satellites above and HALE drones Divine Eagle and Soaring Dragon and all in communication with the many super computers will know every ship speed and direction and heading every second.

And in addition to the hundred ++ DF21D and DF26, there are also thousands of Mach 3s AShCMs to bring good news in unison to the carriers and Ticos and Burkes.

USA want to have war with China?

USA go prepare another 10 Arlingtons first


I bad bad and mistaken!
My apologies.

I always thought USA carriers will be safe if they hiding in Frisco bay or Hudson Bay or in Atlantic Ocean.
And not cross West of 3rd Island Chain, the carriers will not be tracked.

I never realised Chinese satellite know where the carriers are anywhere they are and direction and speed they going

Even off the coast of Long Island in New York, China also know. Together with the accompanying USA warships.

Nowhere can the USA carriers hide to spring out to surprise China.


Chinese smart satellite tracks US aircraft carrier in real time, researchers say​

  • AI-powered eye in the sky could identify a wide range of tactical or strategic targets, developers say
  • Previously, a huge amount of raw satellite data had to be analysed on the ground

Stephen Chen
Stephen Chen in Beijing
Published: 12:05am, 10 May, 2022

Chinese researchers say a smart satellite tracked the USS Harry S. Truman during a drill last year. Photo: US Navy

Chinese researchers say a smart satellite tracked the USS Harry S. Truman during a drill last year. Photo: US Navy

When USS Harry S. Truman was heading to a strait transit drill off the coast of Long Island in New York on June 17 last year, a Chinese remote sensing satellite powered by the latest artificial intelligence technology automatically detected the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier and alerted Beijing with the precise coordinates, according to a new study by Chinese space scientists.

The live-fire exercise that day involved a joint action of seven warships and many planes to simulate a fight against a powerful enemy while passing a narrow passage of water.

The fleet tested numerous tactics such as changing formation and making emergency manoeuvres to deter enemy submarines and other threats, according to the US Navy.

In the past, the Chinese military had to collect and analyse a huge amount of raw satellite data on the ground to get a clue on the details of such drills taking place in the US home waters, and the results usually came after the event was over.

But with AI-powered satellites, Beijing could detect and “live stream” military activities or assets of interest on the other side of the planet, according to space scientist Yang Fang and her colleagues with DFH Satellite in Beijing in a paper published in domestic peer-reviewed journal Spacecraft Engineering last month.

The satellite that caught the US aircraft carrier in the act was so smart, it could identify a wide range of tactical or strategic targets by analysing more than 200 frames of high-definition images per second, a speed that some ground-based computers would struggle to achieve, according to the Chinese team.

Putting AI into space involved many challenges, according to a Beijing-based satellite imaging researcher who was informed about the study but requested not to be named due to the sensitivity of the technology.

The mainstream AI algorithms required extensive training based on a huge amount of data, but the calculation resources in the orbit were rather limited, he said.

Satellite computers usually trail far behind their counterparts on the ground in processing speed due to weight, space and power constraints.

And they have to work for years without a glitch in a harsh environment. Most chips designed to handle AI tasks would fail quickly under strong radiation, according to the researcher.

Yang’s team said that they had achieved a breakthrough on “weight reduction” for AI technology. The image recognition with the algorithm they developed for the satellite consumed just 3 per cent of the calculation resources used by traditional algorithms when doing the same task, according to their paper.

They also made a new family of AI chipsets that could do many different types of jobs simultaneously on board the satellite.

If one chip failed, another would serve as backup and immediately take over the job to ensure the continuous functioning of the satellite.

There were some clouds over the New York region during the USS Harry S. Truman strike group exercise.

The Chinese satellite identified the aircraft carrier in the gaps of clouds with a sharp image containing so much detail that it almost ruled out the possibility of a mistake, according to Yang’s team.

In another test to verify the performance of space-based AI, the same satellite automatically detected and obtained the coordinates of military aircraft, naval ships and strategic assets such as oil storage tanks in northeastern Australia.

The researchers did not name the satellite reported in their paper. Yang could not be reached for comment.

Several small satellites launched by Chinese universities, government institutes and private companies in recent years have employed AI to improve China’s response to events happening around the world, according to openly available information.

Yang and her colleagues said the smart satellite could increase the communication efficiency with home by a million times because the AI would remove most of the junk information that jammed the communication channels.

China also has a plan to bring AI to its older remote sensing satellites, according to researchers involved in StarNet, an global internet satellite project launched by the Chinese government last year.

StarNet will only have about 400 satellites, many fewer than the US’ Starlink and OneWeb networks.

But some of these Chinese communication satellites would carry AI processors to boost their performance.

These smart communication satellites could receive and analyse raw data from traditional remote sensing satellites, identify targets of interest, and then pass the information to end users at home with little time delay, the project’s scientists said in a paper published in domestic peer-reviewed journal Telecommunications Science last month.

But a major concern to the space community was the “black box” problem, that humans did not fully understand how the AI learned and thought, they said.
I've asked this before to no avail. Can somebody tell me what's happenning with Taiwan, and the chances of a Chinese invasion ?
I've asked this before to no avail. Can somebody tell me what's happenning with Taiwan, and the chances of a Chinese invasion ?

You ask Sleepy Geriatic Joe.

Just as in Ukraine, events there planned and decided and paid for and engineered by USA and Zelensky is impotent eunuch and puppet of USA/NATO.

Events about Taiwan will be reacted to by China just as Russia reacting to Ukraine and ending the war that Nazis started there 8 years ago.

But if USA spiral into black hole of bankruptcy and that recognised by all countries, and internal riots break out in all cities of USA to give Pelosi BEAUTIFUL SIGHTS TO BEHOLD ALL OVER USA, :pleasantry: then perhaps the world will remain safe and union of Taiwan and China will be peaceful.
You ask Sleepy Geriatic Joe.

Just as in Ukraine, events there planned and decided and paid for and engineered by USA and Zelensky is impotent eunuch and puppet of USA/NATO.

Events about Taiwan will be reacted to by China just as Russia reacting to Ukraine and ending the war that Nazis started there 8 years ago.

But if USA spiral into black hole of bankruptcy and that recognised by all countries, and internal riots break out in all cities of USA to give Pelosi BEAUTIFUL SIGHTS TO BEHOLD ALL OVER USA, :pleasantry: then perhaps the world will remain safe and union of Taiwan and China will be peaceful.
As in Ukraine, I believe that the US is pushing China to invade Taiwan. I believe they have recognised that 'Independence' is the red line for China, and the US will push for that.

Tell me if I'm wrong, and please elaberate.
It is question of how much ordinance it will take and the answer is s hell of a lot. So yes carriers can be sunk but it's not a simple one hit thing
As in Ukraine, I believe that the US is pushing China to invade Taiwan. I believe they have recognised that 'Independence' is the red line for China, and the US will push for that.

Tell me if I'm wrong, and please elaberate.

The war USA planned, financed and created in Ukraine using Uknazis there as missile fodder and possibly NatoIdiots as missile fodder is a precursor to USA war with China.

USA know that Russia must be weakened if not destroyed before war with China.
Which is why USA refused their eunuch Zelensky the option of surrender and peace with Russia .

That war with China will come about.

I only pray that USA will descend into their nightmare of self inflicted bankruptcy.

And USA spiral into black hole of bankruptcy and that recognised by all countries to be impotent , and internal riots break out in all cities of USA to give Pelosi BEAUTIFUL SIGHTS TO BEHOLD ALL OVER USA, :pleasantry: then perhaps the world will remain safe and union of Taiwan and China will be peaceful.
The war USA planned, financed and created in Ukraine using Uknazis there as missile fodder and possibly NatoIdiots as missile fodder is a precursor to USA war with China.

USA know that Russia must be weakened if not destroyed before war with China.
Which is why USA refused their eunuch Zelensky the option of surrender and peace with Russia .

That war with China will come about.

I only pray that USA will descend into their nightmare of self inflicted bankruptcy.

And USA spiral into black hole of bankruptcy and that recognised by all countries to be impotent , and internal riots break out in all cities of USA to give Pelosi BEAUTIFUL SIGHTS TO BEHOLD ALL OVER USA, :pleasantry: then perhaps the world will remain safe and union of Taiwan and China will be peaceful.
There was recently a meeting of China and senior banking advisors on how to stop China's assets abroad from being seized by the West.

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