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Singaporean Tells China U.S. Is Not in Decline

You could be talking about a lot of the countries now. If something is advanced in the west, why should one be using it? However for someone who had its own culture for thousands of years and then suddenly find it is better to use other alphabets that has no any relationship to its own is another story. At least Japan and Korea had the effort to make up their own alphabets that suits them better for their pronoucation.

We recognized that using Latin alphabet is better than pictographs. Just like now, most skyscrapers in China, which you are proud, that were imported of western style.
You could be talking about a lot of the countries now. If something is advanced in the west, why should one be using it? However for someone who had its own culture for thousands of years and then suddenly find it is better to use other alphabets that has no any relationship to its own is another story. At least Japan and Korea had the effort to make up their own alphabets that suits them better for their pronoucation.
Kinda contradictory. Is it possible that the alphabet system is superior to ideograms? :lol: I work with Chinese engineers daily, in the US and in Singapore. To a man and woman, each admitted that for highly technical issues, the alphabets offers much more flexibility in the long term. When I listened to them talk to each other, live and in teleconference, when they speak to each other in Chinese, the conversation is generously peppered with English words and even complete phrases.

Analysis of variance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical models, and their associated procedures, in which the observed variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components attributable to different sources of variation.
They tell me there is no Chinese equivalent of ANOVA, as in the initials themselves that can be used in everyday professional/technical speech.

The way I see it, your attempt to insult the Viets via the adoption of French derived alphabet is an epic fail in light of your own contradiction. We could argue with good reason that we left behind something inefficient for something more advanced. Just like you tried to justify for China.
We recognized that using Latin alphabet is better than pictographs. Just like now, most skyscrapers in China, which you are proud, that were imported of western style.
In modern architechs, exactly what is western style then? Using concrete and steel?
Kinda contradictory. Is it possible that the alphabet system is superior to ideograms? :lol: I work with Chinese engineers daily, in the US and in Singapore. To a man and woman, each admitted that for highly technical issues, the alphabets offers much more flexibility in the long term. When I listened to them talk to each other, live and in teleconference, when they speak to each other in Chinese, the conversation is generously peppered with English words and even complete phrases.

Analysis of variance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They tell me there is no Chinese equivalent of ANOVA, as in the initials themselves that can be used in everyday professional/technical speech.

The way I see it, your attempt to insult the Viets via the adoption of French derived alphabet is an epic fail in light of your own contradiction. We could argue with good reason that we left behind something inefficient for something more advanced. Just like you tried to justify for China.
Vietnam is not the only country to adopt European alphabet as their language, Philiphine and Mongolia also come into my mind. So no my intention was not to insult Vietnam for their choice of Alphabet.

Anyways by going with your logic if a country want to be advanced they better to adopt european alphabets? Japan and ROK seem to be doing much better than those other asian countries who did adopt western alphabet. There is already a thread dedictated to the use of Chinese characters. I just saw a Japanese documentary about how easy it is to use Chinese character to invent words for abstract ideas and most people would understand easily of what those words means, which Japan did during 18th to 19th centuries to adopt western word into Japanese word using Kenji instead of Katakana as it normally would do with imported words. Later around 1000 of these words exported back to China that made up modern Chinese language.

As for your example of Chinese co workers using english works, that is very common as I am sure they live in US and the work they do are mostly related to english, so it is more convinient for them to convoy some meaning of words that they use daily in English. This also happens to me a lot when I first got back from US to China, so some words I learnt in US I just did not know its equivalence in Chinese, so I had to use english instead, however that does not mean that those words does not exist in Chinese or english is better word for it.
Vietnam is not the only country to adopt European alphabet as their language, Philiphine and Mongolia also come into my mind. So no my intention was not to insult Vietnam for their choice of Alphabet.
Liar. :lol:

Anyways by going with your logic if a country want to be advanced they better to adopt european alphabets? Japan and ROK seem to be doing much better than those other asian countries who did adopt western alphabet. There is already a thread dedictated to the use of Chinese characters. I just saw a Japanese documentary about how easy it is to use Chinese character to invent words for abstract ideas and most people would understand easily of what those words means, which Japan did during 18th to 19th centuries to adopt western word into Japanese word using Kenji instead of Katakana as it normally would do with imported words. Later around 1000 of these words exported back to China that made up modern Chinese language.
The alphabet system is just one of the many 'Western' ways of doing things. But this is going by YOUR argument as well since you declared that there is nothing wrong with adopting advances, even if they are from foreigners. In programming, non-alphabets require special memory management because the origin of machine language is binary: ones and zeros, on and off. Ideograms do not fit the mold. Even outside the computer, the alphabets allows something call the 'typewriter' with its compact size producing infinite combinations of words for fast recording and dispensation.

Bottom line is that you Chinese boys have used the adoption of the alphabets as an indicator of submission of the Viets to 'The West' in your not too subtle racism as in the Chinese with their ideograms is above the rest of us, never mind that China adopted plenty from that same hated West.
Liar. :lol:

The alphabet system is just one of the many 'Western' ways of doing things. But this is going by YOUR argument as well since you declared that there is nothing wrong with adopting advances, even if they are from foreigners. In programming, non-alphabets require special memory management because the origin of machine language is binary: ones and zeros, on and off. Ideograms do not fit the mold. Even outside the computer, the alphabets allows something call the 'typewriter' with its compact size producing infinite combinations of words for fast recording and dispensation.

Bottom line is that you Chinese boys have used the adoption of the alphabets as an indicator of submission of the Viets to 'The West' in your not too subtle racism as in the Chinese with their ideograms is above the rest of us, never mind that China adopted plenty from that same hated West.
Tell me exactly where I insulted Vietnam for their use of French alphabet? My initial reply was a response to your claims that some countries has french in their national makeups. The later was a response saying adopting European alphabet was not the same as adopting other advanced methode. So where did I exactly hurt your fragile ego in all this?

Chinese logographic and European alphabet has their advantages and disadvantages and this worth a whole another debate. But your argument of the alphabet is more convinient and more advanced come to a stop when although Japan can write its entire language using alphabet easily, but they still choose to stay with Hiragana with complementary from Kenji and Katakana, and Japanese are known for adopting other advanced methods once someone has it.
Yes, the ancient Vietnamese used Chinese characters. That was wrong?

Great video. It is the image of the ancient Vietnamese: Vietnamese King, Queen, Vietnamese people, heroes ... Thank you for sharing the video.

There is nothing wrong about the video, I just proved you that's genetic that you vietnamese got own regardless on how many chineses you have pretend to kills..we have beatten you guys up to the point of submission to bow and adopt to our culture and gorvernance.
We recognized that using Latin alphabet is better than pictographs. Just like now, most skyscrapers in China, which you are proud, that were imported of western style.

(Roman)/Latin is not the only alphabet out there. Other countries also use their own alphabets.

By the way, I am not taking the side of this or that block. You can continue debating. Just pointed out a fact.
No need to be angry. Lee Kwan Yew was always a stooge of the West and his son is no different. It's a pity innocent Singaporeans might be caught in the crossfire when China liberates the city state with PLA troops.

Im sure that the average person in Singapore would love to have communist troops landing on their soil. Not to mention the automatic drop in per capita income that would occur once China took over and Western Corporations pulled out. It is a funny thought to think of disorganized PLA troops advancing anywhere but Tibet. Yew, regardless if he was a stooge of the west, had control of his country just as his son currently does. It is not up to China or its government to tell Singapore how to act. No one gives two shits if they're from China, they obviously are not anymore, so what the **** does it matter? China's coming collapse will shake the world hard but I worry about people like SinoChallenger who will witness the war from inside and possibly be the one reshaping China tomorrow after this fledgling government fails. It scares me so much, I for one am all up for letting Taipei rule China...again. At least they weren't a bunch of silly twats hiding in caves during the war with Japan, they fought and died! And what did that little ***** Mao do during the war? oh that's right, he hid! Find a real national hero, not some worthless cunt rag that took over when the country was right for the picking... I love the images of Mao in his little girl one piece suits... laugh everytime
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