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Singaporean Tells China U.S. Is Not in Decline

But only china thinks that they are a foe .... US doesn't reciprocate the feelings.

We are certainly geostrategic rivals and economic competitors.

And the US knows this. Maybe they aren't looking for a direct fight (they haven't been interested in direct hostilities since the 1950 Korean War) but they are certainly looking to improve their own relative position in the world, through indirect means. And we are looking to improve our own position too.

The world is not a zero-sum game, that's true when it comes to actual (absolute) power. But "relative" power is a zero-sum game. If one or several countries are rapidly increasing their relative power in the world, then others are losing relative power in the world.
The US war criminals are not in decline and they are in their apex of their war crimes. If they see that they are declining they can engage in a war thus boosting their militaro industry. They are also backed financially by the Zionist financial institutions. They are engaged in multiple fronts, war in Afganistan, Iraq, secret war in Yemen and Pakistan, spreading hate and division in Asia, settling military bases and war games in Africa and with African countries etc. They have the largest military budget with the largest and most sophisticated weapons of mass destruction in the world, they are the number one weapons exporter and they have found an infinite market, India the scat land of bollywood daydreamers. So China is very well aware that the US war criminals are not in decline. Regarding what the Singaporean has said, its just an advise by a Prime Minister whose ancestors came from China. Don't forget that Singapore population is made up of a majority of Chinese.

Why does it matter if most Singaporeans ancestors come from China? They are citizens of Singapore and they should treat China like how they treat any other nations. Otherwise, they are not a independent country.
Why does it matter if most Singaporeans ancestors come from China? They are citizens of Singapore and they should treat China like how they treat any other nations. Otherwise, they are not a independent country.

The older generation of Singaporeans have feelings for their ties with China but younger people see themselves as Singaporeans.

They are citizens of Singapore and they should treat China like how they treat any other nations. Otherwise, they are not a independent country.

Agreed, as for the topic America will still be the top power for a while.
Let the Chinese enjoy their delusions. The Americans in this forum have no problems with people believing that the US is in a decline.

but you would agreed that american influence has certainly waned from its peak just after the fall of the soviet union?

also. lol Singapore, thanks for the head up?
We are certainly geostrategic rivals and economic competitors.

And the US knows this. Maybe they aren't looking for a direct fight (they haven't been interested in direct hostilities since the 1950 Korean War) but they are certainly looking to improve their own relative position in the world, through indirect means. And we are looking to improve our own position too.

The world is not a zero-sum game, that's true when it comes to actual (absolute) power. But "relative" power is a zero-sum game. If one or several countries are rapidly increasing their relative power in the world, then others are losing relative power in the world.

Much wiser thing to put it this way .... USA isn't a dangerous foe. And no need to be paranoid about USA.

In fact, the same would apply to India or Japan too. They aren't dangerous foes either. At best, geostrategic rivals and economic competitors.

And you can follow the rest of your own words ... "Aren't looking for a direct fight ... bla bla .... relative ... absolute .. bla bla .. ".

The Singaporean PM's preachings contain at least some pieces of wisdom, nevertheless.
Nobody with any brain cells should underestimate the USA.

They are a dangerous foe, willing and able to re-invent themselves over and over again.

Agree but that was when American cared for America, now they all just want to get rich the easiest way and even congress doesnt look after Interest of America but who pays them. It like they rub off their shoulders with Pakistani politicians. They are so greedy they are willing to kill millions for their commission from War, Ins.
The US is not on the decline yet but the signs are there if she doesn't handle her fiscal policies well and she can no longer affords a 5% defense budget either.
Then, she can reduce her defense budget just by supporting VN like what Soviet did to counter China, and we will stop china's ambitious for good :coffee:
Then, she can reduce her defense budget just by supporting VN like what Soviet did to counter China, and we will stop china's ambitious for good :coffee:
:cheesy: Just like when USSR promised to defend Vietnam in 1979 but then did nothing while PLA invaded and killed 130,000 Viets (military + civilian) and burned down 6 of your provinces? Yes our ambitions were totally stopped there, that's why we continued to slaughter you in 1984 Laoshan and 1988 Johnson Reef.
:cheesy: Just like when USSR promised to defend Vietnam in 1979 but then did nothing while PLA invaded and killed 130,000 Viets (military + civilian) and burned down 6 of your provinces? Yes our ambitions were totally stopped there, that's why we continued to slaughter you in 1984 Laoshan and 1988 Johnson Reef.
You only could kill few VNese when we killed, looted and arrested million chinese living in Laos-Camb-VN border of Thailand like Pol Pot , Ieng sary, Duch:coffee:

We didn't need USSR troop to defend VN against China when coward PLA willing to surrender to VN women

Back to the topic: Singapore must be learned hard from Pol Pot's mistake, chinese in ASEAN must not support China or they will be killed or kicked out of the region :coffee:
The US and allies are seeing this is a "0 sum" game. That is most annoying!

I know. :frown:

There are many people who believe that the US needs to stay on top by taking out and undermining its closest competitors, when instead, everyone can benefit from each other.
Why does it matter if most Singaporeans ancestors come from China? They are citizens of Singapore and they should treat China like how they treat any other nations. Otherwise, they are not a independent country.

Singapore is another pet shop boy of the yanks!

you dont need to flash it out of you everytime you want to make a point! keep stuffing this kind of half a century old fake photos inside of you please, for good!

I know. :frown:

There are many people who believe that the US needs to stay on top by taking out and undermining its closest competitors, when instead, everyone can benefit from each other.

they have too much meat from their mad cows which do not help their sanity!
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