The US war criminals are not in decline and they are in their apex of their war crimes. If they see that they are declining they can engage in a war thus boosting their militaro industry. They are also backed financially by the Zionist financial institutions. They are engaged in multiple fronts, war in Afganistan, Iraq, secret war in Yemen and Pakistan, spreading hate and division in Asia, settling military bases and war games in Africa and with African countries etc. They have the largest military budget with the largest and most sophisticated weapons of mass destruction in the world, they are the number one weapons exporter and they have found an infinite market, India the scat land of bollywood daydreamers. So China is very well aware that the US war criminals are not in decline. Regarding what the Singaporean has said, its just an advise by a Prime Minister whose ancestors came from China. Don't forget that Singapore population is made up of a majority of Chinese.