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Singaporean Tells China U.S. Is Not in Decline

Nov 10, 2011
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Singaporean Tells China U.S. Is Not in Decline
Published: September 6, 2012

BEIJING — In an unusual public airing of strategic problems surrounding China’s rise, the prime minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, warned China on Thursday that it should view the United States not as a declining power, but as a nation with the ability to innovate and bounce back.

Speaking at the Central Party School, the prestigious training ground for officials of the Communist Party, Mr. Lee also suggested that China try to solve its maritime disputes in the South China Sea regionally, through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, known as Asean, rather than country by country.

There's no doubt though that the United States and the developed countries as a whole are in decline in terms of relative global influence and economic power.

This shift of the balance of power is indicative of the decline of the US as the de facto global hegemony.

As some people do believe that American military and economic power are the main indicators of the nation's status, the end of American dominance would be seen as the United States in decline rather than the rest of the world catching up.

I'm just hoping that no-one sees this as a zero-sum game.
Relative power is that counts.

In that sense, the US is in decline.
Let the Chinese enjoy their delusions. The Americans in this forum have no problems with people believing that the US is in a decline.

But China rising is without a doubt.
The US is not on the decline yet but the signs are there if she doesn't handle her fiscal policies well and she can no longer affords a 5% defense budget either.

How dangerous: Obama had to borrow from the Federal Employee's Pension Plan to pay for federal employee salaries about eight months ago while waiting for the Congress to raise the debt ceiling. Hilary handed a check of $25 million to the Pacific islanders last week and boasted ''We'll be with you!" while China gave them billions in soft loans.
The US war criminals are not in decline and they are in their apex of their war crimes. If they see that they are declining they can engage in a war thus boosting their militaro industry. They are also backed financially by the Zionist financial institutions. They are engaged in multiple fronts, war in Afganistan, Iraq, secret war in Yemen and Pakistan, spreading hate and division in Asia, settling military bases and war games in Africa and with African countries etc. They have the largest military budget with the largest and most sophisticated weapons of mass destruction in the world, they are the number one weapons exporter and they have found an infinite market, India the scat land of bollywood daydreamers. So China is very well aware that the US war criminals are not in decline. Regarding what the Singaporean has said, its just an advise by a Prime Minister whose ancestors came from China. Don't forget that Singapore population is made up of a majority of Chinese.
Lee's lecture is a waste of everyone's time!

We never under-estimate the US even it is not in the same shape as 2 decades ago!

Let the Chinese enjoy their delusions. The Americans in this forum have no problems with people believing that the US is in a decline.

It appears to me you and your like-kinds have been deluding yourselves all the way!

We are very clear headed and we know what we are doing and whom we are facing with!

There's no doubt though that the United States and the developed countries as a whole are in decline in terms of relative global influence and economic power.

This shift of the balance of power is indicative of the decline of the US as the de facto global hegemony.

As some people do believe that American military and economic power are the main indicators of the nation's status, the end of American dominance would be seen as the United States in decline rather than the rest of the world catching up.

I'm just hoping that no-one sees this as a zero-sum game.

the US and allies are seeing this is a "0 sum" game. That is most annoying!
Nobody with any brain cells should underestimate the USA.

They are a dangerous foe, willing and able to re-invent themselves over and over again.

But only china thinks that they are a foe .... US doesn't reciprocate the feelings.
But only china thinks that they are a foe .... US doesn't reciprocate the feelings.

There are no foes or friends - or any feelings - in international geopolitics. Ever.
Eventually China will have to liberate Singapore from Lee and his clan. Xi Jinping's refusal to meet with Lee means his clan is on PLA's target list. Take out the People's Action Party and replace it with a pro-Beijing government.
The US war criminals are not in decline and they are in their apex of their war crimes. If they see that they are declining they can engage in a war thus boosting their militaro industry. They are also backed financially by the Zionist financial institutions. They are engaged in multiple fronts, war in Afganistan, Iraq, secret war in Yemen and Pakistan, spreading hate and division in Asia, settling military bases and war games in Africa and with African countries etc. They have the largest military budget with the largest and most sophisticated weapons of mass destruction in the world, they are the number one weapons exporter and they have found an infinite market, India the scat land of bollywood daydreamers. So China is very well aware that the US war criminals are not in decline. Regarding what the Singaporean has said, its just an advise by a Prime Minister whose ancestors came from China. Don't forget that Singapore population is made up of a majority of Chinese.

So in other words your people are telling you that the U.S. is not in decline and you should listen.
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