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Simultaneous visits of army officers of Bangladesh and Pakistan to China

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The imaginary illegal Bangladeshi immigrant hate me and you Indians hate the imaginary illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. When you Indians argue with me do you lose all sense of proportion and start talking gibberish?

Gosh..as if you are so worthy :hitwall:
Indian frustration in media and here can not be more visible with such visit. And with typical indian reacation, here they are talking rubbish to express their frustration. Look around Pakistan, Nepal, Srilanka all are out of reach. If Bangladesh goes india in south asia will be isolated. In south asia, awami regime is their only hope and prospect of that slipping away killing indians. What a pathetic.....
Indian frustration in media and here can not be more visible with such visit. And with typical indian reacation, here they are talking rubbish to express their frustration. Look around Pakistan, Nepal, Srilanka all are out of reach. If Bangladesh goes india in south asia will be isolated. In south asia, awami regime is their only hope and prospect of that slipping away killing indians. What a pathetic.....

Yeah. What a pathetic...pathetic liars..low life..

when it comes to Nepal, eventhough it is only 1 party, ie. communist party against India, that means whole of Nepal is against India..but when it is Awami party which is pro-india, that means only party is pro-india not entire country...you guys don't even have a shame...

What is to do with Sri Lanka? Are they against India as Pakistan is? They can't even live the dream, leave the reality...

What shameless liars..you guys just love to live in illusions...
Indian frustration in media and here can not be more visible with such visit. And with typical indian reacation, here they are talking rubbish to express their frustration. Look around Pakistan, Nepal, Srilanka all are out of reach. If Bangladesh goes india in south asia will be isolated. In south asia, awami regime is their only hope and prospect of that slipping away killing indians. What a pathetic.....

i didnt see this news,i read from this article posted here only:lol:
and u r talking about media..

regarding to other countries,we have not taken responsibility of others..and we dont care if some internet warriors gloating too much when their govt is indian supporter.:lol:
What about the Indian members who referred to Indians killing Bangladeshis, as a "pig slaughter"?

How sick can you guys get. Oh wait, I already know...

u become saint on one thread and ur behavior changes on next thread...:lol:

everything will be done to ensure india bashing???:rofl:
What a liar. It's always you Indian members who start this nonsense, and don't have the balls to finish it.

I can post a hundred quotes from you Indians, referring to Chinese as "slanty-eyed chink faggots". Don't come to any Chinese or Bangladeshi, and try to play innocent with that BS.

well u get ,which you sow here..:lol:
and who are you talking on the behalf of bangladeshis???
instead of few internet warriors here,ask bangladeshies do they know where china is???:lol:
What about the Indian members who referred to Indians killing Bangladeshis, as a "pig slaughter"?

How sick can you guys get. Oh wait, I already know...

you hide the rest of the quote and quote only what you want to quote..typical commy psych..isn't it..just a slavery..

Here is his exact quote..

If Bangladesh does not survive then you have 145 million stateless Muslims. Enough to take India apart and make it into mincemeat ........

so in your slave mind, it doesn't make any sense to insult another country..but when you want to defend you can get to any lowlife..

whether you have high GDP or whatever...you will never get out of slave life in your lifetime..only THE BEST you can do in your entire life is..to act as 50/50..and live as 50/50..nothing better than that..worthless precisely...
well u get ,which you sow here..:lol:
and who are you talking on the behalf of bangladeshis???
instead of few internet warriors here,ask bangladeshies do they know where china is???:lol:

They can talk on behalf pakistanis, bangladeshis and whoever they think are against India...but...when Indians comment on Chinese atrocities, fake parts..they all stand-in line to cry on all indians saying that indians do not have right to talk about china since it is only china topic..

they just live their slave life to full...everyone must pity them..no other word..

You just need to check the thread started by them for last two years. You see they have India-phobia.

NOT phobia, Bangladeshis abhor india period. But india can not fathom that reality. Instead indians package that as "phobia". Nice try but no takers.
NOT phobia, Bangladeshis abhor india period. But india can not fathom that reality. Instead indians package that as "phobia". Nice try but no takers.

ONLY pak leftovers does that...not real bangladeshis..don't act or fool yourself on behalf of real bangladeshis..

if that is true, there would have never such a landslide victory for awami league..

you guys just live in such a moronic world..after all, there should be some motivation to live the life of yours...
many Indians did not know what India has such bad relation with Bangladesh before coming to this forum and reading the posts of idune , MBi Munshi and few others.

because INDIA and BANGLADESH has very good relation we have concluded number of deals.
good military to military relation.
Both country's military chiefs visit regularly.
Foreign ministers and secretaries concluded talks.
Sonia gandhi visiting bangladesh.
Indian army chief honored for his contribution in the bangladesh liberation war.
Indian PM will visit soon.

Some losers to show their hatred created an artificial India-Bangladesh enmity over here.

------------not needed--
NOT phobia, Bangladeshis abhor india period. But india can not fathom that reality. Instead indians package that as "phobia". Nice try but no takers.

But you just took it ! Every other slum dweller in Mumbai is a Bangladeshi !And yes they came here bcoz they abhor Bangladesh !
India has good relation with indian stooge Awami regime, that is all. That's where the indian reach and good relation ends. All activities you listed are just between india and awami stooge regime.
LOL you learned that from rajusri, he also likes to call Chinese people "slaves", and "inhuman". :lol:

:lock: This describes your life the best way possible..you are locked in a well but need to pretend as if you are leading the best life...pity life as such...
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