It's similar to what is happening in Palestine.
The younger generation does not attach the same emotional significance to a struggle as the earlier generation did. This attachment or association becomes less and less pronounced with each generation.
And I'm not sure that Pakistan's current situation is something that Kashimiris would find inviting. This could also be another reason for the slight change in Kashmir's stance.
But Pakistan should not cease to provide moral support to this struggle and work harder on cleaning its internal mess. A democratic, liberal society is one that will have a positive effect on our voice on this issue.
India already provides them with that. While pakistan is trying to first build a liberal and democratic society and then woo kashmiris, India already has that.
Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan and a very important pillar of our foreign policy. Election campaigns are built around internal issues like health, education, security, employment, etc. there is no need for Kashmiris to be concerned, or for hindustanis to be happy about.
One pat of it is. But the best parts of Kashmir, including the glorious Kashmir valley, are all part of India. Nothing you can do will change that fact. Neither your entire army, nor your silly mujahideens and lashkars and other terrorists can take our Kashmir away from us.
(But we want you to keep trying. That will ensure that pakistan lives in a perpetual jihad-culture, andd cannot progress.)