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Sikh To Death, a War nerd's tribute to Sikh warriors

Yes in pretty simple words, ok let me quickly note down some spiritual aspects.

We all are souls and part of soul world which is in 7 realms. In normal words, The 6th and 7th layer is treated as Heaven while 1-3 are considered as hell.

These realms are again having categories from 0-9. Normally a soul starts its life from 5th realm and 7th layer. Every soul wants to reach to 7th realms and that can be done in either ways, 1st perform in soul-world or 2nd go to 'KarmaBhoomi' i.e. earth. Here your subconsiounces mid have everything but that is locked. Now How you perform here in earth with all good and bad deeds decides which realm and layer will be assigned to you. This is what Karma is all about. The Karmic theory does not give one's profit for a small or materialistic thing like Brahmins or Shudras. Once Soul reaches to seventh realm then they do not need to come to earth which is considered as "Moksha".

So we have a consensus - I have been saying this all this while - on a micro level (you can rebut just for argument sake if you wish) it does come down to caste system and further down to yonis (i.e. animals/plants) etc. To move from one realm to another you have to move through the system on a micro level as well. Its not all broad as you are putting it down - that is the macro level part of it.

Though I agree on it 100%.

So we have a consensus - I have been saying this all this while - on a micro level (you can rebut just for argument sake if you wish) it does come down to caste system and further down to yonis (i.e. animals/plants) etc. To move from one realm to another you have to move through the system on a micro level as well. Its not all broad as you are putting it down - that is the macro level part of it.

Though I agree on it 100%.


lol..you wrote so intelligently that I dont know what to say except smiling .. :cheers: :cheers:
Long piece and so many pages what is the bottom line of the article ??

And BTW it sent me rolling where the writer said the Sikh guards attacked Indira and "turning her into human chutney." :P
Long piece and so many pages what is the bottom line of the article ??

And BTW it sent me rolling where the writer said the Sikh guards attacked Indira and "turning her into human chutney." :P

She had to pay for her sins/ misadventures I guess!! and you know the irony. The two sikhs who killed Indra Gandhi were from lower caste SC I think, they did such a brave act which even others proud Sikhs couldn't do it....:cheers::cheers:
She had to pay for her sins/ misadventures I guess!! and you know the irony. The two sikhs who killed Indra Gandhi were from lower caste SC I think, they did such a brave act which even others proud Sikhs couldn't do it....:cheers::cheers:

Bolded part I am 100% with you but rest Naaah.. Sikhs dont have Caste system, Please read Guru Nanak sahib's preachings..
Bolded part I am 100% with you but rest Naaah.. Sikhs dont have Caste system, Please read Guru Nanak sahib's preachings..

I wanted that thing to be true what in grant sahib is written but unfortunately it is not practiced and sikhs from lower caste are treated very badly and discriminated, that has led to rise of sects such as one headed by Baba Ram Rahim.
She had to pay for her sins/ misadventures I guess!! and you know the irony. The two sikhs who killed Indra Gandhi were from lower caste SC I think, they did such a brave act which even others proud Sikhs couldn't do it....:

Agreed. on first part.

But i think Only Hindus have cast system. Sikhs dont have or may be you are talking about recent factions ??
Agreed. on first part.

But i think Only Hindus have cast system. Sikhs dont have or may be you are talking about recent factions ??

Sikhs don't have caste system :woot::woot:

Khatris, Jatts, Ghumars, Ramgariyas, Rajputs, Chamars etc etc There are many, you can see on shaadi.com for more :lol::lol:

P.S If you want to put them into categories such as Brahmins, Kstriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras then you can put mostly into 3 except Brahmins.
Sikhs don't have caste system :woot::woot:

Khatris, Jatts, Ghumars, Ramgariyas, Rajputs, Chamars etc etc There are many, you can see on shaadi.com for more :lol::lol:

Actually, they are more like communities. But yes, they are classified as castes by the Indian Constitution. And there are SC Sikhs as well.
Sikhs don't have caste system :woot::woot:

Khatris, Jatts, Ghumars, Ramgariyas, Rajputs, Chamars etc etc There are many, you can see on shaadi.com for more :lol::lol:

P.S If you want to put them into categories such as Brahmins, Kstriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras then you can put mostly into 3 except Brahmins.

hmmmm but that are most like tribes not like Hindu cast system. But as you mentioned that we can put them in categories such as , Kstriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras except brahmins does it mean Sikhs also have lower cast and higher cast disease ?????

BTW many Hindus are Rajputs too
I wanted that thing to be true what in grant sahib is written but unfortunately it is not practiced and sikhs from lower caste are treated very badly and discriminated, that has led to rise of sects such as one headed by Baba Ram Rahim.

Ohh then it is age old same theory of subcontinents... I know only idealistic part hence mentioned.. I have seen such sect wise distinction in Muslims too.. my neighbour aunty who is Pathan was not accepting marriage proposal for her daughter from a guy who belongs to "Julaha" sect.. Even I heard that there are some sect in Muslims who are asking for SC status for themselves in India..
hmmmm but that are most like tribes not like Hindu cast system. But as you mentioned that we can put them in categories such as , Kstriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras except brahmins does it mean Sikhs also have lower cast and higher cast disease ?????

Yes Khatris like Bhatia, Sodhi, Sachdeva etc etc think themselves of superior race mostly due to the fact they were Kstriyas and educated long time back when compared to other Sikhs which were mostly farmers also they belonged to Cities such as Lahore, Sialkot, Lyallpur, Rawalpindi so they had superiority complex.

These days also a Jatt wants to marry a Jatt, a Khatri wants to marry a Khatri which shows the signs of caste systems

Yes there are lower caste Sikhs (Chudda/Chamars) in villages I have gone to, even they have even separate Gurudwras :woot::woot:
Buddy the concept of the caste system as we know it is nothing more than propaganda by the brahmins.
I am my self a Hindu Kshatriya but not a Brahmin. I agree there was an overlap in brahmins and kshatriyas and not all Kshatriyas were brahmins. As for the vayshyas and shudras - all these divisions as we know from derogatory stand point are culminated by the Brahmins and not the god himself rather god himself as per hindu mythology does not look down upon any one caste but rather explains this system as a concept of Karma -If you were a Shudra and did some good deeds then within the Human form you move to the Vayshya category and if you continue onwards with the same winning streak you ultimately reach the Brahmin stage where you are chosen for god's work not his "word" and if you are a Brahmin and go on to do bad deeds, then move down the order and away from god. It's just a cycle.

Now don't ask me what happens if you are shudra and do bad deeds - To that my answer would be just count the yonis apart from the human form and you will understand yourself the meaning of Karma and how it affects your life and afterlife.


Agree with you almost but need a clarification on bolded part.
Yes Khatris like Bhatia, Sodhi, Sachdeva etc etc think themselves of superior race mostly due to the fact they were Kstriyas and educated long time back when compared to other Sikhs which were mostly farmers also they belonged to Cities such as Lahore, Sialkot, Lyallpur, Rawalpindi so they had superiority complex.

These days also a Jatt wants to marry a Jatt, a Khatri wants to marry a Khatri which shows the signs of caste systems

Yes there are lower caste Sikhs (Chudda/Chamars) in villages I have gone to, even they have even separate Gurudwras :woot::woot:

Now this is what typical Indians are.. religion could be anything.. location can be changed but the attitude is never going to be change... sick of all this...
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