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Sikh To Death, a War nerd's tribute to Sikh warriors

I am also a proud Rajput but an educated one (double MS EM, MS CS) and I am much more interested in my present and future than keeping myself happy from what our ancestors did and did not do. :cheers:
I am also a proud Rajput but an educated one (double MS EM, MS CS) and I am much more interested in my present and future than keeping myself happy from what our ancestors did and did not do. :cheers:

With english name?

And wat makes u think others r not educated or not lookin forward to future?

Im doin Bachelors n my major is economics!

And we r PROUD of our ancestors wats wrong in it?

Also change the avatar i used it before u!!
With english name?

And wat makes u think others r not educated or not lookin forward to future?

Im doin Bachelors n my major is economics!

And we r PROUD of our ancestors wats wrong in it?

Also change the avatar i used it before u!!

Dood I used this avatar the min. jacob posted the pics!! I saw ur avatar was nill!
The author of this article clearly has no clue about Sikhs or Sikhism. Khalsa was not created by bringing people from heaven but uplifting the downtrodden of society who had forgotten how to fight against tyranny. the core of khalsa was formed by Panj pyaras/five disciples .take a look at their back grounds-

1.Bhai Daya Singh (26 August 1669 - 1708), the first of the Panj Piare or the Five Beloved celebrated in the Sikh tradition, was the son of Bhai Suddha, a Sobti Khatri of Lahore, and Mai Diali. His original name was Daya Ram.

2.Bhai Mukham Singh (1663-1705) (or "Mokham"), born Muhkam Chand, was one of the original Panj Piare or the Five Beloved of honoured memory in the Sikh tradition. Hwas the son of TIrath Chand, a calico printer/tailor of Dvaraka in Gujarat

3 Bhai Dharam Singh (3 November 1666 - 1708), one of the Panj Piare or the Five Beloved, the forerunners of Khalsa and was a farmer by profession.

4 Bhai Sahib Singh, one of the Panj Piare ( Five Beloved) of revered memory in the Sikh tradition, was born the son of Bhai Tirath Chand, a barber of Bidar in Karnataka, and his wife Mata Devi Ba

5 Bhai Himmat Singh (18 January 1661- 7 December 1705), was one of the original Panj Piare (the Five Beloved) the first five Singhs to be initiated into the Khalsa way of life. He was born on 18 January 1661 at Jagannath in a "low-caste" family of water suppliers.

the author fails to understand that sikhs are not a different race but just normal Indians (including Bengalis) who were inspired by Sikh gurus to fight against any sort of oppression
Dear Sir,

I couldn't help chuckling when I read your post. You've fallen into one of the most common misconceptions in the book: the British martial races fallacy.

Would you like to guess, of the three of you in conversation, which came from a race that has the greatest claim to being the superior martial race in India?


I am confused!

Joe, dont keep us guessing please!
"superior martial race in India"

Please just tell me why people take this seriously? These are the people who fought for British against other Indians! This is the dumbest thing some Indians like to promote about. Martial race? When the Bengalis fought against the British that title was taken away from them.Stop trying to find dumb things to enlarge your small egos..And you sound dumb as hell talking about this behind your computer.
Dear Sir,

I couldn't help chuckling when I read your post. You've fallen into one of the most common misconceptions in the book: the British martial races fallacy.

Would you like to guess, of the three of you in conversation, which came from a race that has the greatest claim to being the superior martial race in India?


JS, I know what you are trying to point it out here, Lets not open and keep others guessing ;)

The point is, I don't believe in "Superiority" of any Martial Race as history was dynamic all the time. Once ruling from Iran to SE asia, Maurya and Gupta are now no where in UP and Bihar's form.. Similarly Cholas and Chalukya's who has most of the India and SE asia are nowhere in South India and amazingly there is not Martial race theory attached with them while after Mughals invasion these Races came into existance when their brave leader understood the importance of unity and sect whether it is Rajputs, Sikhs or Marathas... The only problem which always happens in India we, the common people, now fall again on number theories or say superiorty complex to compare and count them... Self PRIDE is Good unless it becomes EGO..
chak k dunali jado bullet te sawar hunda
,pagg ban gabru jado tayaar hunda
,vekhde ne loki chadke chubare te kehnde

kash mai v sardar hunda

OK Brothers!

We really need to chill the f*$K out here - I mean what is it with us. Centuries after the caste system was created by the Brahmins (not the gods themselves) and rebuffed by educated people like us - we are still getting worked up on Gotra and all the nonsense of clans and tribes to go along with it.

It is the 21st century people and all my Indian brothers _ WE ARE INDIANS FIRST AND THEN SIKH, MUSLIM, ISAI OR HINDU. Remember this guys. Whether the Marathas took over the Tamils or the Tamils were never subjugated or the Rajputs were worse than the Sikhs and the Hindus the biggest weasels of all time - All this is nonsense.

We give into our pride so much that we forget that all that is not valid anymore and we are not infighting but stand together against an adversary cos we are INDIANS first and then belong to any other regions.

SO AS I SAID BEFORE - CHILL THE F*#K OUT PEOPLE! We are brothers and INDIANS before anything else!

OK Brothers!

We really need to chill the f*$K out here - I mean what is it with us. Centuries after the caste system was created by the Brahmins (not the gods themselves) and rebuffed by educated people like us - we are still getting worked up on Gotra and all the nonsense of clans and tribes to go along with it.

It is the 21st century people and all my Indian brothers _ WE ARE INDIANS FIRST AND THEN SIKH, MUSLIM, ISAI OR HINDU. Remember this guys. Whether the Marathas took over the Tamils or the Tamils were never subjugated or the Rajputs were worse than the Sikhs and the Hindus the biggest weasels of all time - All this is nonsense.

We give into our pride so much that we forget that all that is not valid anymore and we are not infighting but stand together against an adversary cos we are INDIANS first and then belong to any other regions.

SO AS I SAID BEFORE - CHILL THE F*#K OUT PEOPLE! We are brothers and INDIANS before anything else!


Well, brahmins have been a very well educated family in Hindu mythology, and my friend, in past, this cast system had developed to divide the responsibilities(work ) of people like, brahmins, the kshatriye and so on..it was based on the work being done by a particular individual not on some fixed groupism..I will give you an example..Maharishi Vishwamitra, in his early days was a KShatriya ruler of his Kingdom, maharishi valmiki was a thief and Lord Parashuram, even born to a brahmin rishi Parashar was a famous Warrior...
well agree, we are first Indian, but second nothing...
I dont believe in religions and castes,
Leave sikh,leave hindu,leave muslim,leave christian!
All that comes first is India and care about it first!:tup:
I am confused!

Joe, dont keep us guessing please!

Dear Sir,

A confession: I cheated a little. I assumed the Telugu member of your trio to be interchangeably Telugu and Kannadiga. That is of course something that will bring down every 'diga on my neck, and I will in all probability have to settle down away from Bangalore.

During our history course, when studying ancient India, we came across a curious period in Indian history called the Tripartite Struggle. During this period, which strictly speaking isn't ancient India, but really early mediaeval India, there were three dynasties in three corners of India struggling for power, and with sequential victories. Surprisingly, the majority of the victories were won by the southern power, the Rashtrakuta dynasty, against the north-western Rajput Pratihara, or Gurjara Pratihara, and the eastern Palas of Bengal.

This period of two hundred years saw almost cyclical swings in fortune, all marked by conquest of Kannauj, the golden apple of those times. There is no point in going into the intricate detail of campaign after campaign, except to observe certain things in the military historical and ethnic contexts.

In terms of military history, the significance of the Pratiharas and the different ways of war-making of the Pratihara and Rashtrakuta armies is worth mentioning.

The Pratihara were almost certainly a cavalry army, and used that arm extensively. They bottled up the Arab rulers of Sindh, and defeated their efforts to penetrate further in two different battles, which led to the loss of the left bank of the Indus, and the consolidation of Arab power in Mansurah, on the right bank. Subsequently, they found themselves constantly at war with Turkic invaders for nearly a century more, before they finally crumbled into their constituent feudatories, the Chauhans, of whom Prithviraj must be the best remembered, and the Guhilots took Chitorgarh. Three other clans, the Kalachuris, the Chandelas and the Paramars, broke off three other bits of the empire. Their rule over Kannauj lasted the longest, until Mahmud of Ghazni defeated them and sacked the city.

In sharp contrast, Rashtrakuta armies were largely infantry, although there were cavalry and elephant sections as well. It was with this infantry army that they flung back the cavalry armies of the west, and what seems to have been cavalry armies in the east as well. One historian of this period (I forget who, after 40 years of lack of access to the text books) called them the Assyrians of India, in tems of professional conduct of war.

In terms of ethnic observance, it makes nonsense of the British claim of martial races, since it was essentially the Kannadigas winning most battles, and the Bengalis and Rajputs being equally poised.

Considering that the battle for South India and East India, to quite an extent, the battles against the Marathas, including the future Duke of Wellington's signature battle, Assaye, were won by local recruits, it is clear that the martial races was an invention of the British.

I hope you found this curiousity of Indian history interesting: South Indian better than North, East Indian = Bengali and Rajput equally matched. But - alas - somebody sharp will ask me about Kambhoj horsemen riding for the Palas, and my whole pack of cards will come tumbling down!

JS, I know what you are trying to point it out here, Lets not open and keep others guessing ;)

The point is, I don't believe in "Superiority" of any Martial Race as history was dynamic all the time. Once ruling from Iran to SE asia, Maurya and Gupta are now no where in UP and Bihar's form.. Similarly Cholas and Chalukya's who has most of the India and SE asia are nowhere in South India and amazingly there is not Martial race theory attached with them while after Mughals invasion these Races came into existance when their brave leader understood the importance of unity and sect whether it is Rajputs, Sikhs or Marathas... The only problem which always happens in India we, the common people, now fall again on number theories or say superiorty complex to compare and count them... Self PRIDE is Good unless it becomes EGO..

Dear Sir,

I hope my post addressed the points you made so eloquently and skilfully. Unfortunately, I noticed your post only after posting my own, otherwise I would have configured it around your observations more closely.

What? I dont visit this thread for a day and Rajputs from everywhere have taken over! Get your own thread you friggin mouchtasch twirling warriors! This was about the Sikhs!

Just kiddin guys. Carry on.. :)
waheguru jee ka khalsa waheguru jee kee fateh,

To all the posters,,,

apologies if it might hurt or something wrong is posted..

The concept of sikhism and guru gobind singh jee is very different from we all are looking in to here. Most of here would have not read Guru Granth Saheb jee or the sikh history in its totality.
Guru Gobind Singh jee or any other gurus never asked anyone to join there army or follow them.

There are different instances in their life where people even left the gurus in mid battle and came back but for that history should be read in totality and with all knowledge not in bit of scribs from here or there.

One guy posted that Guru Gobind Singh jee said that he was descendent of Luv/Kush,,,, well check and post your sources here...dont speak of things heard of or without proper knowledge... where did Luv/Kush come from? or their forefathers come from???? no offence... all came from same GOD..

Then there is other guy who says every elderly child of hindu was made sikh to fight mughals......Sir this is very absurd or self made RSS/BJP fobia.....if u read sikh history the first wars of guru gobind singh jee were with the hill raja of kashmir and himachal of that time who could not bear the popularity or growing support of guru sahebs and felt insecured and attached them... its only about kings and not general public...guru saheb fought against tyranny be it mughals, hindus or anyone...regarding elder child being made a sikh i dont believe this coz gurus never asked anyone to become a sikh, allthose who wanted to become they did,,, again appreciated if a elderly child become sikh,, well there would be something that he can only become sikh and fight?? sry this might have hurt but please stop posting superiority phobia...

A few things that all gurus have told which are more important then other...

1) First and the most important a Sikh is a spiritual/religious person/sant who longs from oneness with god as guided by Guru saheban.

2) He does not discard social life (marraige, kids.....) for a life in jungle/mountain or a solitary life and lives an honest life of truthful earnings, share your earnings with needy and always remembering god in his heart.

3) He sees all people irrespective of cast, creed, colour, religion as one and children of same god.

4) He fights tyranny, oppression, injustice not only Sikhs but for whole mankind.. (For any Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, white, black, brown....)

5) The sword/gun or any weapon is always kept with us as said taiyar bar taiyar always and taken as a last resort when all other means have failed to solve the issue.

Most important is first point and without that the guy is not even Sikh but in guise of a Sikh.

bhul chuk maaf...

waheguru jee ka khalsa waheguru jee kee fateh

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