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Sikh To Death, a War nerd's tribute to Sikh warriors

Come on dude dont forget the Rajputs!!

And robbie ... we use Rana as our sur name and my grandparents came frm a hilly village in hoshiarpur called mehndi pur its closest district was dasua if i recall correctly and my great great Grand father converted on the hand of a sufi frm the lineage of Baba Fareed.
We had a sizeable hindu,muslim Rajput community there who wanted us not to leave.

Sorry dude I intentionally left them out (even though they were good warriors) cos they were the original traitors (no offence) who joined hand with the Mughals to save their own @ZZ and sold their integrity to fight against their own kind..
Why this forum is full of BS articles?? I am hating myself after reading such a long article which is nothing but racist, irrtating and talks about no connection to Hindus. Let me point out only one thing, I am eldest son of my family and If the same happens during Great guru Gobind Singh's time, My family would have given me to be a Sikh soldier for saving Hindus/Sikhs...
Sorry dude I intentionally left them out (even though they were good warriors) cos they were the original traitors (no offence) who joined hand with the Mughals to save their own @ZZ and sold their integrity to fight against their own kind..

Dude, do not forget Maharana Pratap , battle of haldighati , chittod . It is true that there were many traitors and rana pratap had to fight a lone battle . But fight he did and magnificently.

Traitors are found in every society , Shivaji had to deal with a lot of them. The problem with rajputs was they could not find an effective leader after rana pratap.

There were a few sparks of rajput honour later on like Ram singh son of mirza raje jaysingh who protected Shivaji when he was a captive of mughals.
Sorry dude I intentionally left them out (even though they were good warriors) cos they were the original traitors (no offence) who joined hand with the Mughals to save their own @ZZ and sold their integrity to fight against their own kind..

Get a pukin thing called life.

Do study about Prithvi raj Chauhan,Rana Sangram Singh and others,Surely will jog ur memory!

And we PROUD OF em.
Nd hate the moguls despite being muslims.

<<<<<<<Proud to be a Rajput.
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@Rajput Warrior and @ Ganimi

My original post for ur re-reading with important points in bold:

Sorry dude I intentionally left them out (even though they were good warriors) cos they were the original traitors (no offence) who joined hand with the Mughals to save their own @ZZ and sold their integrity to fight against their own kind..

the stress being on "fighting their own kind".

No where did I generalise the entire clan of Rajputs as traitors.

And as for Maharana Pratap...there also existed Raja Man Singhs who were proud of serving as generals under the mughals.

So I know my history..its for u to read some.
Today nobdy even gives a shyt abt man singh but all remember warrior kings like Rana Pratap,rana Sangram and Prithvi on whose honor u name ur Missiles?

U cant stamp an entire race just coz of some rotten eggs.

And judgin frm ur posts i conclude u dont belong to a warrior race u just dont seem like a proud man,Like Rajputs or anyother warrior race.
And robbie ... we use Rana as our sur name and my grandparents came frm a hilly village in hoshiarpur called mehndi pur its closest district was dasua if i recall correctly and my great great Grand father converted on the hand of a sufi frm the lineage of Baba Fareed.
We had a sizeable hindu,muslim Rajput community there who wanted us not to leave.

Ahh.. Hoshiarpur. Yes it has lots of villages bordering Himachal that are hilly. Is it Mehndipur or Mehandpur? If its the latter, I have relatives there. My nanke or mom's village is in dist. Hoshiarpur named Bachorhi. And Dasuya is no more a dist. Its a tehsil.

And yes Rana is also a pretty common surname amongst Rajput Sikhs. I am sure you're aware that there are some Rajput Sikhs as well. Chauhan is one common Rajput Sikh surname. They are pretty much at par with the Jatts (thats me) in terms of social and economic level.
@ Karthik your post # 16 did give me the impression that you were generalising rajputs and hence the reply. If you do not have such prejudice then I'm happy with that !

About fighting your own people , many maratha sardars marched with the expedition of Mirza jaysingh which resulted in the only major reversal faced by Shivaji maharaj. The only differance between rajputs and others you mentioned was that they were defeated in spirit while others did not.

Though I must say it's odd when you hear rajputs talking with great pride about kings who built jaipur. I was angry while visiting their palaces in jaipur listening how lavishly they lived. I wish they should take much more pride in rana pratap than those loosers.
Ahh.. Hoshiarpur. Yes it has lots of villages bordering Himachal that are hilly. Is it Mehndipur or Mehandpur? If its the latter, I have relatives there. My nanke or mom's village is in dist. Hoshiarpur named Bachorhi. And Dasuya is no more a dist. Its a tehsil.

And yes Rana is also a pretty common surname amongst Rajput Sikhs. I am sure you're aware that there are some Rajput Sikhs as well. Chauhan is one common Rajput Sikh surname. They are pretty much at par with the Jatts (thats me) in terms of social and economic level.

Its Mehndipur.River Bias flows near it.
My folks were the lumberdars of the village.Grand father still talks about it... wish to visit it some day.

Also i havent met many rathore rajputs in Pakistan, we have bhatti,Naru,salayria,chauhan,jaral,janjuas,manj,etc here

All my family migrated frm india punjab.
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Basic premise of the article - Sikhs being the coolest warrior dudes around itself is not so believable to me especially with my knowledge of the Gorkhas.

Sikhs mayb good fighters but definitely not the greatest.
Different people, different opinions. I too dont think we can classify one groups as the greatest warriors of all. There can be a lot of "one of the greatests" but its hard to call one group as the greatest.

Another nitpick - Sikhs being totally different from Hindus from the start.Yes today they totally maybe - even though I have personally seen many Sikhs coming to temples to pray and many Hindus going to Gurudwaras and witnessed many cross marriages between the two.

But when Khalsa was formed,the eldest son in every hindu family was raised as a Sikh.
Agree with that.

And thirdly as Punjab being the only place where the Mughal rule was defeated in their peak..well remember the Marathas and the Tamilians who never were subjugated during the entire history of the Mughals.
Marathas were fighting folks as well and there are a lot of similarities between them and the Sikhs. They way they fought, rose and disintegrated.

I havent read a lot about Tamils fighting Mughals or resisting invasions. Though I do know about some local Tamil king (from the Thevar community?) as being the first to raise the banner of revolt against the Brits in the South.

The reason why Punjabis and Sikhs in particular are different from the rest is the magnitude and the length of the assaults that they had to face. Imagine hordes after hordes, armies after armies ravaging your lands for a good part of 2500 years (with periods of relative calm of course). You cant compare any other region in India, or for that matter the world, with that. And that's what made the people who inhabited these lands different.
Today nobdy even gives a shyt abt man singh but all remember warrior kings like Rana Pratap,rana Sangram and Prithvi on whose honor u name ur Missiles?

U cant stamp an entire race just coz of some rotten eggs.

Dude a rotten apple can spoil a whole basket and a drop of poison in a jug of milk can kill a person.

yes Maharana Pratap,Prithvi Raj Chauhan are all legendary heroes that command my utmost respect but all the good work by those ppl gets tarnished by the traitors.

And im right in criticising the traitors for not uniting under a unified leadership to protect their homeland from alien invaders and fighting amongst themselves.

And judgin frm ur posts i conclude u dont belong to a warrior race u just dont seem like a proud man,Like Rajputs or anyother warrior race.

Oh is it..? Go read abt a certain race of ppl called "Tamils" and extent of the Tamil empire under the Cholas that spanned across Tamil Nadu to vast areas of present day Indonesia,Malaysia,SriLanka and Cambodia.

And remember were the only region in medieval India that was not conquered by any external power including the Mughals and even the British could only exercise a nominal rule upon us.
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I think the credit for valour of the punjabis should go to the sikh gurus.That "poras connection" the author made is too thin!

The gurus moulded a demoralized , defeated society into fierce warriors , sometimes making the ultimate sacrifice for this. If you know their history, when you listen to the chant of " waheguruji da khalsa , waheguruji di fateh "; sikh or no sikh , the warrior within you awakes!
Its Mehndipur.
My folks were the lumberdars of the village.Grand father still talks about it... wish to visit it some day.
Oh..then it must have been a tremendous loss. For what its worth, I am sorry to hear that.

Also i havent met many rathore rajputs in Pakistan, we have bhatti,Naru,salayria,chauhan,jaral,janjuas,manj,etc here

Then I have been misinformed. Though I do remember bumping into one Rathore from Pak on another forum. Janjuas and Chauhans are common on our side as well. There's a popular singer called Labh Janjua.

All my family migrated frm india punjab.
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Different people, different opinions. I too dont think we can classify one groups as the greatest warriors of all. There can be a lot of "one of the greatests" but its hard to call one group as the greatest.

true..my entire point was no one group was the greatest.Different ppl have different opinions.

I havent read a lot about Tamils fighting Mughals or resisting invasions. Though I do know about some local Tamil king (from the Thevar community?) as being the first to raise the banner of revolt against the Brits in the South.

The reason why there are no histories of Tamil-Mughal wars is that they were mostly skirmished in wich the Mughlas were soundly repulsed.

Actually I couldn get any English source for u to read but I come to know this as it exists in our literature.

The reason why Punjabis and Sikhs in particular are different from the rest is the magnitude and the length of the assaults that they had to face. Imagine hordes after hordes, armies after armies ravaging your lands for a good part of 2500 years (with periods of relative calm of course). You cant compare any other region in India, or for that matter the world, with that. And that's what made the people who inhabited these lands different.

I think the credit for valour of the punjabis should go to the sikh gurus.That porus connection the author made is too thin!

The gurus moulded a demoralzed , defeated society into fierce warriors , sometimes making the ultimate sacrifice for this. If you know their history, when you listen to the chant of " waheguruji da khalsa , waheguruji di fateh "; sikh or no sikh , the warrior within you awakes!

Well I'd say its both. The Gurus' efforts and the ingrained fighting spirit in the Punjabis. Porus was a Punjabi. The region had been settled by people that came via invasions. The Aryans, Indo-Greeks, The Kushans, the Scythians. There was bound to be a warrior like nature passed down via genes.
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