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Siachen avalanche: Pakistan welcomes India's offer

So why did Pakistan accept USA's help?

pakistan doesnt require their help, they are accepting because if pakistan denies, USA will cry and start blaming hafiz saaed for the rejection and increase the bounty, rofl
So why did Pakistan accept USA's help?

Cheng why do you have to make insinuations that "USA help was accepted" bla bla bla? Who gives a damn about the politics of whose help was offered and whose was accepted? Is it important to tell us how great the USA is on a thread like this? I think we should at all times not to lose focus - there are 135 lost ones that must be our primary concern.
If the Pakistani hierarchy have come to the conclusion the US or German or Swiss teams are the best to assist lets leave it hands of the experts to decide rather the likes of you want to score cheap tacky points on wanting us to pat the Amreekans back and have a jibe at China - you are indeed as predictable as your car thread...
Cheng why do you have to make insinuations that "USA help was accepted" bla bla bla? Who gives a damn about the politics of whose help was offered and whose was accepted? Is it important to tell us how great the USA is on a thread like this? I think we should at all times not to lose focus - there are 135 lost ones that must be our primary concern.
If the Pakistani hierarchy have come to the conclusion the US or German or Swiss teams are the best to assist lets leave it hands of the experts to decide rather the likes of you want to score cheap tacky points on wanting us to pat the Amreekans back and have a jibe at China - you are indeed as predictable as your car thread...

Facts are facts.

USA is helping; China is not.
because your soldiers deserve the best..whether its from US or any other countries...People playing petty politics cant see that.

Well said - but its important to Cheng that its the USA mentioned - even though other nations are present like Switzerland.
To Cheng its important to play petty politics and for us to bow to his masters - the thought of the soldiers and whats the best for them is an after thought. Shameful behavior.
Questions are bound to be raised when the country Pakistanis hate the most comes to help and the one Pakistanis love the most doesn't.

It's only natural to raise questions.

It is for Pakistanis to decide who they hate and who they love, foreigners like you don't get a say.
It is for Pakistanis to decide who they hate and who they love, foreigners like you don't get a say.

I can sense the frustration in your evasion of a pointed question.

Why is it that a country Pakistanis consider enemy is helping and a country Pakistanis love the most is still only 'considering'?

I am free to question.

You are free to evade.
Time is of the essence; the sooner it is decided, the better it is for the soldiers obviously.

Don't concern yourself with our soldiers, worry about your own in A-stan, we do not need your crocodile tears.

I can sense the frustration in your evasion of a pointed question.

Why is it that a country Pakistanis consider enemy is helping and a country Pakistanis love the most is still only 'considering'?

I am free to question.

You are free to evade.

Because our Chinese friends already help us in many different facets, we have helicopters - man power - the help they have to offer is something that we don't have, that is why they are considering it.
I can sense the frustration in your evasion of a pointed question.

Why is it that a country Pakistanis consider enemy is helping and a country Pakistanis love the most is still only 'considering'?

I am free to question.

You are free to evade.

the real rescue is being done by pakistanis only, americans are sitting in islamabad and chilling
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