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shut up call to RANGERS by zardari,s govt & PMs quite support to target only MQM(crouptors paradise?

You just want to take over from Altaf Bhai....! :tsk:

Aur janaab na sallam....na dua to your brothers ! :(

Altaf would die of a coronary soon. Then MQM will self destruct killing themselves.

Busy man, no time. Rarely visit PDF anymore. Same old same old, mods on power trip. "Muhajir" rotus crying wolf. Indians being cunts can't digest anything good regarding Pak.

How do you do butt boy?
It shows how your kid mind set works ?
Without cutting the cash flow , the financial support to any kind of terrotists , it is impossible to root out the terrorism at any form from MQM TO BLA , TO TTp these are mostly misguided poor youths used by vested interests with their money in the bank ?
With billions of croupted money into the politicians hands they can find millions of the needy ones to keep carrying out the terrorism .
So without getting financial terrorists & terrorism there is no way out .

Reported , offtopic & acting like a mod ?lolzzz
Don't you see , whole of your team is not responding to your little cries , cause they know me ?lolzzz
Operation is going and now land grabbers are also being picked up it would gain more pace in coming days and soon main leaders of MQM and PPP and others will be picked Zardari has no power to give shut up call operation is going on and will keep going
Operation is going and now land grabbers are also being picked up it would gain more pace in coming days and soon main leaders of MQM and PPP and others will be picked Zardari has no power to give shut up call operation is going on and will keep going
You have posted it , 100 times , it can be your wish but in reality its not the fact ?
If it is ,then post names of land grabers or stop your crap ?
Politics in Pakistan , isn't worked on your wishes ?

Five-year-old girl killed in grenade attack near Lyari Town office
SHAFI BALOCH — PUBLISHED about 5 hours ago

— File photo
KARACHI: A five-year-old girl was killed and a man was injured Wednesday when unknown persons hurled a hand-grenade at a residential compound near Karachi's Lyari Town office.

Two women also sustained minor injuries in the attack.

Eyewitnesses told DawnNews that unknown persons hurled a hand-grenade and fled from the area.

A huge contingent of police personnel arrived in the area.

Panic gripped the area in the aftermath of the attack.

Lyari is one of the poorest and most violent neighbourhoods of Karachi where clashes between rival gangs linked to political and ethnic groups erupt continuously.

Media report about PPP ,s request of support to gang war groups of liyari ?
& the issue behind the bomb attack in liyari yesterday ?
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More truth comes in about MQM,S wrong doings because of what ?
Asif zardari,s american girl friends .
Bb,s try to divorce zardari , his silent war against benazir Bhutto, her murder, then years of zardari in president house ?
Pls stay tuned .lolzzx
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