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Should Pakistan start making its own nuclear plants?

if your analysis of Pakistan defense forces capabilities and the engineering capabilities is based on your observation of three wheeler rickshaw or a donkey pump installed in your backyard, i don't really have much to say!!
it shows how good you are to judge these fields and Pakistan status in all this!

no one is comparing Pakistan with US where they have GE, Westinghouse or Daewoo!!
the Al-Khalid, the JFT, the Agosta, missile boats APC, Guns, ballistic and cruise missiles and all!! none is a private sector product, that how business goes here is Pakistan.

Are you suggesting that the government of Pakistan as an enterprise gets in the business of making reactors ?
i dont mean the minister or PM go on and start making the reactor but many government industries, the HMC, HEC, NESCOM, Kahuta Research Laboratories, all in joint do have all necessary equipment and knowledge.
that i confirm as being an insider form HMC, my father is mechanical engineer here!

the title is not something i was after, i never asked for it. those who are concerned thought i was worth this, they might be wrong, but you are not to judge this!
i am not reporting but this comes to me as a personal attack and insult!

still, as a brother, i REQUEST you to start taking this is a bit positive way and instead of going Blah Blah keep things on track and debate in a positive and humble manner, this will help you!

best regards!
Arsalan Aslam
Its not that we don't have capability to make our own Nuklear plant. We have enough resources to make one any time....yes this is quite possible it might not match the European/US standard right away but we can still manage it.....The only thing we need to do is start working on it and with time everything gonna get easy for us.....:smokin:
No, it's based on experience.


Burnt ! so easily ??
What?? Burnt!!
bro, i am here to learn, that what i am doing!!
these things do not matter to me at all, say what you want, i will try to find some liitle positive in your post and leave the garbage aside!

and you ask me to be humble !
Please feel free to report.
this show how much you respect the forum rules....

well leave it, if you have anything to say, send me via visitor message or that, why pollute the thread!
we dont have the tech to make a nuclear power plant yet, and also we want something that is proven. We dont want another chernobyl on our hands

10 years later and Pak still can't make its own plant we need to export it..

well this may not be the case, Pakistan do have the Technology and even if we lack in some parts it can easily be filled by foreign assistance from countries like China.

the main issue is that the world will never accept us to build neuclear power plants on our own, they will ask us to have loans from them but wont ever assist in making nuclear power plant! China is the only source but they too must be more intrested in making, establishing and running power palnts in pakistan and selling the electricity to WAPDA as it will generate more profit for them. though Chines are our loyal nad close friends but there is no friendship at level of national intrest!

We don't we still have to export...

I guess we shold be able to construct our own Nuklear plants by know. If we can't then this is our stupidity that we so lackless......:smokin:

True 10 years later and we still at square one...

Its not that we don't have capability to make our own Nuklear plant. We have enough resources to make one any time....yes this is quite possible it might not match the European/US standard right away but we can still manage it.....The only thing we need to do is start working on it and with time everything gonna get easy for us.....:smokin:

Not if we continue to export and not build our own.
Solar and Wind are long term solution

If every home in Pakistan can have 2-3 Solar pannels we won't need Nuclear tech
Solar and Wind are long term solution

If every home in Pakistan can have 2-3 Solar pannels we won't need Nuclear tech
200,000MW from Solar..... Work on this should be done immediately..... Pakistan is extremely hot country..... you guys desperately need electricity....You guys need to also build your own nuclear power plants.
The answer is simple. If Pakistan had the technical know how and expertise, you wouldn't be knocking the door of NSG just like India. :)
The answer is simple. If Pakistan had the technical know how and expertise, you wouldn't be knocking the door of NSG just like India. :)
Pakistan need to learn and develop it themselves we can't keep depending on other countries... The answer is yea Pak Should develop it's own 1600MW nuclear power plants ...
Is it really the right time for a country to build nuclear power plants when it cannot even build hotels with fire protection systems?
Is it really the right time for a country to build nuclear power plants when it cannot even build hotels with fire protection systems?
The thread was started 10 years ago and Pakistans leadership has no vision ... 10 years later we still can't build our nuclear power plants.
We should start, build them in the remote areas incase you know......nuclear accidents
We should start, build them in the remote areas incase you know......nuclear accidents
Yh thats what I had in mind as well.... Baluchistan is very poor and uneducated area.
Pakistan need to learn and develop it themselves we can't keep depending on other countries... The answer is yea Pak Should develop it's own 1600MW nuclear power plants ...

Well that's an optimistic comment. Really appreciate. :tup:
No, it's based on experience.

Burnt ! so easily ??

and you ask me to be humble !
Please feel free to report.
Disrespect to a TT is not allowed on the forum. You can formulate an argument but coming down to insults is unsavoury and not allowed. He might not give you a rating but I WILL.
However, interestingly I agree that the maraging steel would have to be imported. The expertise is there. However AT BEST we maybe able to build a 300 mw reactor with great difficulty. I know we have some 50 mw rectors working with a lot of local input. However your competitors have started producing 1000mw reactors which is not in your power to build yet.
It does not mean that we should not research and should not venture but the cost benefit analysis will work against you. On balance I would much rather get a specialized steel plant for the 4- 5 billion I would eventually spend on the reactor.
So please pay head to who you talk to and how. The TT badge is earned and needs to be respected. You can argue all you like but dont be disrespectful. Apologize within 24 hrs and CC me in and the rating gets reversed. Leave it and it stays.

We should start, build them in the remote areas incase you know......nuclear accidents
That is a really nasty response. This is our country. Every bit of it is our responsibility. Remote or populated does not matter. Safety is paramount.
A viable Steel mill with R&D in Metallurgy is the key in making composites
Disrespect to a TT is not allowed on the forum. You can formulate an argument but coming down to insults is unsavoury and not allowed. He might not give you a rating but I WILL.
However, interestingly I agree that the maraging steel would have to be imported. The expertise is there. However AT BEST we maybe able to build a 300 mw reactor with great difficulty. I know we have some 50 mw rectors working with a lot of local input. However your competitors have started producing 1000mw reactors which is not in your power to build yet.
It does not mean that we should not research and should not venture but the cost benefit analysis will work against you. On balance I would much rather get a specialized steel plant for the 4- 5 billion I would eventually spend on the reactor.
So please pay head to who you talk to and how. The TT badge is earned and needs to be respected. You can argue all you like but dont be disrespectful. Apologize within 24 hrs and CC me in and the rating gets reversed. Leave it and it stays.

That is a really nasty response. This is our country. Every bit of it is our responsibility. Remote or populated does not matter. Safety is paramount.

The gent you are referring to should have kept his peace,
When I told him my observation was based on experience then he should have understood.
Following is self explanatory.

Heck, the Chinese are using someone else design, and no one is willing to buy their own "indigenous" designs. even if the IAEA certifies.

Now it takes a special kind of a person to go to a 5 year old thread / post and then perform his act, as you did.
See the post like I pasted above, that has enough information to tell you what the boy was at that time. NOT a TT.

Usually I don't care about rating; this time I am going to make an exception.
@araz now you have 24 hours to read the full thread post and take away that rating.
You will come back, admit, apologize and write in depth, about how you failed to see

a. Date of the thread.
b. Arsalan's title 5 years ago.
c. simple logic that Arsalan, and YOU couldn't understand.
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