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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should Pakistan recognize and establish better ties with Israel?

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**** israel

The reality is simple anti semitism has spread deep and wide amongst muslims and Pakistanis

We hate jews on a general level

Any politician who suggests such a travesty will be hanging by his balls from a Lampost the next day

Its all good some liberal or Pakistani living in the west suggesting it but our largely right wing conservative people will never accept it
1stly, is it beneficial to us to hate them? Not at all...

2ndly will we benefit from recognizing them? Maybe

3rdly if we recognize them do we need to accept and support them? Not a must ....In fact when we recognize them we break the victim card they keep pushing up and show them look you are treated nicely now behave as a human should!

4thly, no matter what we do right wings will always form for some bloody reason or another! They will always exist! Maybe by ANNOUNCING IT LOUD AND CLEAR that recognition doesnt include a hugging and blind following package would be helpful!
Yes, Pakistan should be bold and make peace with Israel. It doesn't have to be best buddies, but just normalise relations.

The Arab/Israel conflict is nothing to do with Pakistan. All Pakistan has is a shared religion with palestinians. Is that enough to be in a conflict with Israel?

Brazil shares the same faith as Argentina, are they in war with the UK over the Falkland islands on Argentina's behalf? of course not

Italy is a very Catholic country. Were they in a conflict with the UK over Northern Ireland on the behalf of Irish? of course not.

If Pakistan wants to be a player on the world stage and earn kudos from the international community, this would be one step to achieving that. They might get slated by some Muslims countries (most notably Iran) but Jordan and Egypt have peace and relations between Israel and some of the Gulf states is quite good too.

We would gain nothing but lose a lot by doing that..!
We would gain nothing but lose a lot by doing that..!
What are we gonna lose? So far we have lost alot for not doing alot and gained less for doing alot......

Recognizing doesnt automatically mean we support them....by not recognizing them, they havent vanished from the face of the earth! They still receive enough aid to destroy homes and call people to their land to occupy it!

By not recognizing them we havent stopped no shit!

I see we losing more by not recognizing them coz we cant even speak on international level against something we dont recognize!

Then again at the bottom of this page I see this fever of recognizing israel has been going on for about a decade or more!

I see a thread from

2005: Pakistan soon to recognize Israel?
2005: Musharraf: Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel

2006: Pakistan should attack Israel
Gain much more respect from western countries. Possibly increased trade, access to better equipment.

Sharing medical, scientific and technological knowledge.

Be able to visit Jerusalem. Have an intermediary between Pakistan and India that isn't the USA for a change.

As it is, you gain nothing by not recognising Israel other than approval from palestinians - which to be honest doesn't mean much. The palestinians change their policy all the time depending on the situation. They were pro-Assad, now anti. They were getting money and weapons from Iran, now the relationship is broken down.

Palestinians deal with Israel every day. There is a lot of cooperation on all sorts of matters such as environmental, business, infrastructure. Many thousands of palestinians work in Israel.

BS .. That's what we gain!!


What are we gonna lose? So far we have lost alot for not doing alot and gained less for doing alot......

Recognizing doesnt automatically mean we support them....by not recognizing them, they havent vanished from the face of the earth! They still receive enough aid to destroy homes and call people to their land to occupy it!

By not recognizing them we havent stopped no shit!

I see we losing more by not recognizing them coz we cant even speak on international level against something we dont recognize!

Then again at the bottom of this page I see this fever of recognizing israel has been going on for about a decade or more!

I see a thread from

2005: Pakistan soon to recognize Israel?
2005: Musharraf: Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel

2006: Pakistan should attack Israel

Support of Gulf countries ... That feed you people ..

What do we gain in reality ? Nothing.

Science tech? Really ? .. You can gain that from countries lik USA,UK,China even Japan etc..

You support israel you also lose support on Kashmir cause (whatever you have).. Etc etc.

More internal issues .. With religious nuts going ape shit.
P.S who sai that you can't condemn an illegal state on world stage ?

Etc etc!
P.S who sai that you can't condemn an illegal state on world stage ?
We cant coz we dont even recognize it as a state

We can condemn ONLY Zionist MOVEMENT not the forcefully established state!

You support israel you also lose support on Kashmir cause (whatever you have).. Etc etc.
Totally unrelated...To my understanding india has us believe this so we wont recognize israel....

Plus its not like we are getting anywhere with Kashmir as of now or in some decade....with india refusing referendum we cant even give them their freedom nor develop the area...UN is a dead body which we keep appealing to and seems like it isnt even breathing!

Sure I hate what Israel is doing/ has done....but recognizing or not recognizing it seems to serve no advantage nor disadvantage to us...EXCEPT we cant speak against a state we dont recognize so far we can only speak against the movement, but that hasnt done much good to anyone, has it?

More internal issues .. With religious nuts going ape shit.
They go nuts about anything and everything...Who knows they may be RAW/ CIA/ MOSSAD fed nuts...at least 1 fund might drop a little shallow
I was Speaker of the House for Pakistan Young Leaders Conference and we have some Arab students from different countries ...among many other motions in the house ...one motion came to me about the recognition of Israel by few Pakistani students...I shared the motion open with everyone in the house ...that Arab student asked for permission to speak first on the motion and his words were like ' Dear Pakistani friends, Israel was recognized by a group of so called leaders who were too coward and too weak to stand against them eyeball to eyeball ...But ask me as Arab and I would rather choose hell to live in rather living next to Israel ...I have come to Pakistan out of respect ...Pakistanis are hard-working, well-educated people ...if you were not hard-working, you would've never survived so many wars and if you were not well-educated, you would've never rise as first Islamic Nuclear state ...Do you know Mr. Speaker ...my father invited everyone in the neighborhood for a Mandi-Al-Madfoon (A traditional meat dish) the day Pakistan detonated it's nuclear device ....was it all for this day Mr.Speaker that some strange love will be borne in the hearts of some Pakistanis for Israel out of no where ...or is it that they just don't know about the brutalities of Israel against anyone who is not a Zionist ........'
He spoke for some 7 minutes ....Mrs.Fauzia Kasoori (PTI) was sitting besides me ...her eyes were teary and all others were dumbstruck ...as soon his speech was over ...the guy in the control room played the national anthem ...and the first person that rose to honor it was that Arab student ....it was just electrifying ...The motion was dismissed unilaterally ...!
Whatever we say our government has close ties with israel.as in 1980 general zia asked isi to work with mosad to whiplash russia from afghanistan.
And in 2011 when iran asked for nuclear deal with pakistan nawaz sharif wrote a letter to benjamin netanyahu israelli pm that they must not worry about deal that is not gonna happen.
And in science conference lahore held few months ago israelli scientist attended conference...
Soure wiki pedia israel pak relations.
If you ask me, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is something that the Israelis and the Palestinians need to ultimately solve themselves. It all started with land disputes along religious lines.

Foreigners can help, but cannot solve problems for them, no matter how powerful they are. Many of whom are oceans apart.

Pakistan can consider it given that it has a purpose, and that it can balance both its internal and external environments. The internal part is more important.
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You should have reminded him that over a million Arabs live in Israel and they don't leave despite having the freedom to emigrate to an Arab state.

A bit strange that, if Israel is so bad eh?

Tell me honestly, how do you think you'd be treated walking around in Israel compared to an Israeli walking around in Pakistan?
So your whole argument is to prove that Israel is not a bad state at all or it's just not apartheid ?
Israel is no place to walk around ...tanks, prisons, jets, Zionists .....why someone would want to walk around a place full of war criminals and butchers ?
So your whole argument is to prove that Israel is not a bad state at all or it's just not apartheid ?
Israel is no place to walk around ...tanks, prisons, jets, Zionists .....why someone would want to walk around a place full of war criminals and butchers ?

There are worse fates.
And all And all.
Israel choosed to be the best friend of our eastern neighbor...

and thats the end of the story.......................
Absolutely relations must be established. Both countries have a common denominator - both were created on basis of religion.
Let Palestinians and Isreali resolve their issues themselves. For past 50 years noone could make it work except for themselves.
Its just a far-off country on the Mediterranean.
Pakistan stands to gain very little by establishing relations with Israel...
They will always prefer India over us !
Although we should drop this hostile attitude towards them among the general population.
Depends what Israel is offering. If its just a pat on the back by Uncle Sam then what is the point of such a major shift in foreign policy. However if it means a waiver from any future sanctions and increased trade then totally tango with Israel.

What Ben Gurion said about Pakistan is ominous so best to stay clear.
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