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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should Pakistan recognize and establish better ties with Israel?

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Israel as a Friend makes you very strong just ask the indians now receving $billions of hitech weapons from them.

Israel has a enemy BIG MISTAKE just ask your arab friends !!!

And YET! We dont even recognise 'her' existence. And we are ALIVE! :D
The map is not 100% accurate: Israel has an interest office in Taiwan, like most of Western countries.
Well, Israel does not have any conflict with Pakistan, and it would like to have diplomatic relations with all Muslim countries in Asia, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia. Israel sent a humanitarian mission to Indonesia in 2006. There are also some economic contacts between the two countries. Furthermore, the first democratically elected President of Indonesia, Wahid, although of his piety, had warm feelings towards Israel.

Regarding Pakistan, even with no diplomatic relations, Pakistan's leaders, mainly Benazir Bhutto and Musharraf, kept good contacts with several Israeli leaders and with the American Jewish community. Pakistani diplomats often meet with their Israeli colleagues in the UN and in other places around the world.

Israel has some concerns about Pakistan which are similar to the concerns of the rest of the world: its nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands and the global terror network within its territory which threaten on international stability. There are no attempts by Israel to stabilise Pakistan, we have got enough problems already to deal with. Our relations with India are for the mutual beneficial of both countries and are not against Pakistan.

As I see it, the main obstacle for formal diplomatic relations between the two countries is the wide hostility towards Israel in Pakistan's public who is fed by the propaganda machine of the extreme Islamic circles, in a similar manner as the Arab public is ready to believe in any rubbish about Israel. Pakistan's public opinion is easily ready to adopt any conspiracy theory in light of the character of the regime and its failures to improve the situation of the country. So, for ordinary Pakistanis, like the Arab public, the simple logic is that mighty external forces preventing Pakistan's success, and Israel can be blame. The next stage is of course to blame Israel for trying to disunite Pakistan or trying to sabotage its nuclear programme.

This public negative opinion against Israel makes it difficult on any government in Islamabad to recognise Israel.

As for the Palestinian conflict, you should not be more righteousness than the Palestinians themselves or our Arab neighbours. the PLO, Egypt, Jordan (and in some periods Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain) recognised Israel and formed official relations with it. And this are our former (or current) enemies! I can understand your wish to support the Palestinians, but the current position of Pakistan does not serve any purpose and only deprive both countries from what could be turn to be as good relationship.

If you really want to help the Palestinians, persuade them to drop their impossible demand that Israel will allow millions of them to return into Israel. Let me just remind you: the Palestinian refugee problem begun because of the Palestinian leadership's decision to reject the UN partition plan of 1947 and the establishment of a Jewish state. They decided to bring it down by force and by threatening to kill everyone! Israel did not have any other alternative but to defend itself. Unfortunately, during the battles, like in other conflicts (for example, between India and Pakistan in 1947-1948), people fled from their houses. In the Palestinian case large part of them (like in Haifa) left under the encouragement and instructions of the Palestinian leadership itself! Those who remained after the war are now full citizens of Israel (not a single Jewish village remained in the Arab territories). Does it seem realistic to you that India will accept those millions of Muslims who fled in 1947 to Pakistan?

This Palestinian demand is equivalent for asking Israel to commit suicide: Israel can not exist if it is not a nation-state of the Jewish people. On the rest of the problems (borders, settlements, Jerusalem, security) we can discuss and I believe solve most of the differences.

DOES anyone recongize the violence Isreal causes towards the people of Palenstain? Isreal's action is not kossar in their own religion period!!!
Between 1948 and 1967 Egypt and Jordan controlled Gaza and the West Bank, no one prevented the Arab World to establish a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders as all the Muslim world demands today. Of course, back then all of them demanded the dismantle of Israel.

Well reality change, the Palestinians and the Arab countries lost every war they initiated against Israel. The Palestinians cannot get what they could in 1947 or in 1967. For the sake of everyone they must be realistic.
We are not against to recognize Israel as we proved our self responsible country in many strategic issues on world level but we have to carefully step forward. But where i think still long way ahead. We have first of all create background in favour of this and bring into concern our Arabic partners so this long way can be reduced.
We are not against to recognize Israel as we proved our self responsible country in many strategic issues on world level but we have to carefully step forward. But where i think still long way ahead. We have first of all create background in favour of this and bring into concern our Arabic partners so this long way can be reduced.

I am in favour, take your time.
Israel has some concerns about Pakistan which are similar to the concerns of the rest of the world: its nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands and the global terror network within its territory which threaten on international stability. There are no attempts by Israel to stabilise Pakistan, we have got enough problems already to deal with. Our relations with India are for the mutual beneficial of both countries and are not against Pakistan.

These concern are mask of ill minded propaganda against Pakistan where countries participating in this propaganda has well established negative plannings against Pakistan. Who gave rights Israel pointing concerns over Pakistan nukes when they itself surrounded by Arab countries and what is guaranty that you nukes never will go into hands of your oppositions or in bad hands? Have you? So this concern is Visa Versa. Try to keep out yourself in fictional theories.

If Israel want to develop relations with Pakistan they have to accept Pakistan atomic power (same like India) as Pakistan satisfied whole world over security of its program. So don't use typical tricks of discussion. We also will well come any effort from Israel toward development of relations if they will base over reality but not over fed propaganda.
These concern are mask of ill minded propaganda against Pakistan where countries participating in this propaganda has well established negative plannings against Pakistan. Who gave rights Israel pointing concerns over Pakistan nukes when they itself surrounded by Arab countries and what is guaranty that you nukes never will go into hands of your oppositions or in bad hands? Have you? So this concern is Visa Versa. Try to keep out yourself in fictional theories.

If Israel want to develop relations with Pakistan they have to accept Pakistan atomic power (same like India) as Pakistan satisfied whole world over security of its program. So don't use typical tricks of discussion. We also will well come any effort from Israel toward development of relations if they will base over reality but not over fed propaganda.


Pakistan decided to assist three countries - Iran, Libya, and North Korea - to acquire nuclear weapons. These are not just an ordinary countries, their regimes are constantly threatening other countries and jeopardise international and regional stability. In light of the events in Libya, just imagine what could have happened if Qaddafi successfully acquired nuclear weapons with Pakistan's assistance.

Unfortunately the list goes on - Pakistan offered its nuclear services to Saddam's regime in Iraq just a short time before he invaded Kuwait. Just imagine nuclear weapons in the hands of the Barbaric regime of Saddam who did not hesitate to massacre the Kurds and even members of his own family.

Only three weeks before the 9/11 terror attacks, two distinguished former nuclear scientists of Pakistan met with Bin-Laden and offered their services.

And the international community and Israel, as part of it, should not be worried?

Israel is a stable democratic country, nobody fear that it will fall into anarchy. On the other hand, Pakistan's defence establishment supports militant groups operating against civilians and security forces in India and Kashmir and Afghanistan. Terror organisations connected to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban operate openly in Pakistan and managed to take control on several areas of the country in FATA and NWFP. Pakistan's government and its security forces watch idly as these extreme forces gain more power, expanding their influence and arm themselves due to the need to use then for Pakistan's purposes in Kashmir and Afghanistan.

As a result, Pakistan's soundness is questioned by the entire international community, including how really safe its nuclear weapons. Why the U.S. refuse to offer Pakistan the same nuclear deal that it signed with India? People in Pakistan persuaded themselves that it is because of an American hatred or discrimination against Muslims, but the obvious reason is how can you legitimise Pakistan's nuclear programme after it was used to assist rogue regimes to develop WMD, its senior scientists tried to help Al-Qaeda, and the entire country is soaked with terror?

Although Pakistan helped our worst enemies who threaten publicly to destroy Israel (like Iran), Israel can overcome it and sincerely offer good relations between the two countries. All we can hope that Pakistan will become a model for a Muslim state which have positive contribution to international security and can play a moderate role within its civilisation.

Seems like you are one of Israeli who believe what you listen in general media. So keep on.
But i doubt all stands on same point of thinking.
Our concern tends to peaceful Israelis.

Seems like you are one of Israeli who believe what you listen in general media. So keep on.
But i doubt all stands on same point of thinking.
Our concern tends to peaceful Israelis.

If what I have said is wrong, please correct me. I am open to discuss it.

I can only hope that you are a peaceful Pakistani.
why would not we help our Palesteni brothers, instead recognizing israel, i think People of Pakistan will never allow government to
recognize Israel
make Palestinian a separate state with facilities.Land Area should be provided by israel equally. Wailing wall, mosque aqsa and gambat-e-sakarah as buffer zone monitored by OIC +UN forces.and there will remain no issue
We should also keep in mind that our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) did used to have peace talks with the Jews because indeed Islam is peace loving but if israel still doesn't bother then our message should be clear.
OLD thread BUT YES we should thats my stance
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