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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should Pakistan recognize and establish better ties with Israel?

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I think Musharaf tried to do that when he was president, but seems like Israel not interested to deal with Pakistan, as he already committed with India. I think Israel just want to support those countries which are anti Pakistan and Iran. One thing I don’t understand is that why USA support Israel?
Christians especially the conservative ones believe that Jesus (Hazrat Isa) won’t descend from the heavens and return to earth until all the Jews are gathered in Jerusalem. Hence the Christians support Israel because they believe it is important for the Jews to have a homeland so they can be gathered there and Jesus could descend. This is the religious side of the story, and trust me, no matter what American politicians say, they are very much into this fundamental stuff. The political side is of course Americans support Israel so they could control the Arab states and also because there is a very strong Jewish lobby in the US which has practically hijacked the whole American system (due to very large representation of the Jews in every department).
We have a commen border with IRAN. We got to have their confidance before taking out such a move . Above all You have to understand the sentiments of the ordinary people of the whole Muslim Uma . I think What Israel did in Palestine and Lebanon , They dont deserve such a reward.
Plus anybody in the GoP is not a fool to take such a Risky step which would make its position volatile in the Political Arena.
Already People are Frustrated from the American intruments so i guess nobody would ever want to be called or remembered as an instrument of Zionism.

And i dont think that By recognizing Israel would make any differance to their stance and their way of Engagement towards us.
WOW, qsaark, it makes sense, and in another post someone also said that Musharraf tried and Israel was not ready to disconnect with India, or may be not interested in fair and just peace any where in the world, in Kashmir or in Palestine.

And it will be interesting to read this about Isael's involvement in Sri Lanka.
Another Israeli war - Sri Lanka - Stormfront
If that is the Israel than Allah would not want us to make peace with the people who oppress, kill and take others land forcibly. If Israel mends its ways of doing business honorable, fairly and with reasonable intents than we could think about it.
Pakistan should recognize israel simply bcoz its important for us to do this act now !!!
and as far as all muslim states r concern the question is why some of the states have recognized israel and moreover all the muslim states have recognized our enemy that is india and all they are enjoying their relations whether its biltarael,military,economic etc!!!
if they can recognize our enemy we should recognize their enemy too and as far as palestinian's r concern they r not frnd of pakistan and its not our problem to solve that issue our main issue is kashmir and i may ask u all that how many times these muslim states have raised issue regarding kashmir and how many hav stand by our side on kashmir issue...!
1) Pakistan would be hated by many Muslim countries specifically Arab countries. Pakistan would be seen as a traitor to the Muslim World which is dedicated to liberating Islam's third Holiest site in Jerusalem The Dome of the Rock. Pakistan would also be seen as a target by Arab countries and militants who would perhaps begin a wave of attacks on Pakistan for it's "betrayal". Pakistan's name will be defamed in the Muslim world.

I'm not saying we should but recognize them but turkey,egypt ,jordan,oman,tunisia,morrocoo,azerbeijan even iran(until the islamic revoltuion) all have or atleast had diplomatic relations with israel and were never hated why should pakistan be if we did ?
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:)there is no Israel..british govt stole the land and gifted it to Jews...the land was simply Arab Land in which low population of jews lived protected by Muslims..
Jews failed in Germany to hijack it they found another home tagged Israel..in 1948 soon after WW2 within 3 years with the help of British govt..So why should Pakistan recognize so called Israel when actually there is no Israel but the land of Palestine stolen..what will we get by recognizing Israel?? After soviet oust from Afghanistan with the help of jihadis and Pakistan did US gave us gold mines??
if they can recognize our enemy we should recognize their enemy too and as far as palestinian's r concern they r not frnd of pakistan and its not our problem to solve that issue our main issue is kashmir

Therein lies the reason of the divide of the muslims... go figure... then we go about blaming the west for all our problems... :hitwall:

Sir jee the rulers of the arab countries that you mentioned enjoy the total support of the US; all wine and dine at the same table; offcourse the will accept israel; another reason is to counter the influence of shia iran; that is the greatest threat to the arab countries you mentioned.
I say we recognize Israel, they are a country, and they are here to stay, no matter if we like it or not. And we do we always have to kiss up to the Arabs? Most Arab countries support Indian Control over Kashmir, why do we have to kiss their ***** and support Palestine? WE ARE NOT ARABS
Interesting yet controversial topic..

I want to list some of the facts about Israel that a lot of people don't know or care about...

Here are some positives

Israel invests in education and “brain power”

• Israel has the world’s highest per capita rate of university degrees.
• Israel has the world’s highest ratio of scientists and technicians in the workforce, with 135 per 1,000 citizens, as compared to 85 in the U.S.
• Israel has the world’s second-highest per capita output of new books annually.
• Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation in the world.

Israel invests more of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
research and development than any other country in the world.

• While the world spends an average of 1.5 percent of its GDP on research and development (R&D), Israel commits 5 percent of its GDP to R&D.
• Israel has the third-highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world, including the highest rate among women and people over 55.
• Israel ranks third in the world in per capita patents, behind only the U.S. and Japan.

Israel is at the forefront of hi-tech innovation.

• “The world’s Silicon Valley” and a “global source of innovation,” Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world, apart from Silicon Valley itself. Israel became the world’s fourth-largest high-tech economy in the 1990s.
• Israel has the third-largest number of NASDQ-listed companies in the world, with the U.S. and Canada having the fi rst and second.
• Microsoft and Intel built their only non-U.S. R&D facilities in Israel. Over 50 other international giants also established R&D facilities in Israel.
• Israeli researchers developed the cell phone (Motorola-Israel), most of the Windows NT operating system (Microsoft-Israel), the technology for AOL Instant Messenger,the first PC anti-virus software (in 1979), voice mail technology, electro-optic chips and nanotechnology.
• Israelis developed the Pentium 4 microprocessor for desktop computers and the Centrino processor for laptop computers.
• Israel is developing the next generation of Mars Rovers and the first models of the“flying car.”
• Israel is devising protection from disasters, such as an alarm that senses a coming earthquake 30 seconds before it hits, and systems to help people safely exit tall buildings in emergencies, such as collapsible external elevators.

Israel is at the forefront of Biomedical innovation and has developed

- Advanced techniques in helping those who are paralyzed, from motorized robotic arms and legs that respond to brain commands, to procedures for regenerating the spinal cord.
- A Vaccine to treat Anthrax
- Preliminary research for generating molecules that will kill cancer cells but not affect normal cells
- Groundbreaking research for treatments or cures for Type 1 diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and emphysema.
- Safer methods for diagnosing disease from mini video camera that fits into an ingestible pill and can be used for diagnosing intestinal diseases, to safer imaging techniques for diagnosing breast cancer
- A device that causes acne bacteria to self destruct without damaging the surrounding skin.
The worlds largest Generic Drug company, Teva Pharmaceuticals.

Israel is at the forefront of environmentally friendly innovations

- Israel is the worlds only country that entered the 21st century with a net gain in the number of trees ... lol
- An Israeli scientist pioneered the use of bacteria to clean up oil pollution in oil tankers pipelines and on beaches
- Developed a new technology that eliminates the need for chemicals, pesticides and fungicides in hydroponic agriculture
- The Israeli company Evogene introduced technology that genetically modifies foods naturally through "evolution accelerator Technology" which develops genes from the same plant
- Israeli's developed drip irrigation systems that revolutionized agriculture
- Developed a sun heated water tank, which converts solar energy into thermal energy
- Israeli, American and Canadian researchers formed the nano technology Clean water initiative to work on nanotech-based solution to the water shortages in the middle east and the rest of the world.

Just some of the things..i mentioned.. We all know the Bads :)
Interesting yet controversial topic..

I want to list some of the facts about Israel that a lot of people don't know or care about...

Here are some positives

Israel invests in education and “brain power”

• Israel has the world’s highest per capita rate of university degrees.
• Israel has the world’s highest ratio of scientists and technicians in the workforce, with 135 per 1,000 citizens, as compared to 85 in the U.S.
• Israel has the world’s second-highest per capita output of new books annually.
• Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation in the world.

Israel invests more of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
research and development than any other country in the world.

• While the world spends an average of 1.5 percent of its GDP on research and development (R&D), Israel commits 5 percent of its GDP to R&D.
• Israel has the third-highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world, including the highest rate among women and people over 55.
• Israel ranks third in the world in per capita patents, behind only the U.S. and Japan.

Israel is at the forefront of hi-tech innovation.

• “The world’s Silicon Valley” and a “global source of innovation,” Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world, apart from Silicon Valley itself. Israel became the world’s fourth-largest high-tech economy in the 1990s.
• Israel has the third-largest number of NASDQ-listed companies in the world, with the U.S. and Canada having the fi rst and second.
• Microsoft and Intel built their only non-U.S. R&D facilities in Israel. Over 50 other international giants also established R&D facilities in Israel.
• Israeli researchers developed the cell phone (Motorola-Israel), most of the Windows NT operating system (Microsoft-Israel), the technology for AOL Instant Messenger,the first PC anti-virus software (in 1979), voice mail technology, electro-optic chips and nanotechnology.
• Israelis developed the Pentium 4 microprocessor for desktop computers and the Centrino processor for laptop computers.
• Israel is developing the next generation of Mars Rovers and the first models of the“flying car.”
• Israel is devising protection from disasters, such as an alarm that senses a coming earthquake 30 seconds before it hits, and systems to help people safely exit tall buildings in emergencies, such as collapsible external elevators.

Israel is at the forefront of Biomedical innovation and has developed

- Advanced techniques in helping those who are paralyzed, from motorized robotic arms and legs that respond to brain commands, to procedures for regenerating the spinal cord.
- A Vaccine to treat Anthrax
- Preliminary research for generating molecules that will kill cancer cells but not affect normal cells
- Groundbreaking research for treatments or cures for Type 1 diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and emphysema.
- Safer methods for diagnosing disease from mini video camera that fits into an ingestible pill and can be used for diagnosing intestinal diseases, to safer imaging techniques for diagnosing breast cancer
- A device that causes acne bacteria to self destruct without damaging the surrounding skin.
The worlds largest Generic Drug company, Teva Pharmaceuticals.

Israel is at the forefront of environmentally friendly innovations

- Israel is the worlds only country that entered the 21st century with a net gain in the number of trees ... lol
- An Israeli scientist pioneered the use of bacteria to clean up oil pollution in oil tankers pipelines and on beaches
- Developed a new technology that eliminates the need for chemicals, pesticides and fungicides in hydroponic agriculture
- The Israeli company Evogene introduced technology that genetically modifies foods naturally through "evolution accelerator Technology" which develops genes from the same plant
- Israeli's developed drip irrigation systems that revolutionized agriculture
- Developed a sun heated water tank, which converts solar energy into thermal energy
- Israeli, American and Canadian researchers formed the nano technology Clean water initiative to work on nanotech-based solution to the water shortages in the middle east and the rest of the world.

Just some of the things..i mentioned.. We all know the Bads :)

Thank you for your contribution, it was very interesting to read this information. Again good input and very helpful.

Israel is a very powerful country.

They are all set to replace Russia as india,s biggest military supplier.

They are a very educated and cunning race.

The israeli Indian military relationship is very deep and its thanks to the Jewish lobby that india is getting so much attention in Washington.

The israeli india alliance is talked about/debated in real depth in pakistan because its worrying Pakistan leaders and their military in particular.

Breaking Israel from india should be [Pakistans no 1 priority).

But how you do that is a very difficult question
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