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Should democracy be scrapped in India?

Why do you think the results have anything to do with how people voted. We cannot recognize elections that are not transparent. EVMs don't meet that standard.

If EVMs are 'fixed' then do you think the opposition parties would have stayed silent.

Götterdämmerung;2958052 said:
How about me, a German guy. You already have imported an Italian who are known not to be very good democrates and less efficient than Germans. And you have been ruled by German aristocracy for 200 years aka Windsor aka Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and the House of Hanover. I would make India a prosperous and free country. But first you have to endure my Bismarck ruling style for at least 30 years. :D

If you are German, then Pope is protestant.
Democracy should be scrapped and we should have 'Ram Rajya'......
What Great Leap did was to kill millions of people in the process of making sub standard steel and produce more food for export so that Mao can fulfill his super power dreams. The way you justify Great Leap is an insult to the millions of Chinese who were killed in this process.

Ignorant and uneducated as you are! Talking the truth and facing the fact are a glorious thing, not insulation, even if the truth is unpleasant, sometimes painful.

Unlike many Indians, we never take hunky-dory mentality in talking/doing about anything. We are down-to-the-earth. That’s why we are winning and you are failing. LOL!

Man.. you have the nerve to display US flags and then justify one of the most brutal of Mao's decision..the decision to fight in Korea. About a million Chinese (as well as thousands of US, UN,Korean troops) lost their lives to fulfill Mao's ego.


A typical Indian low mindset! Why I can’t display my nation’s flag that protests me, and I pay tax to? Has my tax money to Uncle Sam used to save your starving children, at least it can save 1000 children a year.

Those dead Chinese did great thing for protecting China, just as those great American soldiers did for their country in WWII. Anything here makes you clownish brain (if any) confused? Perplexed? Conflicted?

Brutal? No regime in this world is more brutal than a democratic regime that kills its own children 2 million a year, and year after year.

Please don’t take others as some your fellow Indians who would become Korean today and Japanese tomorrow, perhaps Vietnamese the 3rd day. It is well know your common practice... :lol:
india and democracy should never be used in the same sentence.

india has never been a democracy and never will be.
its a dynasty based on the nehru family connections.

india is democratic in name only.

its a despotic regime with an italian woman as the leader of 1.2 billion indians.
I suggest more democracy, transparent democracy, which we still don't have.
Agreeed, but to reach there we need a sound organization that feeds the socity with reasoning ability and because our forefathers were emotionaly driven we are having leaders who are interested in having thier family dinasity rule the country.
wait for the time when people see the good in cadidate before they vote for one rather than go with the symbol of a perticular party
Götterdämmerung;2957753 said:
But your equation of no democracy = being a robot is a fallacy. I have never lived in China besides the few weeks per year on assignment, all the time I never had the feeling that the people I met are being oppressed or robotic. In fact, the society is vibrant and when I return to Germany the first thing I notice are the grey faces without smiles. We are so bloody rich and democratic and we should be much more happy than the Chinese I see in the public and privately.

Even, I visited China many time. My experience is very different; moreover, I have close connections to Hong Kong, through people from western educated institutes. And what I hear from them is dramatically different.
Even, I visited China many time. My experience is very different; moreover, I have close connections to Hong Kong, through people from western educated institutes. And what I hear from them is dramatically different.

Mind to tell me your experience? Difference of perception can be explained by different cultural background. For a Chinese, Germany is grey, empty and dull, maybe for an Indian, too.
Ignorant and uneducated as you are! Talking the truth and facing the fact are a glorious thing, not insulation, even if the truth is unpleasant, sometimes painful.

Then enlighten me o wise one, what Mao planned to do with that backyard steel plants.

The great leap was all about increasing agriculture production and export it to countries like Russia so as to get armament industries in return, resulting in the deaths of millions of Chinese who were worked upto death.

IUnlike many Indians, we never take hunky-dory mentality in talking/doing about anything. We are down-to-the-earth. That’s why we are winning and you are failing. LOL!

Your 'Warning Ministry' is winning a lot of friends in the region.

A typical Indian low mindset! Why I can’t display my nation’s flag that protests me, and I pay tax to? Has my tax money to Uncle Sam used to save your starving children, at least it can save 1000 children a year.

If you are hell bent on licking CPC boots, atleast fly one China flag so that other genuine Americans are not confused.

Also you can keep your tax to yourself.AFAIK, we don't receive or need US aid.

Those dead Chinese did great thing for protecting China, just as those great American soldiers did for their country in WWII. Anything here makes you clownish brain (if any) confused? Perplexed? Conflicted?

Brutal? No regime in this world is more brutal than a democratic regime that kills its own children 2 million a year, and year after year.

Please don’t take others as some your fellow Indians who would become Korean today and Japanese tomorrow, perhaps Vietnamese the 3rd day. It is well know your common practice... :lol:

The only person acting like a clown is you.Those Chinese killed Americans by the thousands, the citizens of the country on whose lap you now so proudly sit. I don't understand how you can justify that. Next you will also say that Nazi killings of US soldiers is also good after all they were also protecting their realm.

Protecting China..there was no plan to invade China in the first place.
Even, I visited China many time. My experience is very different; moreover, I have close connections to Hong Kong, through people from western educated institutes. And what I hear from them is dramatically different.

Not a surprise.

If you stay with human scum, then the rest of human is scum to you.
india and democracy should never be used in the same sentence.

india has never been a democracy and never will be.
its a dynasty based on the nehru family connections.

india is democratic in name only.

its a despotic regime with an italian woman as the leader of 1.2 billion indians.

Let me tell you the other side of great leap forward, cultural revolution.

In great leap forward, China laid down its foundation of heavy industry. People analyze that this is why some 20 years later, China can be the world center of manufacture, but not India or other big poor country.

Culture revolution tells people how a full democracy would look like in China, thus not many people in China favor rambunctious democracy.

Mao can't live forever... don't put impossible if into secular discussion, which is a problem of (some) Indian imagination.

Lol at your explanation. Good days came for China only after Mao died.

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