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Should democracy be scrapped in India?

The great leap did squat . It was Deng's level headed policies that saved China.

Dude, if you want a serious discussion, do you think China's industry foundation came up over night?


It really took decades to come. Deng just liberated people's mindset. He can't magically change the material foundation over the night. He is no your PM Singh that the world talk Mumbai instead of Shanghai in 4 years while doing nothing substantial over no substantial length of time.

Culture Revolution was Mao's ploy to get rid of his opponents in the party.

Agreed that Mao did a lot of bad things, in addition to a lot of wonderful things.

However, more than one time truth is in minority’s hand. For instance, Mao objected to majority’s opinion that China should not fight with USA in Korea. And without Korea war, the China today would be very different.
guys, why are we INDIANS even replying in this thread. we are patient people and we have lived good with the current form of Governance for over 66 years now and there is no need for us to explain some fool who like hawks wait for our downfall.

Personally you may have lived well, but hundreds of millions of your fellow Indians are living very poorly indeed, while your leaders loot billions. Let us recognize our failures and try to improve.
A system is only feasible when it fits the mindset or culture (I generically call it social soil) of its constituents.

India does not have social soil for democracy, but perhaps for a kind of partial democracy. (BTW the same goes to China.)


Please check out your countryman’s post and my comments below.

As of 2011 Democracy Index ranking India is consider flawed Democracy with a value of 7.3.

and People's Republic of China with value 3.14 and category Authoritarian regime

When PRC climbs up to the category of Full democracy , we"ll take Chinese opinions more seriously, feel free to disagree


Götterdämmerung;2957893 said:
I have stated my reason in an earlier post.

Can you provide me a link to that post.
constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy can be a good option
Dude, if you want a serious discussion, do you think China's industry foundation came up over night?


It really took decades to come. Deng just liberated people's mindset. He can't magically change the material foundation over the night. He is no your PM Singh that the world talk Mumbai instead of Shanghai in 4 years while doing nothing substantial over no substantial length of time.

What Great Leap did was to kill millions of people in the process of making sub standard steel and produce more food for export so that Mao can fulfill his super power dreams. The way you justify Great Leap is an insult to the millions of Chinese who were killed in this process.

Agreed that Mao did a lot of bad things, in addition to a lot of wonderful things.

However, more than one time truth is in minority’s hand. For instance, Mao objected to majority’s opinion that China should not fight with USA in Korea. And without Korea war, the China today would be very different.

Man.. you have the nerve to display US flags and then justify one of the most brutal of Mao's decision..the decision to fight in Korea. About a million Chinese (as well as thousands of US, UN,Korean troops) lost their lives to fulfill Mao's ego.

War is no by means wonderful.

constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy can be a good option

And who should be Monarch.

Personally you may have lived well, but hundreds of millions of your fellow Indians are living very poorly indeed, while your leaders loot billions. Let us recognize our failures and try to improve.

And who selected this leaders...Us. Next time when voting , don't vote for free TV, grinder but for good governance and everything will sort out itself.
guys, why are we INDIANS even replying in this thread. we are patient people and we have lived good with the current form of Governance for over 66 years now and there is no need for us to explain some fool who like hawks wait for our downfall.

This is one of the facts why India democracy is way underperform US democracy, so it can hardly be called democracy.

In USA, plenty people criticize the system, having a sense of crises, whereas Indian counter-party is always hunky-dory baselessly.

Please read the following to see how constituents in democracy should behave:

Steven Strauss: America: Slouching Towards Third World Status
Will Truthiness Destroy America?

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity" -- "The Second Coming", William Butler Yeats

Yeats' lines aptly describe our current age of political mediocrity. As we consider our politicians, we can hardly say that they're our best. And the worst of them are full of passionate intensity, with passions driven by ideology, rather than fact-based analysis.

The United States has been in decline relative to other countries for the last 30 years. On key metrics, we've fallen behind our peer group of industrialized countries, such as the UK, France, Germany, and Japan.

Am I exaggerating? Well, according to the Corruption Perception Index, we rank 24th in the world (only slightly better than Qatar) for public sector corruption. We rank 25th (way behind our peer group) in the OECD for math scores among 15-year-olds.

Over the past 30 years, our national debt has grown from about 30 percent of GDP to over 100 percent, and will become much worse based on current trends. In a recent survey of 10,000 Harvard Business School Alumni, "66 percent of respondents see the U.S. falling behind emerging economies." It is difficult to find many encouraging metrics.

If the above statistics don't convince you, visit the New Delhi International Airport, then compare it with our JFK or Newark International Airports. In many areas, our infrastructure is an embarrassment, already inferior to that of many third world countries.

These facts (and many others) have escaped Romney, Santorum and our current group of Republican leaders. Obama and the Democrats aren't doing significantly better at confronting these challenges.

As of 2011 Democracy Index ranking India is consider flawed Democracy with a value of 7.3.

and People's Republic of China with value 3.14 and category Authoritarian regime

When PRC climbs up to the category of Full democracy , we"ll take Chinese opinions more seriously, feel free to disagree


Can you provide me a link to that post.

In Germany, we allow all sorts of people in our political discourse, even communists.

Here is the link: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/181535-should-democracy-scrapped-india-6.html#post2957555
Personally you may have lived well, but hundreds of millions of your fellow Indians are living very poorly indeed, while your leaders loot billions. Let us recognize our failures and try to improve.
as a fellow INDIAN what would you suggest, that we scrap Democracy and then what?
every nations people will take time from being emotional idiots to inteligent mob. it takes time and patience and still we are evolving. we can not make changes over night to a new system and see the fruits of it, even if its sucessfull, how long can it be sustained in a country of over 1.2 billion people
And who should be Monarch.

How about me, a German guy. You already have imported an Italian who are known not to be very good democrates and less efficient than Germans. And you have been ruled by German aristocracy for 200 years aka Windsor aka Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and the House of Hanover. I would make India a prosperous and free country. But first you have to endure my Bismarck ruling style for at least 30 years. :D
Götterdämmerung;2958024 said:
In Germany, we allow all sorts of people in our political discourse, even communists.

Here is the link: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/181535-should-democracy-scrapped-india-6.html#post2957555

There were positive improvements by her indeed.

But economically, she continued the license raj despite the fact they continued to cause the Hindu growth rate.

Also her methods of quelling the Punjab insurgency, support for LTTE. Not really appealing. If continued those would have been long term disasters.

Like i said dictatorship doesn't necessarily mean you can end like Singapore, Japan, Taiwan or SK, there is an equal possibility of ending up like Pakistan, Myanmar, NK....
There were positive improvements by her indeed.

But economically, she continued the license raj despite the fact they continued to cause the Hindu growth rate.

Also her methods of quelling the Punjab insurgency, support for LTTE. Not really appealing. If continued those would have been long term disasters.

Like i said dictatorship doesn't necessarily mean you can end like Singapore, Japan, Taiwan or SK, there is an equal possibility of ending up like Pakistan, Myanmar, NK....

True that, but all succesful democracies built their democratic foundation under authoritarism.
Götterdämmerung;2958075 said:
True that, but all succesful democracies built their democratic foundation under authoritarism.

That sound like a general statement , these are the list of full democracies as of 2011

Norway 9.80 Full democracy Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, unicameralism
2 Iceland 9.65 Full democracy Parliamentary republic and parliamentary democracy, unicameralism
3 Denmark 9.52 Full democracy Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, unicameralism
4 Sweden 9.50 Full democracy Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, unicameralism
5 New Zealand 9.26 Full democracy Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, unicameralism
6 Australia 9.22 Full democracy Federalism, constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
7 Switzerland 9.09 Full democracy Federalism, directorial system, bicameralism
8 Canada 9.08 Full democracy Federalism, constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism,
9 Finland 9.06 Full democracy Parliamentary republic and parliamentary democracy, unicameralism
10 Netherlands 8.99 Full democracy Constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
11 Luxembourg 8.88 Full democracy Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, unicameralism
12 Ireland 8.56 Full democracy Parliamentary republic and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
13 Austria 8.49 Full democracy Federalism, parliamentary republic and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
14 Germany 8.34 Full democracy Federalism, parliamentary republic and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
15 Malta 8.28 Full democracy Parliamentary republic and parliamentary democracy, unicameralism
16 Czech Republic 8.19 Full democracy Parliamentary republic and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
17 Uruguay 8.17 Full democracy Presidential system, bicameralism
18 United Kingdom 8.16 Full democracy Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
19 United States 8.11 Full democracy Federalism, constitutional republic, presidential system, bicameralism
20 Costa Rica 8.10 Full democracy Presidential system
21 Japan 8.08 Full democracy Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
22 South Korea 8.06 Full democracy Semi-presidential system, unicameralism
23 Belgium 8.05 Full democracy Federalism, constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, bicameralism
24 Mauritius 8.04 Full democracy Parliamentary republic and parliamentary democracy
25 Spain

I'm not sure every one of those above had authoritarian rule in post WW2 era at some point, take Scandinavian nations itself for as example.
And who selected this leaders...Us. Next time when voting , don't vote for free TV, grinder but for good governance and everything will sort out itself.

Why do you think the results have anything to do with how people voted. We cannot recognize elections that are not transparent. EVMs don't meet that standard.

as a fellow INDIAN what would you suggest, that we scrap Democracy and then what?
every nations people will take time from being emotional idiots to inteligent mob. it takes time and patience and still we are evolving. we can not make changes over night to a new system and see the fruits of it, even if its sucessfull, how long can it be sustained in a country of over 1.2 billion people

I suggest more democracy, transparent democracy, which we still don't have.
That sound like a general statement , these are the list of full democracies as of 2011

I'm not sure every one of those above had authoritarian rule in post WW2 era at some point, take Scandinavian nations itself for as example.

All those European constitutional monarchies including the Scandianvians never accepted democracy without a fight and all of them matured into democracy when the industrialisation was already on a sound foundation. In Spain it was until the 1970 after Franco's death, Portugal 1974 after the Carnation revolution. We in Germany had a failled democracy between 1919 to 1933 that ended in the Nazi desaster. True democracy was not established until the student revolts of 1968. Even the shining example of Swiss democracy, it was not until the 1950s that women got voting right in some regions and full suffrage for women was established in 1971. I can go on and on ...

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