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Shoe thrown at Musharraf amid bail extension

lol...... I knew this was coming, cannot compare the two... one is a murderer who received a shoe and other is a murderer who was hailed...

You support him when he has a shoe, sometimes later he will get a gun.

Think of it as a child...when he is 2 years old and all cuddly and the 'ladla' of the family, you give the child everything he wants, fulfill all his wished, but when he grows up he gets that mentality in his mind that he will get whatever he wishes, and when he doesn't he throws a tantrum. Same here, you are supporting an act of violence against a person while he is going towards a court...the guy who threw it will think of himself as a hero, will think that 'hey, it's alright to start beating this guy!', and so on.

its you and your kind who should be ashamed of themselves as you back murderer and blood drinking dictator mushy as right person !! shame on you !

Whatever...I don't back him or support him (he ruined the civil structure), but I don't condemn his actions in Lal Masjid or against Bugti either.
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No matter how much we disagree with Musharraf, this behaviour is not acceptable. Musharraf is a very patriotic man.
This Show throwing has to stop. It does not carry same weight now.

Few months back someone had slapped Sharad Pawar . Something like that would have been more newsworthy. Or, may be throwing pink underwear..
No matter how much we disagree with Musharraf, this behaviour is not acceptable. Musharraf is a very patriotic man.

Agree partly. I don't like the man one bit, but that's what an election is for. Coming back despite the threat of being impeached is somewhat ballsy.
Throwing shoes has now become a fashion! Jeeez! Rotten eggs and tomatoes is now passé! :cheesy:

But seeing that Mush has already so much egg on his face after Kargil, a shoe was thrown at him instead!! :lol:

Why? the price of eggs gone up so much?
Oh wait, Nuclearpak says that a Lawyer threw the shoe; looks like the Lawyers have not forgotten or forgiven how Musharraff humiliated Pakistan's Judiciary. :lol:
Memories are long!
It was a lawyer that threw the show, it hit his face by the looks of it.

I see a complete fail... guy is being staged by some cameramen, in a hope to make their hindu masters happy.
I am sure he was rented out by the corrupt & incompetent politicians to this cowardly act.
Why? the price of eggs gone up so much?
Oh wait, Nuclearpak says that a Lawyer threw the shoe; looks like the Lawyers have not forgotten or forgiven how Musharraff humiliated Pakistan's Judiciary. :lol:
Memories are long!
Should give an idea to the Indian farmers......but then the Indian politicians may feel blessed if smeared by cow dung. :rofl:
both are equal citizens of Pakistan, the one you support plundered Pakistan into this mess... anyway the murderer should be hanged least to say

And the low class loser who threw the shoe - what did he do for his country? He's probably one of the bastards who were first to sympathize with terrorists in custody; same "lawyers" who showers mumtaz Qadri with rose petals and called him ghazi

**** on those "lawyers" like this one; hope the security gave him a thrashing he would never forget

Should give an idea to the Indian farmers......but then the Indian politicians may feel blessed if smeared by cow dung. :rofl:

Their daily ritual

No shoe did not miss Mush......It was on target and hit his nose and cheeks....I saw the videos on news channels:omghaha:

Your reading comprehension and your eye sight clearly leave much to be desired

It missed. And that's lucky for the guy bc he could've been shot and it would be perfectly justified
Should give an idea to the Indian farmers......but then the Indian politicians may feel blessed if smeared by cow dung. :rofl:

Sorry to disappoint you Whindy; you'll not find any takers for your "brilliant idea". :rofl:
Oh, did you just forget that this thread is about a Pakistani Politician in a Pakistani Court getting hit by the business end of a Pakistani shoe thrown by a Pakistani Lawyer.
Obsesssion got the better of you?? :lol: That figures....
Never seen you or any other Indian touch the subject elsewhere.....it seems to be in fashion in India.
Throwing shoes is actually an Iraqi fashion. Whatever, why do you guys always love to copy Indian fashion? Old habits die hard, what? Or you guys must be out of ideas! :P Next time try Indian dung cakes. They resemble thick chapattis. They're lighter and flatter having a fair amount of aerodynamic qualities and due to the spin imparted, can be thrown further with more accuracy!! :azn:
And the low class loser who threw the shoe - what did he do for his country? He's probably one of the bastards who were first to sympathize with terrorists in custody; same "lawyers" who showers mumtaz Qadri with rose petals and called him ghazi

**** on those "lawyers" like this one; hope the security gave him a thrashing he would never forget

Their daily ritual

These scum bag lawyers rather "liars" are the best money can buy....talk about an independent judiciary....some of these penguins would sell their grandmother to make a few bucks......after all Pervez Musharraf is an ex-army chief and president...it's the responsibility of current set up to assure his security......none the less his own detail would keep the low life lawyer well in their mind and focus.
Throwing shoes is actually an Iraqi fashion. Whatever, why do you guys always love to copy Indian fashion? Old habits die hard, what? Or you guys must be out of ideas! :P Next time try Indian dung cakes. They resemble thick chapattis. They're lighter and flatter having a fair amount of aerodynamic qualities and due to the spin imparted, can be thrown further with more accuracy!! :azn:

So the original Iraqi concept has now been patented by India. :)....and who knows the DRDO may lay claims to perfecting the dung cake aerodynamics in their wind tunnels....thus accusing another copyright violation. :undecided:
As much as I criticize Gen Musharraf, I do not agree with such an attack. The dignity of the legal process and the right to dissent - in an appropriate manner - must be upheld at all times.

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