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Ship stealing from Pak-India found finally


Mar 28, 2011
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During colonialism, the largest amount of wealth was stolen from colonies and accumulated in colonizers mother land. From slaves to food to exotic items such as Koh-e-Noor. One of the ways these looting were transferred was by ships loaded with gold and silver. Spanish ships are famous for that bringing looting of gold from Americas. Many sank in Atlantic.

Now one of the last ships carrying silver from India to UK in 1941 which had sank during World War II has been found with over 200 tonnes of sliver on board valued at 230 million dollars. A sad story of slavery and looting.

BBC News - Shipwreck of SS Gairsoppa reveals £150m silver haul
So can we claim the silver they took from us?

As now there are international laws etc now.
So can we claim the silver they took from us?

As now there are international laws etc now.

With our corrupt subservient governments in place, we can not claim anything, unfortunately. There is no political will and no social awareness.
Since the bounty was found in international waters, finders are keepers.
Since the bounty was found in international waters, finders are keepers.

No actually you are wrong. The owner of the cargo or his decendants have the first claim iirespective where it is found. That is why the company is paying the British Govt. GBP 30 million for it. India or Pakistan can well stake claim if they have valid papers.

British have looted billions from indian subcontinent what a big fuss about just 200 million ?
British have looted billions from indian subcontinent what a big fuss about just 200 million ?

It is just a tiny example of what was going on. Even today, shamelessly those same thieves are distributing the loot among themselves without even considering to consult with original owners and even apologize about it. That is the point here.
this habit still prevailing in them.. before they were disparate about silver gold etc, now killing millions for only black gold!

the stealing is still on by a diffrent way they are selling their weapons of billions of doller worth every yaer so that all of our resources can finance their debt and we are fighting and want to show we are military power.
No actually you are wrong. The owner of the cargo or his decendants have the first claim iirespective where it is found. That is why the company is paying the British Govt. GBP 30 million for it. India or Pakistan can well stake claim if they have valid papers.


Britishers had ruled the India this is the biggest Paper.
No actually you are wrong. The owner of the cargo or his decendants have the first claim iirespective where it is found. That is why the company is paying the British Govt. GBP 30 million for it. India or Pakistan can well stake claim if they have valid papers.


You may be correct; my understanding, however, is different.
You may be correct; my understanding, however, is different.

Actually the cargo was a loot being taken away in a war (both war of freedom from colonial rule and WWII). If a pirate ship is sunk with loot the cargo still remains in ownership of the original owner not the looter and not the finder who in this case happens to be the cousin of the looter. That is the biggest law.
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